Graduate Jobs Interview Questions

Graduating into Employment

Post higher education, accessing the world of work can not only be daunting it can be harder then expected.

Having a degree doesn’t guarantee job offers. In fact, for many industries, a degree is a minimum requirement, not a gold standard.

What is a graduate scheme?

One option for graduates is a ‘graduate scheme.’ A graduate scheme is a 1-3 year structured training programme designed by an employer to support a new graduate to gain a level of industry competencies.

Even though a graduate scheme is an employed training scheme, starting salaries can be high. The negative side of a well paid training programme for graduates is the competition for each graduate scheme vacancy.

Graduate schemes vacancies often go live between from July-Nov. The recruiting process is often long and can include a CV, application form, assessment centers and competency-based interviews, with most employers looking for graduates with a 2.1 grade.

In addition to a well paid graduate job, most employers will offer graduates a full time position once the graduate scheme has ended.

What is a graduate job?

A graduate job is essentially a job for graduates, often the first position the graduate accesses after university or higher education in a further education establishment.

Graduate positions are those roles that require the applicants to possess a certain level of knowledge and skills gained from completing a degree level course. This level of industry knowledge reassures the employer that the graduate will be able to complete sector related activities.

The application route for a graduate job is the same process for employed jobs in each sector, with a common recruitment process comprising off application form, assessment and panel interview.

What is an internship?

Another option for graduates (and current students) is to apply for an internship. The internship, which often last around 1-12 months and can be full or part-time, is a chance for the ‘intern’ to gain sector experience by becoming employed (some internships are voluntary) and taking on sector related duties.

Even with the voluntary internships and for all paid internships, the graduate needs to apply for the inten position as they would a full time role.

Graduate Job Interviews

For all 3 options; internship, graduate job or a graduate scheme, the graduate will be expected to attend and pass an interview as part of the recruitment process.

Questions asked to graduates vary from the commonly asked job interview questions, even though there is some overlap.

Graduate interviews will generally be split into 3 sections, with interview questions being asked on the applicant’s degree course, their industry knowledge in the form of technical questions and work ethic.

Graduate Interview Questions

Applicant’s degree course interview questions

Tell me about your degree course and what you have learnt from it?

What has been your biggest achievement during your time at university?

What grade did you achieve and was this what you expected to achieve?

What part of the degree course did you least enjoy?

Why did you choose that particular degree?

Technical (sector related) interview questions

Technical interview questions varying depending on each industry but will often come in the following format:

What does (add abbreviation) mean?

How would you complete X process or system?

What is your understanding of (sector model/theory)?

Do you have any (industry) related experience?

How is technology changing the future of our sector?

Work ethic interview questions

Did you have a job while studying?

What examples of working collaboratively can you provide?

What would your teacher/professor say about you?

Explain how you would contribute to meeting the organization objectives?

What would you do if a deadline was approaching but you only had 30 minutes until the end of the working day?

Job Interview Advice

How to pass an IStructE professional review interview

How to become a chartered structural engineer – UK

Structural engineers, once qualified, can become ‘chartered’ by passing an IStructE interview, which checks that the structural engineer has a high level of knowledge of all of the 13 core objectives of the IPD (initial personal development).

In addition, to become chartered, the structural engineer needs to complete the chartered membership exam, produce a 2-page experience report (similar to a CV) and possess an IStructE accredited engineering degree.

IStructE Interview

The IStructE chartered interview will last for around 1 hr, including a 15-minute presentation.

The data shows a 75% interview success rate.

The interview can be conducted prior or post the taking of the chartered membership exam.

Chartered Membership Exam

The exam, required to become a chartered engineer, will last for seven hours and is split into two sections; the preparation of a design proposal and calculations, in which each section is worth 50% of the total marks.

Structural engineers will be tested on their knowledge of structural engineering principles, explaining structural design concepts and their ability to find viable solutions to engineering design problems.

As part of the seven hours long exam, the engineer can choose 1 of 5 questions with each question having two sections; design proposal and calculations. Both parts of the question must be satisfactorily answered to achieve a pass;

Section 1 – design proposal looks at functional framing, load transfer and stability.

Section 2 – calculations for the form and size of principle structural elements.

IStructE professional review interview

The IStructE interview is essential a competency-based interview. During the interview, each engineer will be asked to present a 15-minute presentation

IStructE interview presentation

The presentation should last around 15 minutes and be focused on presenting evidence of the candidates involvement in the work stated within the portfolio, showing engineering and technical content and innovation.

IStructE Interview Questions

Engineers will be asked around 10-20 interview questions, with high marks being allocated to interviewees who reference the 13 core objectives (showing knowledge and experience) with confidence, creating a positive or negative impression of the applicant’s competencies, their interview identity.

The interview questions are, in the main, relating to the candidate’s portfolio to check the engineer’s level of knowledge and understanding.

The interviewer(s) aren’t trying to catch out the engineer, instead, they are looking at the interviewee’s competency level and knowledge of the core objectives.

Tip – Bring evidence of your work and personal development to show during the job interview.

Remember – You will be interviewed by at least two interviewers.

