How to be memorable in an interview

There is a ton of advice about ‘how to standout in a job interview’ all of which is rubbish!


Generally speaking, the advice given is all the same:

  • Arrive early
  • Research the company
  • Prepare your answers in advance
  • Focus on body language
  • Dress to impress

The reason why these generic tips won’t make you memorable is that all job hunters should be doing these things already!

If your not, this is one reason you are failing in the job interview.

This advice is so obvious, it hurts! It’s the same stupid logic as a baking teacher telling you that a tip to bake a really good cake is to use flour!!

What makes people stand out, isn’t doing the same thing as everyone else but doing something different.

“Be unique, be an individual, be memorable.”

What will grab the employers attention?

3 things that stick out in an employers mind are:

  • Positive or negative emotional association with the interviewee
  • An above then average knowledge base on a sector niche
  • Weird unacceptable behaviour

Cover the basics

So, the basics are in the bag; from analysing the job spec, you have listed a potential 10 questions, prepared high-scoring answers and plan to arrive early while wearing a killer outfit.

You’re all set.

You may have even gone so far as to check if the interview is online or face-to-face and change your preparation to meet the style of the job interview.

Next you need to find out how to stand out.

Don’t be memorable for the wrong reasons

Some applicants are memorable, but not in a good way.

To stand out, interviewees might use the peacocking technique.

Peacocking is when a person wears flamboyant clothing to get noticed. The outrageous of the outfit creates interest, just as a peacock showing its brightly colored jewel-toned feathers attracts a mate.

In the real-world, the fashion choice maybe a feather bower, bright and large hat or a sequin suit, items designed to stand out.

For a job interview, the peacocker may tone this down but still wear stylish and brightly coloured outfits.

egocentric interviewee

Maybe these fashion gods are on to a secret, as some psychology research explains how different colours can manipulate an employer’s opinion of a candidate. And much research suggest that the ‘what is beautiful is good‘ bias positively effects the job interview outcome.

But these icons of fashion do have to be careful as an interviewee needs the focus to be on their interview answers, not their interview outfits.

Rude behaviour is another unacceptable way to act in a job interview.

Even though negative behavior makes an interviewee highly memorable, they are remembered for all the wrong reasons.

What is viewed as rude behavior?

  • Not making small talk with the interviewer
  • Purposely trying to our smart the interviewer
  • Ignoring one of the interview panel members
  • Annoying or inappropriate laughter
  • Clock watching or looking board
bored interviewee

There are many ways to come across as rude in a job interview. What is interesting is that some research highlights how interviewees don’t often realise they are actually being rude.

Argumentative angers the interviewer.

Some highly confident and experienced applicants, the egocentric interviewee, will often argue with an employer, believing they can win over an interviewer with their gift of the gab.

Some will even go as far as ignoring blatant evidence that proves the interviewer is correct and what they are saying is wrong.

Employers, especially for high-salary roles, are looking for an applicant who can hold their own, someone who isn’t afraid to stand up for themselves, and someone with a vast knowledge base that can debate technical subjects, but no employer wants to hire an argumentative know it all.

Creating positive memorable impressions

So, we know what doesn’t work, but what steps can an interviewee take to create that all-important positive impression?

The first is an emotional connection.

Much research has shown how affinity increases rapport. Having commonality creates liking, this in itself is memorable.

To be one of the few candidates that the employer remembers at the end of a long day of interviewing, an applicant who knows that they have something in common with the interviewer (attended the same high school, both previously have worked in the same organisation, or have similar backgrounds), can create a conversation.

‘Hi X, thank you for inviting me to be interviewed. I think we have both worked at the same organisation’

The ambiguity of the statement ‘the same organisation’ creates intrigue, leading to an automatic reply:

‘really, which company was that?’

Leading to a detailed conversation.

Frame the Focus

The goal, when being interviewed, is to get the employer to focus on how your strengths and experiences are relevant to the advertised job role.

To frame the employers focus on an interviewees suitability, the applicant can ask questions at two key points during the interview process; the interview start and close.

Once invited into the interview room, the interviewer will make small talk. During the small talk the applicant can help to steer the interviewers focus by saying:

‘I was really glad to receive the interview offer as I have admired this company for a long time. Can I ask, what was it about my application that made you want to interview me?’

This question makes the interviewer focus on what they initially liked about the applicant, creating a positive association, increasing liking.

optimistic interviewee

Marketers use the same psychology to create likeability with brand names. Why do you repeatedly use the same brand of washing powder? Because the advertisements you see create an emotional likeability factor.

