10 Job Interview Questions and Answers for an Amazon Warehouse Staff

Interview Questions and Answers for an Amazon Warehouse Staff

Amazon jobs are in high demand.

Out of thousands of applicants, only 6 candidates will be interviewed.

In the Amazon job interview, you will be asked around 8 job interview questions during a 45-minute interview. To increase your chances of securing a job offer you will learn the answers to 8 Amazon warehouse job interview questions.

How competitive is an Amazon Warehouse job Interview?

Amazon warehouse is medium in competitiveness

Interview Specifics

Behavioural job interview, last 45 minutes with 8 questions being asked

The key to passing job interviews in preparation and practice, this sounds obvious but is often overlooked, with the average interviewee spending around only 60 minutes preparing for their structured job interview.

During the interview you will have to complete a drug test, take two pieces of photographic identity and sit a short interview.

Job Interview Questions and Answers for an Amazon Warehouse Staff

Can you tell me about you and your warehouse experience?

To answer this interview question highlight 3 key selling points; the amount of experience you have working in the warehouse sector, any relevant qualifications (FLT license, NVQ in warehousing) and your ability to work within a team.

Start with “I have x years warehouse/picking/laborer experience…” or “I have just recently finished education studying X….”

Next, detail any relevant knowledge or strengths ‘…while working at X I was responsible for collecting orders accurate to the delivery note, checking for damage to products and palletizing the goods ready for dispatch…’

End with a selling point ‘…I also have a full fork lift truck license which means I can work both in the yard unloading vans or in the main warehouse…’

What do you know about Amazon and our values?

Research is key here. This question is asked to see if you will feel proud to work for Amazon.

Search for Amazons ‘about me’ page on their website for all their history but more importantly, look at Amazon’s vision and values.

‘I love Amazon, I’m a prime member. What I like is how Amazon value the customer experience. I am also customer focused, this is what motivates me. when picking orders I would do my upmost to get each order accurate, as I wouldn’t want to disappoint any of our customers.’

How does a member of the warehouse team fit in with the team approach to customer satisfaction?

For Amazon, customers come first.

To answer this interview question think about all the different cogs of the organisation and how by getting a parcel out on time affects the whole customer experience gaining loyal customers.

‘A customer who gets the product they requested for at the time they need it will become a repeat customer. This is why the Amazon team need to work together. If for example the marketing team promoted next day deliveries, but the warehouse staff were behind on orders the customer would be dissatisfied. What everyone needs to do if work together for the benefit of the customer.’

How do you ensure the correct goods are sent on time to the correct customer’s address?

With customer service being one of Amazons key values, every process and procedure relates to this key aim.

The interviewer, here, is checking that the interviewee knows the importance of double-checking delivery addresses.

Give a 3 step process;

Step 1 review the order,

Step 2 double-check the order

Step 3 use the Amazon scanners to confirm the address.

Add a bit more meat to the bones, here but this will give you a good framework.

‘When I receive an order for picking I first check the order; quantity of goods, delivery due date and the customer address. Once I have picked the order I will double-check the I have the correct goods before I package the order. Before, sending to dispatch I do a final address check to ensure I have the correct label. The final check comes from using the Amazon scanners that triple checks the accuracy.’

What is the maximum weight per package, you can pick up by hand?

Health and safety is key in the warehouse industry.

At the time of writing the H&S at work act, states that unassisted lifting of parcels can not be heavier than 25kg.

Within this answer explain how you are aware of all H&S work act regulations and how by following these you have never received an injury.

‘As I have previous warehouse experience I ensure I follow all health and safety procedures. When moving any goods above 25kg I will use a pallet truck, trolley or, for heavier loads, a fork lift truck. As well as keeping myself safe, using lifting equipment also ensures the there a lower risk of damage – as a i dropped parcel can damaged the goods.’

What process do you use to remember where a large number of goods are located in the warehouse?

Amazon has a huge warehouse, therefore, it is key to have a good memory to know where each good(s) is located.

Give an example of working in a similarly sized warehouse, explaining the process you used to remember the location of goods.

‘In my last role at X company, they had a large warehouse with multiple goods that needed packing on a daily basis. For this role it was important to know where all the key items were stored. Initially, when I first started, I wrote down which isle the most popular items were stored, allowing me to learn quickly where these goods were. For other items, I spent time reading the storage system, which was an alphabetical system, to memorize where goods were kept.’

What would you do if you had a spillage in the warehouse while having a deadline to dispatch a large number of goods?

This can be seen as a tricky question but really the answer is simple.

If you leave a spillage other employees could have accidents that lead to delays and/or injuries.

After explaining this, talk about how you would ask a colleague to support you with the dispatch deadlines while you cleaned up the spillage (informing your manager of the incident)

‘If I had a spillage while working on an order, I would first cordon off the area as slips, tips and falls are the number of injury in warehouses, which can cause additional delays. I would inform my supervisor and ask if they wanted myself or someone else to see to the order whilst I dealt with the spillage.’

Why are delivery notes so important?

Without a delivery note, the driver would not know what they are taking and to where. Explain how a delivery note is the instructions to ensure that a customer remains happy by receiving the goods they ordered on time and to the correct address.

‘After packing orders that are wrapped on different pallets to be distributed to warehouse across of the UK I double-check the order; stock quantities, addresses and which pallets are required for each delivery truck. Once I am happy with accuracy and pass over the delivery notes to the drivers to tick of each pallets as it is loaded on the truck. This process reduces the risk of good being sent to the wrong address, creating customer delays.’

What would do if you suspected a colleague of stealing goods?

If you have an example use it here. If not explain that you would report any suspicions to your supervisor.

‘If I suspected a thief or had seen any suspicious activity I would report this straight away to a superior. This allows the supervisor to investigate before making a decision on what they need to do next.’

Do you have any questions for me?

Good interview questions to ask interviewers at the end of the job interview include questions on the company growth or expansion, questions on personal development and training, and questions on company values, staff retention and company achievements.

‘What mandatory training do I get once I start a position with Amazon?’

‘Is there any support around internal progression for new staff members?’

‘What are the busiest times of the year?’

‘How are Amazons values imbedded into the processes used by warehouse staff?’

‘Does Amazon project an increase in customer growth and how will that affect this warehouse?’


You can prepare for your job interview, by predicting the job interview questions, which then allows you to easily prepare your job interview answers.

Each job interview answer must highlight your unique selling point, which needs to be spoken in a confident manner.

Interview Questions for a Warehouse Interview

Warehouse Interview

        • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
        • What is your experience in warehouse work?
        • Why is H&S a key part of a warehouse role?

    • If you didn’t have a license would you use the FLT to load goods if you were on a tight time limit?
    • What is the maximum weight you can pick up by hand?
    • How do you ensure you know where all the goods are in the warehouse?
    • What would you do if you had a spillage?

    • Why are delivery notes so important?
    • How would you handle an angry delivery driver who was trying to rush you?
    • Do you have any questions for me?