Here is a list of some potential IStructE interview questions applicants may be asked, and therefore need to prepare for. Remember, unlike a job interview where the employer is asking questions relating to a set of criteria they require for the advertised position, in the professional review interview, the interviewers are asking in-depth questions based on the applicant’s portfolio to check (and collect more evidence of) the engineers level of competencies and experiences.

Many questions asked will be to clarify ambiguous statements or missing details from the applicant’s portfolio. An example of this would be “who made the decision to do X?” which checks if the candidates level of authority on a project and therefore their experience and knowledge level.

Example Interview Questions asked in a IStructE professional review interview.

Where do you sit within the organisation?

Was this a collaborative project?

How do you decide what technologies are relevant to your project?

Can you tell me a about a practical engineering problem that you had to overcome?

When you worked as part of a team, did the team members report directly to you or was it part of a matrix management system?

How did you communicate across a multifaceted project or organization?

How did you explain technical information to none technical project team members?

Who made the decision to go forward with the project once the initial cost estimation had been reviewed?

How did you risk assess the project?

(When discussing a project) What was your role in that project?

What are your development objectives for the next 5 years?

How do you keep up to date with industry regulations?

Is there anything more that we should know?

An informal interview, therefore, is a conversational job interview that has no structure and scoring process, resulting in hiring decisions being made ’emotionally’.

IStructE Technical Interview Questions

In addition, the interviewers will asked engineering technical questions – in fact around 80% of the interview questions will be technical, relating to the applicant’s portfolio of work.

What are the sub-grades of steel?

Where do you connect ground water relief drains?

What would be your criteria for determining if more stability structure was required?

What about maintaining the continuity of the slab for diaphragm action?

Would it have been better to tie the wall into the slab with resin anchored reinforcement?

For the Typical Internal Stability Framing – what was the reasoning for designating all connections as moment-transfering?

What are your thoughts on the provision of torsional reinforcement in the downstand beam supporting the cantilever?

How do you provide out of plane stability for the steel option?

How do you provide ties between the precast floor and the wall?

What is the reason for the lateral stability columns being internal?

What column base idealisation was selected?

How would you justify a moment-resisting pad foundation?

Where, and what kind of moment connections would you have proposed for the glulam option?

How would the height of a piling rig influence the final option in a restricted height environment if the bedrock was deeper than anticipated?

How would you agree on the limiting influence on the buried services from the foundations with the owner of the services tunnel?

How would you design against vehicle crash loading?

Are there any special considerations for working in close proximity to railways?

How would you deal with a breach of health and safety on site?

Job Interview Advice

The new style of Interview Questions Employers are adopting

The type of job interview questions being asked during recruitment processes has started to change. Why? Because commonly asked job interview questions are predictable, allowing interviewees to create and rehearse their answers prior to the job interview.

The well established, and easy to predict, job interview questions are being asked less frequently because a pre-rehearsed answer makes it difficult for an employer to accurately predict a candidate’s job performance – the goal of a job interview.

‘Are you a good team player?’ – to obvious for a modern day interview.

‘Have you ever taken a day off work?’ – the data is now gathered via an employer reference.

‘What motivates you?’ – predictable, with many answers lacking real substance and therefore insight into the employee’s work ethic.

Instead, a new style of personal-value interview questions are being asked, designed to uncover an applicant’s work ethic, motivational style and to predict a candidate’s job performance.

These interview questions are harder to predict as the questions don’t come up during a ‘job interview question’ Google search….until now!

New Interview Questions

What is the vision for your career?

At face value, this question feels like an employer is being friendly, asking about the applicant’s longer-term objective. Reading between the lines it is obvious that the employer is really asking about employee retention.

Open interviewees might well discuss different sectors they are interested in or mention starting up a business, some may talk about promotional opportunities and becoming an industry expert in the position they are applying for.

There are no right or wrong answers, from an applicant’s perspective, but to get hired employers are looking for a recruit who they can train up, support and develop, and in return an employee who desires to work, for a long timer within their organisation.

What was the decision for accepting the position at your last employer and the decision for leaving them?

A very cleverly worded interview question that strikes at the heart of the matter – an employees motivational pull.

Research shows that career professionals will spend a similar duration, give or take a year or two, with each employer. Answers like ‘I felt it was time to move on’ are clues to this employee’s mindset.

Mentioning a ‘challenge’ for both parts of the question indicates that the employee becomes easily bored.

‘Wanting to be part of a bigger organisation’ can show that an applicant has ambition.

One of the best ways to answer the second part of the question is for the applicant to state how they were very happy with their current employer and only decided to apply for another role after a friend shown them the job advert knowing that (the applicant) had always wanted to work for this organisation.

Imagine you had £7000 to spend on professional-development, what would you do with it?

Many of these new tricky interview questions can daunting, but often the roots of the question relate back to a traditional interview question(s). This question is a new version of the ‘what do you do to keep up with your professional development?’

When answering the question split the answer into two parts. Part 1 what you have currently done to develop your skills and Part 2 how you would spend the £7k

“I would love to have £70000 to spend on professional development. Over the past 2 years, I have focused on developing X and have completed X training courses, gaining skills that I have used to (give a unique selling point)…”

“…If I had £7000 I would want to develop (add specialist knowledge) as this could be used to (generate income)”

This interview answer template is saying 1) I am a lifelong learner 2) I utilise new learning to help to company achieve its objectives 3) I have all the basic industry knowledge so I would only require specific training that could add value to the organisation.

