3 Psychological Tactics to Sell Yourself at a Job Interview

Th Psychological Tactics You Need to Sell Yourself in a Job Interview

Marketers, sales professionals and big brands use sales psychology to influence your spending habits.

These same psychological tactics can be employed in the job interview, giving you the upper hand. Here are 3 psychological tactics to sell yourself at a job interview.

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 Psychological Sales Tactic #1

Emotional by-in

Many studies have repeatedly highlighted that people by goods, ideas and recruit staff due to how the product will effect the person.

In the job interview you are more likely to be hired by using emotional stories to highlight your skills and experience, rather then just listing your qualities, traits and successes.

When answering “give me an example of….” questions, start by stating the pain of the current situation, explain what steps you took and then highlight the positive and emotional outcome.

Psychological Sales Tactic #2

Offer out your weaknesses

The “what is your weakness?” interview question is asked less and less these days, due to applicants searching on YouTube for the best answer. But when buying any product we are naturally suspicious, just as the interviewer is when you only state positives.

By stating your own flaws (don’t go overboard) you create credibility. Credibility, especially when mixed with likability will lower the interviewers defensive. The employer at this stage is more likely to buy in to you, believing the following interview answers.

Interview questions and answers

Psychological Sales Tactic #3

Create fear

At some stage during the interview if you are using all the rules from influencing the interview, you will know that the employer is impressed, they want you.

Scarcity is a powerful motivator. People on eBay, will purchase more for a product then they originally stated they would due to the thought of losing out.

You can use the same psychology in the job interview, if the interviewer, who by now wants to offer you the position, believes you may take an offered job from a competitive company they will compelled to desire you even more.

At some stage in the interview let in slip how you have been successful in other interviews.

Job Interview Questions for a Procurement Officer

How to Pass a Procurement Officer Job Interview

To prepare for a procurement job interview you first need to predict the job interview questions. To do this simply read the job spec and turn each duty or essential criteria into a job interview question.

As a procurement officer, your average salary will be between £30,000-£45,000. At this level of salary an employer will expect a high level of knowledge to be expressed throughout the job interview.

Being responsible for sourcing and procuring quality equipment, goods or service at competitive prices inline with an organizations strategic strategy, means interviewers will want to hear how you can build relationships, finding new suppliers, negotiation skills  and record keeping.

In addition, throughout the job interview, ensure you  show an awareness of risk management and ethical issues.

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Job Interview Questions for a Procurement Officer

Interview Question 1 tell me about your experience as a procurement officer and the required skills you need to be successful in this role.

Interview Question 2 how do you deal with a supplier who states that your order will be late?

Interview Question 3 What is your approaching when dealing with a disgruntled customer?

Interview Question 4 how do you review your performance?

Interview Question 5 how do you negotiate successfully with a supplier?

Interview Question 6 are you enthusiastic and a good team player?

Interview questions and answers

Interview Question 7 give an example of taking the initiative

Interview Question 8 what skills do you need to be a procurement officer?

Interview Question 9 how will you make a really impact if you were successful?

Interview Question 10 do you have any questions for me?

5 Things to Do After an Interview that Helps You Seal the Deal

What To Do After an Interview to Seal the Deal

The three step process of searching a job includes:

  • Drafting a perfect resume
  • Preparing for the Interview
  • Post-Interview Follow-Ups

The first two steps are conventional and you prepare according to the job you apply to. Done with the job interview, now what’s next?

Once you have shaken hands and parted ways, you do not just have to sit ideal and wait for the employer to get in touch with you.

Here are five things you should be doing after an interview that help you get the job.

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#1 Write a Thank You Note

Firstly, when in an interview remember to collect business cards from each member that you meet in your process.

The best way to follow up is to write an e-mail within 24 hours of the interview. Your follow-up mail should be drafted in a job letter format starting with acknowledging each one of them for their time and then reiterate why you are the perfect fit for the job.

Use this follow-up email to thank the interviewers for the time they invested in meeting you, express what interests you in the position and anything you feel led to a personal connection during the interview process.

Another quick way to leave an impressive mark in the minds of the interviewers, leave a hand written thank you note followed by a follow-up email in a week’ time.

#2 Judiciously Connect Online

It might be tempting to connect with everyone that you have met with online.