At the interview end, the same technique can be employed during the section when an applicant can ask the employer a question(s):

‘After hearing about my extensive experience how do you see me fitting into the team?’

This question moves the thought process to a future-orientated focus; seeing the applicant working within the team.

Emotional Stories

Stories move people. This is why the publishing and the film industry is so lucrative.

In the job interview, storytelling can be employed to create memorability through an emotional roller-coaster.

When asked an interview question, such as ‘give me an example of effective communication’ a common approach, often due to a nervous interviewee, is to randomly list relevant information:

‘I have to communicate on a regular basis, I communicate internally and externally, with various stakeholders, to peers and colleagues. I communicate on the phone, by email, face to face. I understand the importance of listening, repeating directions and checking other people’s communication.’

The ‘list’ technique does cover a wide range of criteria but doesn’t create an emotional memory.

It’s the emotional connections that create lasting memories and scores high on the interview scorecard.

Instead of ‘listing’ tell a story. In storytelling, the applicant will naturally set the scene, talking about the problem they were facing.

In this story, the interviewee is the hero. By focusing on the hero’s actions, the interviewer becomes an advocate for the applicant, wanting them to win. Just as an audience supports the main character in a film.

The story ends, as with all stories, with a positive conclusion.

Authority equals likeability

Successful job applicants, for high paying jobs, are viewed as experts.

An applicant who seen as being an ‘authority’ on a subject is desirable and memorable as an employer can clearly see the value of employing this expert.

To be seen as an expert:

  • Use industry jargon
  • Break interview answers down into step-by step process
  • Embed sector models and theories into the interview answer

Highly experience sector professionals natural language is industry-focused. A less experienced applicant can be seen as having more experience and expertise than they do by employing these three simple techniques; jargon, processes, and sector models.

Job Interview Advice

How To Build a Positive Relationship With Your Interviewer in Minutes

Build a Positive Relationship With Your Interviewer in Minutes

A positive relationship is the key to a successful relationship.

The problem, of course, is you only have a few minutes to get the employer to like you.

The interviewer’s perspective of you is key because all of your following answers will be filtered through your recently built, positive or negative, relationship.

These 3 steps will help create a positive relationship with your interviewer, within minutes of walking into the interview room

Set Up Your Own Coaching Business

The Power of a Smile

The first step is so simple it’s stupid.

But the fact is that most interviewees aren’t relaxed enough to smile.

A smile is powerful because of 3 reasons.

The first is that you look confident and friendly when you smile – your smile is your best feature. When you smile, due to mirror neurons, the interviewer will feel the same happy emotions they would feel if they were smiling themselves.

Secondly, when you smile you come across as approachable and trustworthy; this allows the interviewer to open up to you because they feel relaxed in your presence.

Thirdly. It has been proven that you are seen as more attractive when you smile. And it’s also been proven that you are more likely to be offered the position is the interviewer finds you attractive.

Engage the Interviewer

At the interviewer start, ask the interviewer questions, ideally about them-self.

This is easier than it seems, you simply at the interview start make small talk.

You can ask about the number of interviews they have planned on that day, you can follow this by asking what they are going to do that night to relax? It’s at this point that you need to ask questions and show interest in the interviewer’s answers.

Naturally, we love to be the focus of attention. We also love the people who show us this attention and will want to be around them more often.

Interview questions and answers

Address the Interviewer By Name

Like the first step, this third suggestion is really easy to implement and helps to influence the interviewer.

People respond better to people who use their name.

Using the interviewer’s name shows that you are interested, you have remembered their name and it helps to create a bond between the two of you.

Psychologically speaking, the interviewer will like you more if you both share a similar sounding name.

This same natural likability factor works with anything you have in common; name, went to the same school, follow the same sports team, live in the same district when you were young.

3 Ways to Get Any Interviewer To Like You

Rapport is often an undervalued skill in the job interview. But if an employer respects your experience, skills and qualities as well as liking you as a person, the likelihood of achieving a successful job offer is ten fold.

Increasing likeability is easy and takes a little bit of psychology. Today you will learn 3 simple techniques to increase likeability in the job interview.

Get The Interviewer To Like You – Tip 1

People like to be praised. If you make the interviewer, through positive praise, feel good about themselves, they will like you more.

At the interview start discuss a project that the interviewer was part off and subtly praise his work.