If you were me, what question would you ask you to uncover your weaknesses?

The framing of this question is perfect. The old ‘what are your weaknesses?’ interview question was pants, resulting in most interviewees saying ‘once I spot a weakness I develop my skills to overcome it.’ This response got a bit boring!

The update version is brilliant, with the interviewer putting the owness on the applicant. To be sure, the employer will be asking a follow up question to your reply.

(Candidate) ‘I would ask about X project I worked on’ (employer) ‘what happened on X project?’

Who has shaped you and what did they do?

Mentor-related interview questions are great as you can kill two birds with one stone by giving a two-part answer; requesting a mentor and how the mentor helped you to grow.

By explaining how, due to your passion for professional development, that you wanted to improve (a certain skill or knowledge) you approach a (mentor) This shows how you take it upon yourself to improve your skillset, that you can recognize potential areas of improvement and how you are proactive and confident enough to approach a work mentor.

When discussing the mentoring process stay away from when discussing the mentor’s experience in detail, just reference this before focusing on what you gain from being a mentee and more importantly how you implemented what you learnt into business as usual.

Why are you passionate about our brand?

The core of the interview question is ‘why do you want to work for us?’ But organisations, the bigger companies; Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Disney, etc want to hire passionate employees.

Brands like Amazon are bringing to life their vision. Think about it, Amazon started off selling books and now have their ‘Prime’ services including; Prime TV, Prime Music, Alexa. This global vision is only achieved by hiring staff that can live the company values. To achieve this recruitment goal the hiring team requires passionate employees.

Discuss what it is you love about the company, their products, innovation, way of working.

Tell me about your current teammates?

Requesting an opinion about a team member, manager or organisation creates an insight into the candidate’s temperament.

Answering with ‘they are good but need me to lead them’ doesn’t show leadership, instead it hints to a poor teamwork attitude.

‘X team member was great, they would explain each project, set us a task, and check in to ensure we could meet the project deadlines.’ This type of interview answer highlights that the applicant will need micro-management and lacks initiative.

A good answer, to this question, would be one that explained how collectively you would share ideas to achieve an objective, but when required, for a project with a short deadline as an example, the applicant would take the lead. Giving a couple of different real-life examples will ensure the interview answers meets the marks for the interview scorecard.

What didn’t you add to your CV because you thought is was unprofessional?

On average a CV is only 2 pages long – far from enough to add all of a career professionals’ experiences and skills. In addition, many applicants will miss information as they will deem it unimportant for the job role they are applying for.

When answering interview questions about missing information, the applicant still needs to bear in mind the essential criteria recorded in the job description – don’t go to off-script.

Talking about an earlier job role (after leaving school) and how you gain a skill that you have continued to develop over the course of a career works well, as does joking about a random hobby, before relating how the skill gained from (hobby) is utilised in the day to day task in your current role.

How old was you when you started working?

With many career professionals now working from home or having flexible working contracts, work ethic is high on a recruiter’s radar.

Being asked about what seems an unimportant period in your career is one-way employers understand the motivation of the person they are interviewing. As for example, an applicant talks about how they started a part-time job at the age of 14 to earn extra money for a new pair of trainers shows a person’s attitude towards life, and work.

Applying for additional work experience or volunteering to gain new skills shows work ethic. Even for those who started work at a later stage in their life, answering the question by saying my first job was when I was 25, previously to this I….(give a detailed explanation of what the interviewee did and the reason for their choice) allows an employer to understand what drives the individual.

If we had a review session in 12 months’ time, what would you be discussing with me?

The answer to the review interview question depends on the industry each applicant works in. What is required for all sectors is the ability to think about the objectives of the advertised position; to increase sales, meet project targets, team leadership, increasing website hits) and explain how you be discussing the steps you took to achieve the objective (and then explain each step you took).

You could also say your pay rise, but that joke doesn’t always go down well!

Tell me about a time when you almost failed and what you did to succeed?

When discussing a negative, which this interview questioned is designed to make you do, interviewees need to think about how they will frame the negative.

To answer the ‘failed’ interview question, follow this simple 3 step process

Step 1 – explain the situation, task or project

Step 2 – detail the failure – here is where you set the new frame; you can reference the external forces that created the failure – a most recent example would the impact of COVID which was unpredictable.

Step 3 – showcase your ability and skill set by explaining the actions you took to make the failure into a success.

Personality Interview Questions

One new style of job interviewing is strength-based interviewing where questions are framed with options or to check an applicant’s preferred style of working. The interview question focuses on what the applicant enjoys doing rather than what they can do, allowing recruiters to hire candidates that match their way of working, while reviewing the interviewee’s ability to meet the minimum standard required to be hired.

Some example strength based interview questions are:

Are you better at finding a problem or a solution?

Do you prefer to start or finish task?

Don’t worry about answering these questions as there are no right or wrong answers, you are stating your preference. You can, if inclined to, research the company to understand how they operate to give you an idea of the ‘perfect’ answer.