Do so, but make sure that it does not leave an impression of you stalking them. Check their online presence before you reach out sending those requests. For example, someone you met at ABC organization has more than 500 people on his/her LinkedIn account implies that he/she is open to accept requests.

On the other hand, there might be someone with a private account. So hold yourself there, before you send out a request.

To be on the safe side, it is better to follow people or the organization on Twitter. It displays that you have a keen interest in the company. Keep Facebook for friends and family. Connection professionally on Facebook might turn the tables around for you.

#3 Follow-Up Again

It can take a while to get a response from the employer after you have had that interview. The reasons can be many.

If this is the case, you should consider following up again. But make sure that you have something new to offer each time you write a follow-up e-mail.

You can look out for a piece of news or what’s happening in the related industry and share it in a small follow-up note.

#4 Keep Those Notes

It is important that you have a track of job openings you pursue, the resumes sent and the contacts you have made through an application.

Once you are done with an interview, take out time and make notes listing down the people you met, the conversation you had and what remarkable you learned through the process.

Additionally also keep a note of the impressions you made and any concerns or questions you would like to put up to the employer when given a chance.

Interview questions and answers

#5 Make a Call

Communicating electronically has become the norm these days.

The extent is to the level that some people today think that a phone call will intrude their time. So, when you call someone make sure that you are considerate and careful both at the same time.

Recall, if they told you to call or drop an email. If not and you have already tried to get in touch through an e-mail without any response, before calling think about what you are going to say. It is better to practice before you make the call.

Finding a job is not an easy task. If you get an opportunity, make sure you use it to the fullest. Some annoying things candidates do in name of follow-up can harm the chances of you making it to the job. Here is a list of things you must not do definitely to keep your chances high.

  • Following-Up too much
  • Changing the salary expectations after the discussion
  • Acting like you have the job
  • Skipping the thank you note
  • Bringing up other job offers

Author Bio

Akansha Arora is a professional writer and blogger who loves to pen down her views on a number of topics that interest a reader. She writes keeping in mind the current scenarios and wishes to keep her readers well informed. 

3 Body Language Tricks to Make The Interviewer See You As Confident

Use Body Language Tricks to be Seen as Confident

Confidence in the job interview is everything.

Even if you feel nervous you need to, externally show confidence.

These clever body language tricks will help convince any job interview that you are one hell of a confident interviewee.

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Job Interview Confidence Trick 1

This visualization trick is used by actors.

As you walk into the interview room, the interviewer will look up from his desk and make an opinion about your level of confidence from your posture.

To create a positive posture, imagine that there is a piece of string dangling from the door frame of the interview room. It is long enough to touch the very top of your head. As you walk through the doorway, imagine lifting your head and straitening your back, so your head just reaches the bottom of the string.

This will help you to create a confidence looking posture, influencing the job interview.

Job Interview Confidence Trick 2

Is that Dave? God I’ve not seen you since school

Whenever you meet an old friend who you haven’t seen in ages, you instantly smile, a big bright smile.

A big smile makes the friend feel warm and specially. When in an interview situation, wait until you walk through the doorway and then smile a big bright smile at the interviewer, imagine that the interviewer is an old friend.

This smile will create rapport, likability and you will be seen as positive, approachable and confident.Interview questions and answers

Job Interview Confidence Trick 3

Talk with your hands

Nervous and shy people keep there hands down their sides, it’s as if they want to make themselves look small, unnoticeable.

Confident people will express themselves and communicate with words and gestures. Don’t only does a person who talks with their hands increase communication they look more confident and relaxed.

Change Your Language Change Your Interview Stress Levels

Understand How Language Change Interview Stress Levels.

Job interviews are really stressful, but are more more stressful by the language the interviewee uses when trying to motivate themselves.

The actual words we use when talking to our-self has a massive impact on your emotional well being. Our internal dialog is created automatically, by taking control of your personal language, you create interview confidence, reducing job interview stress.

Here are 3 simple ways to reduce job interview stress by choosing stress reducing words

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Speaking in the Third Person

Stressed and anxious interviewees use associated language “I have to answer all the interview questions…” Is this is said from a negative perspective, the visual imagery you create from these words increases stress.

Self-distancing helps you to control your thoughts and emotional response. By using disassociated phrases the stress impact lowers “Chris has to answer all the interview questions..” you change your perspective, changing your response and behavior.

