Town Planner Interview
A town planner is a professional role, with an average annual earnings of £30,000-£45,000.
The duties do very depending on the organsiation you work for, but in the main you will be involved in the management and development of cities, towns, villages and the countryside.
The job interview questions will be designed to check if you have the competencies to balance the conflicting demands of the job role, to find planning solutions to problems and to use town planning technologies.
This industry is very competitive and competition will be strong. Preparation, therefore, is key to job interview success. Being able to predict the interview questions will help you to form and practice your interview answers.

Town Planner Interview Questions
Give me an example of when used communications effectively
What is knowledge on planning policies and procedures?
What does the Government localism agenda mean for planning?
What was the most recent published planning policy?
What does the revoking of regional spatial strategies mean for the ability of the UK to meet house building targets?
What would you do if the IT systems crashed 30 minutes before an important client deadline?
What is your commitment your professional development?