As an example a ‘blue-sky thinking’ company may ask “to achieve an objective do you implement well-used methods or think out the box?” For a creative company, they may prefer an answer relating to being ‘innovative’.

Job Interview Advice

What to say in a job interview

Interviews are changing.

Telephone interviews are now online video interviews, structured interviews have taken over the informal interview and 1 to 1 interviews are, in the main, 1 to 2 interviews.

Assessments are being completed by external recruitment companies and skill test are becoming a more popular way to assess candidates.

So, with all these changes – what do you say in a job interview?

Well, there might have been changes to the style of the interview but what you say in the job interview remains the same.

Here are 6 things you must always say in the job interview

What to say in the job interview – I have the required skills and experiences

Ok, this sounds obvious. But the number one reason for failing a job interview is not referencing enough of the job criteria

A job seeker has been invited to a job interview, therefore the employer deems the applicant as suitable. The real purpose of a job interview then is to hire the best of all the ‘suitable’ applicants.

To assist in the hiring of an excellent employee, employers will ask 6-10 job interview questions that ask for evidence from the interviewee to show that they have the much-needed experience.

Each answer is marked a job interview scorecard. To score high, and receive the job offer, candidates have to discuss or make reference to the positions essential criteria. Each mentioned criteria increases an applicant’s interview score.

To help prepare for a job interview it is good to know what questions are asked in a job interview as this will help a candidate to create a high point scoring interview answer(s).

What to say in the job interview – positive things about the organisation

The biggest concern of modern day employer is staff retention.

The millennial job seeker is a job hopper. Recruiters know that by hiring a career professional, who has the ambition to work for their organisation, they are more likely to stay with the company for a long period of time.

Organisations such as Google, Apple, the Walt Disney company, Tesla have seen the benefit of hiring individuals who want to be apart of their vision.

In the job interview, talk about the company mission, vision and values. State what it is about the company that drawn you to applying for the position. By completing research, interviewees can discuss the company culture, impressing the employer with detailed insights, creating likeability through reciprocal liking.

What to say in the job interview – you are a team player

One of the most required skills is teamwork. Every employee is part of a team (even if the position requires someone to work alone) It is the combination of many cogs that makes a machine operational.

In any job interview, the applicant should, no must, state they are a team player. Stand out by going one step further and explain the concept of workplace teamwork; how everyone, working collaboratively, can bring different ideas to a problem to find a collective solution

There is likely to be an obvious job interview question relating to this skill, but if not ensure that several of the interview answers reference; interpersonal communication, collective problem solving, team leadership decisions, colleague support

What to say in the job interview – that you are a lifelong learner

Technology, globalisation and artificial intelligence have a direct effect on the economy and the labour market.

From an employer’s perspective all these small, medium and big sector changes have a costly outcome. Businesses need to stay competitive, which means employees need to have the right knowledge and skill set.

Interviewers are looking to recruit lifelong learners; employees who have a passion for the industry, resulting in them developing their knowledge and skills in their own time.

Employers will willingly fund continuous professional development, but by hiring a lifelong learner they can be confident that the new employee won’t get ‘stuck’ in the ‘old ways of working’

Rapid industry changes require adaptable employees. Examples around responding to change, as well as bringing evidence of personal and career development, will be seen as highly favourable.

Personal development can be expensive courses but can also be cost-free development; reading industry articles, referencing publications and sector trends – here you need to show that you are keen to develop.

Job Interview Advice

Competency-Based Job Interview Questions

How do you prepare for a competency based job interview?

Often referred to as a behavioral job interview, a competency-based job interview is a structured job interview where each applicant is asked the same competency-based job interview questions, in the same order before being scored against the marking criteria on an interview scorecard.

Each competency-based job interview question is designed to check the skill set, and if each applicant requires a certain level of knowledge and experience, for the advertised position.

Interview questions come in two forms: behavioral or situational job interview questions.

Behavioral job interview questions ask the applicant a question based on their past experience “tell me a time when you did X” whereas situational job interview questions ask hypothetical questions “what would you do if…”

Competency-based interviews are a logical process designed to predict the job performance level of each interviewed applicant, with high marks being given to interviewees who reference the essential job criteria (showing knowledge and experience) with confidence (increasing likeability) creating a positive or negative perception of the applicant, their interview identity.

An informal interview, therefore, is a conversational job interview that has no structure and scoring process, resulting in hiring decisions being made ’emotionally’.

10 Common asked competency-based job interview questions

Give me an example of when you have worked well within a team?

Tell me your approach to project management?

What has been your biggest career success to date?

Describe how you work with colleagues and/or stakeholders?

Give an example of going above and beyond?

How have you previously handled a workplace conflict?

Give me an example of your work ethic?

Tell about a time when you went out of your way to get a task completed?

Explain a time when you took charge?

Have you ever had to multitask? How did you prioritise your tasks?

Job Interview Advice

Warehouse Manager Job Interview Questions

Large organisations such as Asda, Amazon, B&Q, the list continues, as well as medium size companies require a highly skilled warehouse manager to oversee receipt, storage, re-packaging, and dispatch of materials and goods.

As part of, often a global, supply chain process, efficient warehouse managers are skilled at working within a fast-paced industry to organise goods, processes, systems and people (as well as stakeholders) to ensure customers receive their products on time.