To lessen stress, think about the phrasing of yourself talk. Become aware of the “I” you are using, and repeat the same phrase replacing “I” with your name.

Strong and Weak Words

When preparing for the job interview it is easy to fall into the trap of using weak words that didn’t motivate.

Take these 2 examples;

  • I’m going to try and pass the job interview
  • I will pass the job interview

Words such as “try” “maybe” “want” don’t create the feeling of commitment. By replacing these weak words with commitment statements you are more likely to achieve your goals.

When feeling committed to a passing a job interview, your stress levels naturally drop as you have  a positive focus which creates interview confidence.

Interview questions and answers

Language and Perspective

Interviewees often focus on the negative reasons why they need to pass the job interview.

The way you phrase your reason for attending the job interview will create stress or desire.

Most people phrase their job interview goal in the negative stating the thing they want to get away from “I don’t want to be unemployed…”

What you say to yourself, your reason for the job interview, is represented by visual imagery. This image creates an emotional response, either positive or negative and only positive emotions help you to relax in the job interview, increasing confidence.

To increase job interview confidence, reframe your negatively phrased goal positively “I want to gain a job with a pay rise”

Q & A For Job Interview: How to Prepare for Them for a Job in Healthcare Industry?

How to Prepare for Them for a Job in Healthcare Industry?

Finally, you got the interview call for that much-awaited job and you want everything to go in the right course from here.

What you first need to do is prepare yourself for the Q & A part of the interview session. Preparing yourself with right questions is crucial for success of a job interview.

Asking right Q & A in a job interview keeps you focused on the interview and shows that you are interested in the job.

To prepare yourself for this critical stage of interview, you need to keep the following 10 questions & answers in mind:

Why Are You Interested in the Job?

Answering this question can make a huge difference in the outcome of your job interview. Rather than citing reasons, such as lucrative salary or outstanding allowances, you should tell the interviewer about how this job would help you reach your professional goals.

What Are Your Weaknesses?

This one can be a tricky question as no one would want to reveal his weaknesses or negative points. So you need to be more diplomatic with your answer and avoid saying something that would hurt your chances of getting the job.

Let’s say, you applied for the position of nurse. Rather than saying that you are an emotionally-sensitive person, you need to connect your kind-hearted nature to your job and how it would help you serve your patients whole-heartedly.

How Do You Deal With Stressful Situations?

Working in healthcare industry can be emotionally challenging as you will be dealing with critically-ill patients. So you have to come up with a good answer to convince the interviewer that you are a good fit for the job. To make a strong case, you can cite reason from your life experiences that make you strong enough to face the emotionally-demanding situations of hospital life.

What Were The Reasons That Made You Leave Your Last Job?

Your current would be interested to know the reasons that made you quit your last job. Avoid bitching about your previous employer as it will show you in the bad light. Instead you should cite your career goals as primary motives to leave your last job.

You can mention about career preferences, such as better working opportunities and higher work satisfaction, as major reasons for switching the job.

What Motivates You In the Job?

Your interviewer would be interested in knowing the things that make you feel motivated in the job. As you will be working in the healthcare organization, you should connect your answers to ordeals of patients and how consoling them makes you happy. This will show that you care for ailing people which is a fundamental objective of professionals working in healthcare organizations.

What Makes You Stand Out From Other Candidates?

Remember that you are one of the many candidates appearing in a job interview. So your employer would be interested in the unique skills you will bring along to the job. Selling your skills is crucial at this stage to increase your chances of getting the job.

For example, you can give organizational skills as your unique selling point and how it helps you effectively manage your job.

What Salary Would You Want?

Salary negotiation is a big and tactical part of any job interview. Settling on a good reimbursement would be critical for success of your interview. Keeping the margin of bargain in mind, you should take a door-in-the-face approach by asking for a bigger salary figure than you want. Keep it professional and make bargains in exchange for any extra responsibilities.

For example, if you are applying for the position that requires working in shifts, you should discuss about allowances and other perks that are applicable in shift work.

What Are Your Goals?

Employers are interested to know about your goals and how you intend to manage your career. The typical question “how do you see yourself five years down the line?” is a common question for a job interview.

For example, if you are applying for a position of general physician, you can discuss your plan of becoming a specialist and the academic and professional courses you intend to seek to achieve your ambition.