To boost this rapport ask questions about their process and achievements, if you can get the interviewer talking happily about a positive and successful experience, they will unconsciously associate the positive emotions to you and your interview performance

Get The Interviewer To Like You – Tip 2

For internal promotional interviews you can use the rule off reciprocity. If you tell someone that you like them they will automatically like you more.

In a job interview this approach can seem overboard. Instead tell others who you know have the interviewers ear, how you respect him, believe in his work principles and how you like both his work style and persona. Once he hears how you like him, his liking for you will increase

Get The Interviewer To Like You – Tip 3

Focus on the future. When an interviewer can imagine you being successful in the job interview their likeness for you will increase as all interviewers want to hire someone who can make a real difference.

When asked interview questions, keep your answers about past successes to a minimum and instead, discuss and explain how you will make a difference, in the future, in their company once they hire you.

Talk about how you WILL solve problems, achieve goals and increase profit.

How to Influence People at Work

Build Rapport

People like people who are like them.

Everyone has something in common with another person, the key is to find out what this is and use it as an icebreaker. Spend a little time each day asking people about their children, partners, holidays etc.

This shows that you are interested in the person not just their value in the workplace. Remember, we like to say yes to people we like. Listen intently when others are talking, reassuring through positive body language, nodding and reassuring that you are interested.

Don’t interrupt and always ask questions, this indicates that you are interested, if they feel safe and they like you they will keep on saying yes. Mirroring body language can be equalising – When talking to someone who is sat down you should also sit. By sitting down (or standing up if required!) you ensure your eye line is level with the other person. You are establishing yourself as an equal rather than an aggressive or submissive individual.

Respected or Popular?

One of the most critical mistakes colleagues make at work is the pursuit of popularity rather than respect.

Most of us are concerned with how others see us and can dwell on this, when respect rather than popularity will make you more influential. During a meeting if part of your agenda is to retain popularity this will reflect in your body language and you may appear submissive.

The top of your agenda should be to concentrate on getting your point across. Don’t guess answers or say yes if you don’t agree, give your opinion and back this up with evidence; you can do this with a smile, in a calm voice while being relaxed, this helps when your opinion differs from that of the person(s) your talking to.

Demonstrate creativity and leadership, this will highlight your knowledge and show that you are not just following others.

What would you like to achieve?

We follow authority and experts, share with people your expertise on the topic/discussion, don’t be embarrassed people wont know about your strengths and experiences until you tell them.

State what you want to achieve straight away, don’t try to cover what you want to say in cotton balls, don’t add pleasantries “I hope you don’t mind” etc as this can sometime make the message less clear then we want it to be. You want others to see the benefits and possibilities of your ideas.

Be truthful, if something has not worked tell them and back this up with your strongest suggestion, this will show you as knowledgeable and honest. Your message has to be constant throughout, to increase people following through on your ideas get them to write it down, people tend to live up to what they have written and signed.

Can you listen?

We all have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we talk. As well as listening to what people are saying, you need to hear what is not being said. By listening to others you can easily find out what motivates them and what de-motivates individuals.

If you help others, others will help you.

Help your colleagues with work, getting others a sandwich while your getting your dinner, hold open doors. If you help people, then they will feel more compelled to help you. When presenting ideas and suggestions to others, explained to them “what they will get out of it” not just what you and/or the company will gain.

When you are thanked Don’t undermine your powerful position by saying something like, “Oh, it was nothing; I do that all the time” Say “I was glad to do it, I know you would do the same for me”

Timing is Everything.

Plan your timing, if someone is busy or has other things on their mind they will not take in what you are saying, in many situations you need to ensure your first conversation/presentation convinces them as you may not get a second chance.

Looking for Fame?

Often people look for the fame and glory of giving an idea, you have come up with a positive suggestion that can help others and/or the company move forward.

If you want to take the fame for this idea, often you will not listen or take on board other people’s suggestions that may improve your original idea. Step back, become emotionally dissociated and critically evaluate all ideas including your own. You do not have to be popular to influence others.

Show the way.

Explain what people will gain and also what they will lose, people are motivated either towards something (a positive) or away from something (a negative)

Make your suggestion/time scarce as people hate to miss out an opportunity, tell them they can only succeed if they follow your direction, as you are the expert.

Show people the way, prompt them and let them work it out for themselves. Never be to forceful as this will only work for a small period of time until people start to resent you. People like to feel they have contributed to what they are doing.

People are followers, once you have people on board with other.