This is a technical position that only certain career professionals can gain. Therefore, employers will test applicants with a range of technical and competency-based job interview questions.

Predicting the questions for a warehouse manager position, allows candidates to prepare their example answers.

Warehouse Management Interview Questions (with answers)

Give me an overview of your warehouse management experience

It’s not enough just to state the number of years an applicant has had in warehouse management, or to talks about the entry route into this position. Instead, the employer is looking to hear an overview of the candidate’s skill set.

An example opening line could follow in the lines of; “In all my previous warehouse management roles I have created systems, processes and procedures to ensure the warehouse is a successful part of the supply-chain….”

Once an overview has been given, regarding the interviewee’s experience, specifics relevant to the warehouse sub-sector can be stated. There are too many warehouse niches to record here, but an example maybe “…With over 10 years of experience specialising in cold storage transportation, I have an excellent working knowledge of store temperature-controlled products, such as food and pharmaceuticals, and hazardous materials….”

The applicant does not need to go into too much detail here, as additional competency-based job interview questions will be asked throughout the interview. The goal, when answering this initial interview question, is to create interest.

The answer can then be ended with additional references to standard job duties; “…my ability to build strong working relationships with suppliers allows me to gain the best prices for materials….”

How does the warehouse contribute to the business objectives?

Employers understand the importance of warehouse operations in terms of having a successful business. For some businesses, such as retail, the outfacing store is viewed (by the public) to be the key element of the business, as many people don’t consider the importance of marketing, accounts, logistics, buyers and of course the warehouse operations.

When hiring a warehouse manager, the interviewer will want to ensure that the hired candidate understands how their department is one of many cogs in the successful business machine.

When replying to this job interview question, be sure to explain how the warehouse, along with all other departments, work collaboratively, but also explain how, as a warehouse manager, you help the individual cogs connect. Give an example of how you have worked with other department managers on new projects, or, as an example on specific processes “I have found one way to decrease overhead cost is to work closely with the finance manager when purchasing materials or goods. Most warehouse managers simply purchase the required materials when needed, instead, I make a point of working the finance manager to discuss projected volumes, prices and approved suppliers, and look at ways to decrease cost…”

Give an example of coordinating incoming and exporting goods and materials?

After a couple of ‘opening’ interview questions, the interviewer will ask all applicants competency based interview questions, checking that the applicant has the skills, knowledge and experience to be a suitable member of the management team.

To answer the ‘example’ interview question, start the reply by describing the warehouse environment to ensure the employer understands the barriers the applicant faced “While working at X organisation I was responsible for incoming of raw materials (give detail) that was manufactured into goods, that I exported all over Europe…”

Be specific with the problem “… the barrier we faced was the number of incoming goods that would arrive at any one time, creating a backlog in the yard….” When stating any problem, go into detail how the barrier disrupted the day to day operations of the warehouse.

To finish, the applicant can make themselves stand out by explaining the solution they created and the positive outcome that resulted from this “The solution was down to communication. A number of suppliers wouldn’t commit to a specific delivery time on the date of delivery and would turn up between 9-4 because of their busy schedule. I telephoned each individual supplier explaining that I wanted to help them meet their schedule targets, by offering them a timeslot, this way their drivers wouldn’t have to wait in the ques, which could last as long as 2hrs….”

Explain what process you use to manage stock?

Stock management, stock rotation and stock control is one of the key aspects of a warehouse manager’s job role. Each warehouse and each warehouse manager will have their own system for the management of stock based on its industry.

When answering a systems interview question, the interviewee can make it easy for the employer to understand by using a ‘step method’ interview technique. Simply, break the whole process into 3 steps. Each step depends on your industry, but the goal here is to describe a stock management system simply to show your high level of knowledge.

“There are 3 steps to managing stock; step 1 stock control…where I….Step 2 stock rotation…to ensure stock is used within….Step 3…stock control….”

How is technology changing this sector?

The whole sector is being changed due to the integration of technology, from Amazon using warehouse robots to live to track deliveries. A quick ‘google’ and anyone can find a list of warehouse technology that will be integrated into most warehouses over the next few years.

To answer the ‘warehouse technology’ question, start by listing a number of technologies and pick one, relevant to the employer’s sector to delve into. Give, both, the pro’s and con’s of the technology robotics in the warehouse, like the amazon robots, are very useful as they streamline the supply chain process, saving on overhead cost, but unlike humans, the robots cant adapt, in the moment, to any unforeseen situations.”

Give an example of quality control?

Each organisation has its own systems for quality control. Once employed the successful candidate will be trained in the internal quality control processes. Therefore, this interview question isn’t looking for interviewees to state all the quality control steps for their current employer, instead, the employer is checking if each candidate understands the importance of quality control steps.

This answer is better started by stating that the candidate is very experienced in the implementation and checking of quality. Followed on by explaining the benefits of completing quality checks through storytelling; set the scene; how an order was ready for dispatch, create a hook; the issue with the product and the harm this could cause to a customer(s) and positive ending; how the quality checks uncovered the issue and saved the day.

What is the main points of the Health and Safety at work act in relation to warehouse management?