Why Do You Want to Work With Us?

The interviewer is interested to know the reasons that made you choose his organization. Giving generic answers would not help. Rather than giving common answers, such as “I like your organization” or “I have been dreaming about working in your organization, you need to come up with more specific reasons as what inspires you to become part of the organization.

For example, you can say, “I want to work in your organization as it goes with my values.” Or “I am interested to work in your organization because it is serving a noble cause and I want to become a part of it.”

What Are Your Strengths?

An employer is interested to know about your strong points and what makes you a perfect candidate for the job. At this stage, you need to highlight your strengths and connect them with your job. For example, if you applied for the position of medical assistant, you can give reasons such as multitasking skills, attention to details and communication skills as primary reasons why you deserve the job.

Working in healthcare sector is a privilege for anyone as it gives you an opportunity to serve the humankind. Make sure that you keep in mind the above-mentioned 10 Qs & As to ensure success of your job interview for a position in this industry.

About Author:

Esperanza Denise is a HR manager for a fresh new startup that is dedicated to helping learners and providing help with dissertation. She’s also into sketching, painting, designing and blogging, and she spends most of her time finding something new to do.

Interview Question What Is Your Dream Job?

What is your dream job? Interview Question

This article will teach you how to answer the interview question “what is your dream job?”

This question is designed to uncover if you want a job because you are passionate about what you do or because you simply want a salary.

The trick to passing job interviews is to predict the interview question and to prepare a killer interview answer.

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What is Your Dream Job Interview Question

Rather than just mentioning the job title, explain the duties you preference relevant to the job criteria.

Also, you can state how your dream job would be somewhere with a good work ethic and commitment to staff development. 

Example Interview Answer

“I have always wanted to work within an organisation with a reputation for excellence, like this one. My dream job has been in a role where I can solve business problems and make a difference with other organisations. What is really important to me, is to work within a good team in a company that is moving forward”

Interview Video Tutorial – what is your dream job?

Interview Question What Are Your Strengths?

What Are Your Strengths?

This article will teach you how to answer the interview question “what are your strengths?”

What are your strength and weaknesses interview questions are among the top 10 asked interview questions?

Because this interview question is so common you can easily prepare for it. To answer this interview question you need to state key skills and qualities relevant to the job position and back this up with an example.

job interview questions

How to approach the ‘strengths’ interview question

This  is one of the most common interview questions. Make your answer relevant to the job position – check the job criteria on the job spec.

The interviewer here is trying to uncover if your strengths and skills are relevant to the role you are applying for.

Example Answer

“I have often been told that I have an eye for detail and that I am very accurate and precise. This was very important in my previous role where I worked on large business accounts.”

Interview Video Tutorial – strength based interview questions

Job Interview Question Video “Can you work under pressure?”

Job Interview Question “Can you work under pressure?”

The interview question video will help you learn how to answer the interview question “can you work under pressure?” When asked questions on job criteria you need to state that you can do criteria (in this example work under pressure) and back this up with an example

In this article, we have broken down what the interviewer is looking for in a perfect job interview answer and to help you create the perfect answer we have recorded an example answer

Job interview Question Video “can you work under pressure?”

Interview Question Can you work under pressure?

Be honest, if you can’t work under pressure and this is a pressured job role, is it really for you? If you can work under pressure give a real experience for an answer.

Example Interview Answer

“Yes, I actually enjoy it. One of my strengths is that I can start several tasks at the same time while working to deadlines, I don’t get flustered I keep a calm head and ensure the task get prioritized in order of importance”

Job Interview Question Video “What has disappointment you about a previous position?”

Job Interview Question “What has disappointed you about a previous position?”

This interview question video will teach you how to answer the interview question “what has disappointed you about a previous position?”

When asked any negative interview question you need to reframe this to sound positive. This video explains using a reframe or contrast to answer the interview question.

Interview Question Video

Explanation of the Question:

Again we always need to stay away from any negative answers.

Start with a positive and follow this up with why you’re looking for a new role. This keeps your answer positive.

Example Interview Answer

“I have enjoyed all my jobs and with every new job, I gain new skills and confidence. Currently, I am looking for a new role, not because I’m disappointed but more because I want a bigger challenge, more responsibility, etc”