The Health and Safety at Work act describes all the key points a warehouse manager needs to know. When answering questions around H&S in the workplace you are not required to state each of the individual acts. Instead, you need to reassure the employer that you are fully aware of the day to day actions a warehouse manager needs to take to stop or minimise any workplace accidents.

Confirm, confidently, the importance of health and safety to you as a warehouse manager. Describe how you train, monitor and enforce that all team members follow the regulations set down to keep everyone safe. When working within a specialist area that uses chemical, plant machinery, industrial materials, give additional details on the specific steps you need to take within this industry.

What is the most important thing to consider when recruiting new staff

All managers will be involved in the recruit of new team members. There is always, at least one question relating to staff recruitment, staff retention, or staff development.

Experienced warehouse managers can answer this question easily relating to a previous experience. To gain additional points on the interview scorecard, think about the culture of the new organisation that you are interviewing for. To understand how an organisation operates applicants can embed company culture questions into their job interviews.

By gaining an insight to what this company value, you can link this to the answer of staff recruitment. As an example, if the employers deems staff development important, you can answer the interview question by focusing on how you always develop, train and coach your team, leading them to hit all targets.

Job Interview Advice

The hidden meaning of interview questions

Successful job applicants are able to recognize, the often ambiguous, meaning of a stated job interview question.

This simple, but important interview rule is often overlooked. An unprepared interviewee, often feeling anxious, will answer the job interview questions without discovering the meaning of the question.

In this sense, even a well-delivered interview answer can be marked low on the interview scorecard because the answer doesn’t reference any of the essential criteria relating to the job role.

Employers use the ambiguous interview questions and scoring process as a tool to check the applicant’s knowledge and experience – their competencies. An experienced employee will answer sector related questions naturally hitting the scored criteria. This is a prediction of the candidate’s potential job performance

“Answering interview questions with natural references to the job criteria is a sure sign the interviewee is likely to perform well once employed”

Chris Delaney – Author and Interview Coach

To help job seekers to prepare for the job interview, we have created a list of commonly asked interview questions and there hidden meanings

The interviewer by asking all applicants this interview question is creating competition – who is the best fit or who can offer more? This may seem manipulative, but it isn’t its human nature. We all want to get the most for our money – when reviewing car insurance offers from two providers, if the price is the same, most people will pick the provider that also offers something additional for free.

Interviewees, to pass a job interview, need to identify the difference between a competency-based job interview question and an informal one, as well as recognising the hidden meaning of the interview question.

Job Interview Questions Meanings

Why have you applied for a position at this company? Interview Question

What is really being asked here is what do you know about the organisations vision, mission and values. By hiring an applicant who resonates with the company the employee is more likely to want to stay with the organisation for a longer duration.

With many career professionals job-hopping between organisations once every 3 years, businesses have realised the cost-saving advantage of recruiting employees who, due to shared values, will want to stay within the organisation.

Staff retention equals increased performance, increased performance equals higher profits

Tell me about yourself? Interview Question

This commonly asked interview question is one way of saying – can you meet the job criteria? Employers want to know if applicants have what it takes?

Each employer has a list of essential criteria that each interview applicant is scored against. The candidates with the highest-scoring interview scorecard are offered the position. This initial interview question, which is asked prior to the specific competency-based interview questions, is looking for an overview of the interviewees, attitude, work ethic and experiences.

Depending on the answer, an interview identity is created; if the identity is negative, the interviewer is likely to score the proceeding interview answers low, or high if the identity created is positive – the halo effect

What can you bring to the team? Interview Question

Organisations need an edge on their competitors. This question is nicely asking – how can hiring you benefit us? Employers want to know what applicant’s talents are, what skill sets they possess, and what their unique selling point is, so they can exploit this (positively) in the workplace.

The interview process is designed to predict an applicants job performance once employed. The barrier employers face is that most interviewees give a ‘best situation’ answer rather than business as normal. As an example if asked ‘give an example of working within a team’ the applicant will use the example of when they excelled, even if there normal teamwork practice is to sit back and do nothing.

The ‘what can you bring to the team’ question results in an employer knowing how you would act at your very best. The applicants best is compared to the expected workplace standard.

What are you most proud of in your career? Interview Question

By asking what an interviewee is most proud of the employer will hear about the applicant’s best career-related experience – this is the candidates key achievement. If the ‘best achievment’ answer is below par based on the employer’s standards, then it is unlikely that the applicant will have the right aptitude for the new role.

This question is also used by employers who look at personal values (and how they match, or don’t, the company values)

Applicants who answer with a dismissive answer will be seen as unpassionate. Employers more than ever are looking for employees who, at the minimum have an interest in the sector, but ideally those career professionals who desire to work for the organisation.

Job Interview Advice

Greggs Supervisor Interview Questions

Questions and Answers for a Supervisor Poistion at Greggs

After 75 years in the business, Greggs is one of the most famous bakery chains in the UK. Greggs not only provide affordable food, they also have a mission to make a difference. On the ‘about’ page of Greggs, they explain and discuss their commitment to making a difference with the Greggs foundation scheme, charity fundraisers and other community programmes.

When applying for a Greggs managerial role, candiates need to be aware that Greggs isn’t simply on organisation that is interested in profit – and how your interview answers have to reflect their vision, mission and values.

We have collated a list of commonly asked supervisory and managerial questions for a position at Greggs, and explain the type of answer the employer is looking to hear from a potential Greggs supervisor/manager.

Greggs Interview Questions and Answers

Each question is broken down into the reason the question has been asked and the appropriate interview answer, designed to be marked high on the interview scorecard.

Tell me why you have applied for a position at Greggs?

Opening job interview questions, no matter how they are worded, are designed to see if you have the experience, attitude as well as an understanding of the organisation.

Often this interview question is split into two; ‘tell me about yourself’ and ‘what do you know about Greggs?’

The approach to answering the ‘why have you applied for a position at Greggs’s’ question is relatively easy. The goal is to reference what you know about the organisation; there mission and values, while highlighting your supervisory skills and experiences with confident communication – creating a positive interview identity

A strong opening line can be worded similar to: “When applying for new roles I look for organisation that gives something back to the community, I was really interested in the foundation scheme that Greggs is committed to….” This type of opening line shows

1) a shared interest in helping the community (crossed values)

2) that you have researched the organisation (employee commitment)

3) that you applied for Greggs for a particular reason, not just for ‘any old job’ (staff retention)

With rapport being build from the initial answer, you next need to highlight what you can bring to the team “…as a supervisor with over 8 years experience working in busy retail outlets I am highlighly skilled at…..”

This middle section of the job interview answer showcases the interviewee’s knowledge and experience within a few simple lines – remember, in the following interview questions the applicant will have an opportunity to go into detail, explaining their unique selling point. Here though, the goal is to hook the interviewer’s interest.

Finally, end the interview answer with a strong summary wrapping up the reply “…so, to end, I know I have the skills and experience to be a valued team member of the Greggs family, and I know that I would excel in an organisation that has the community at the heart of its business”

This final line shows confidence by the assertiveness of the summary while reminding the interviewer that you have the shared values of the organisation (which hints at retention and commitment)

What is your approach to managing a teams working pattern to ensure that the store can be operational during opening times

When asked any interview question about the day to day operations of the job role, you know that from the employer’s perspective that they deem this skill as essential.

For Greggs, employing a supervisor or manager who can manage the working patterns of a mixed team (full, part and seasonal staff, and employees with different skill sets), is essential to ensure that stores are open for business.

When answering this interview question, you need to reply to the question with confidence. First, explain that you are aware of the complexity of staffing: “supervising staff in a Greggs store can be a little complicated. It’s not the same as a clothing store where all staff can cover all roles; stocktaking, tills, etc, In Greggs, we need to ensure that we have staff in the store who can operate the ovens, serve customers and those who have the relevant food safety training. In addition, extra staff are required during busy periods such as Christmas….”

By stating each problem the applicant is showing an awareness of the business. Once each barrier has been explained, a solution, the candidate’s approach, needs to be explained. “When starting a new supervisory position I first review the staffing; who works what shift patterns, with staff members have restrictions to working certain hours, having childcare as an example, the common busy periods of the store and the employees skill set and qualifications. A rota can then be created to ensure that each shift has the required team members included, such as a baker and an employee with the authorization to take the cash at night. Finally, I have back up staff members who I know can cover shifts is employees are ill. This way all eventualities are covered for.”

How do you ensure that all employees adhere to health and safety and hygiene regulations?

The food sector, more than most other industries, will always ask questions regarding health, safety, and food hygiene regulations due to the number of government guidelines an organisation has to adhere to.

As a supervisor, the successful applicant is responsible for ensuring that staff follows policies and procedures relating to this. Some interview questions are best answered with an example, and others more analytical. Questions regarding procedures, such as this one, come across stronger with a step by step explanation;

“There are 3 steps required to ensure that all staff adheres to H&S regulations. The initial step is ensuring that each member of staff attends company training and/or refreshers there training in the appropriate time frame. To monitor this I record staff training requirements in a training log. “

“Next, I ensure that all guidelines, regulations and company policies and procedures are on display in the store, as a visual reminder. And finally, I make spot inspections to check that all staff are implementing the legislation, and if required support staff to follow them.”

Give an example of motivating an employee?

Most interview questions are best answered with the use of an ‘example’. When asked to give an example, be certain to use a real-life story.

A manager ensures processes and procedures are followed, a leader motivates staff to work at their best.

With any ‘example’ answer; start by stating a problem or barrier “when I started at X organisation as a new manager, it was clear that there was a motivational issue with the whole team that was effecting customer retention…”

Next, the interviewee has to make it clear the steps they took to overcome the problem “to overcome the lack of employee motivation I…A, B and C…”

And finally, state the positive outcome “this resulted in …..”

How would you increase store profits?

Even though Greggs bakery has a positive attitude towards supporting the local community, it is still a business that is required to make a profit. As a Greggs supervisor or manager, you will need to prepare an answer to interview questions relating to profit margins.

Ideally using a real-life example of how you have previously increased store profit will help you gain extra points on the interview scorecard, but alternatively explaining what you would do in the future also highlights the applicant’s competencies.

Two ways to answer this question is either focus on decreasing overhead cost – explaining how to cut down on waste or over-ordering on goods is an established way to save cost or to discuss income generation through, as an example a promotion linked the national events; young carers day, Olympics, Christmas, etc

What questions would you like to ask us?

At the end of each interview, interviewees have an opportunity to ask the employer a question(s)

Ask about how the local Greggs store supports local charities to show that you have an interest, as Greggs does, in the local community.

Inquire about internal training and promotional opportunities to highlight that you are keen to work for Greggs, not just any old employer.

And finally, ask about the store manager’s managerial style to ensure that you would work well in this environment.

Job Interview Advice

Telephone Interviews are Dead

In 2020 the telephone job interview is dead!

That’s right, a recent decline in telephone interviews is convincing career guidance professionals to advise job hunters to spend their efforts on the video and face to face job interviews.

Why telephone interviews became popular

During the 1990s are a large number of organisations used the telephone interview as a screening process before inviting successful candidates to a face to face structured interview.

The telephone was a cost affected method, compared to inviting candidates down to head office, of getting rid of the undesirable job hunters. As the telephone screening process became more popular, the fear around answering job interview questions on the phone was commonplace, with many interviewees stating they feared the telephone job interview more than face to face recruitment processes.

The telephone interview; an informal process

In the main, the interview by telephone was an informal job interview with no set questions; a more ‘get to know you’ conversation. Recruiters formally named this as an ‘informal job interview’. Informal interview decisions about taking a candidate to the next level of the recruitment process, or not, relies on ‘gut reaction‘ – there’s something about this applicant that I like!

The structured in-person interview is more analytical with applicants being asked interview questions that are marked on an interview scoresheet.

Employers, even though they are leaving the telephone interview call back in time, still require a way to reduce the number of applicants who have applied for the position (the applications for each advertised position is higher than ever before) down to 6 suitable candidates to complete the high-time structured job interview (the face to face interview)

So, what is replacing the telephone interview screening process

Not much of a surprise; the online interview is the new screening process. Being interviewed online can be a bonus as the interveiwers see’s the applicant’s non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication, such as smiling and natural use of gesture increases likeability – a factor in the interview scoring process.

It is also easier to sell yourself when you, the applicant, can see the interviewer, especially when they nod and smile during your answer.

A downside is unconscious bias. research has shown how the way someone looks affects the decision-making process with one piece of research showing how an obese candidate is less likely to get hired than an ‘average’ sized person. Being viewed as beautiful or ugly, male or female (depending on the role) also creates a visual unconscious bias.

Job Interview Advice

4 Questions to Ask Before You Agree to a Job Interview

  • Vision
  • Culture
  • Development
  • Location

Job hunting is a time consuming activity, but one with a great pay off.

Having a successful CV, Resume, or Application Form will result in a large number of invitations to be interviewed.

Organisations are in constant search for the best talent. If an applicant possesses the required level of knowledge and experience, employers will want to hire them! With a high number of interview offers, some with competing dates, career professionals need to make the tricky choice of which interview offers to accept.

In fact, it’s pointless attending a job interview if by the interview end you can’t wait to leave. The worst situation to be in is to be employed by an organisation that you cant do business with.

These 4 questions will help you decide if it is even worth attending the job interview in the first place

Should I attend the job interview question 1

Do you believe in the company vision?

The company vision is crucial to an employee’s workplace happiness. The vision is aligned to the company’s values and the company values influence management decision making. Workplace happiness comes from shared values between the employer and employee. Say, for example, that the employee values include being environmentally friendly, but the organisation values profit before anything else. In this scenario, the employer makes decisions based on profit which could include cheaper but not environmentally friendly purchases, which affect the employee’s motivation.

Compare this to an environmentally friendly employee who works for a ‘green’ organisation. The employee works harder and is happier as their vision of the company is the employee’s personal mission.

Should I attend the job interview question 2

Culture kills motivation

The culture of a company increases and decreases employees’ motivational levels. Imagine an employee who is very creative and innovative, after being highly successful in one organisation they move to a new company – doing the same role, in the same sector, only for a salary increase.

On paper everything is the same, so surely the industry expert should perform just as well as they did in their last position? In the new company, though, the culture is more procedure driven, deadlines, data and planning are the key to the new organisation success. This disparity between how the employee and organisation work demotivates the new employee, reducing their ability to be creative and therefore successful.

Should I attend the job interview question 3

Development or die

One thing that is clear for a successful career in the current climate is having workplace and professional development. As the world of work keeps changing at a rapid pace, career professionals need to keep on top of industry-related changes and sector updates.

Without gaining new skills, gathering new qualifications and understanding the impact of sector technology, a career professional can be left behind. Purchasing your own development opportunities can be highly expensive.

For continuous development, the career hunger individual needs an employer who will fund their professional development.

Should I attend the job interview question 4

Location, location, location

What is the flexibility of the new organisation? Can employees have a home office, is their flexibility in start times, is remote working an option?

If the job is office-based, what is the duration of travel to and from work? What route would the applicant take to work? Research shows how travel affects stress and stress affects work happiness

Plus the cost of travel or not traveling adds up and can take a big chunk out of the employee’s pay package.

Job Interview Advice
