Over 100 Job Interview Questions

100 Job Interview Questions

      • Job Interview Question: Tell me a little about yourself.
      • Job Interview Question: Why do you want to work for this company?  
      • Job Interview Question: What can you offer that others can’t?
      • Job Interview Question: Do you have any experience in this role?
      • Job Interview Question: What are your key strengths?
      • Job Interview Question: What do you perceive are your weaknesses?
      • Job Interview Question: how would you sum up your career to date?
      • Job Interview Question: Have you ever done anything in a job that you are embarrassed about?
      • Job Interview Question: What made you apply for this particular company?
      • Job Interview Question: Where do you see yourself in 10 years, in terms of your career?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you handle stressful situations?
      • Job Interview Question: What has been your greatest career achievement?
      • Job Interview Question: What is your long-term career goal?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you communicate detailed information to ensure that the communication is not distorted?  
      • Job Interview Question: what management style do you use?
      • Job Interview Question: is customer service something you deem as important?  
      • Job Interview Question: have you ever fell out with a colleague?  
      • Job Interview Question: Why are you looking for a new position?  
      • Job Interview Question: How would your past colleagues describe you?  
      • Job Interview Question: if you had a task to complete but it was time to go home, what would you do?
      • Job Interview Question: what is your natural position within a team?  
      • Job Interview Question: What is more important work or your personal life?  
      • Job Interview Question: how do you communicate effectively on the telephone?  
      • Job Interview Question: what theories do you adhere to regarding project management?  
      • Job Interview Question: what does success mean to you?  
      • Job Interview Question: how would you as a lone worker motivate yourself?
      • Job Interview Question: As a manager, wow do you motivate your team?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you deliver a compelling presentation?
      • Job Interview Question: Describe a situation you took full responsibility for a project
      • Job Interview Question: have you ever turned a negative situation into a positive one?
      • Job Interview Question: how do you put 100% into everything you do when your on a down day?  

    • Job Interview Question: How do you build relationship with stakeholders?  
    • Job Interview Question: How long do you expect to work for us?
    • Job Interview Question: how will you react if you don’t get on well with your line manager?  
    • Job Interview Question: what is the most stressful situation you have been in?
    • Job Interview Question: if you gave an order to a member of staff and they didn’t follow it, what would you do?  
    • Job Interview Question: what is your career mission/goal?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you calm down angry customers?
    • Job Interview Question: what are your transferable skills?  
    • Job Interview Question: what are your other career goals?  
    • Job Interview Question: have you considered managerial positions?  
    • Job Interview Question: what do you consider a challenging problem?
    • Job Interview Question: How do you reflect on your work practices?  
    • Job Interview Question: what would you do if you knew you weren’t going to meet your weekly target?
    • Job Interview Question: what would you do if you seen a colleague stealing?  
    • Job Interview Question: how is the internet a vital part of the company?  
    • Job Interview Question: what does equal opportunities and diversity mean to you?
    • Job Interview Question: how do you effectively communicate via e-mail?
    • Job Interview Question: what is our company mission?
    • Job Interview Question: if you were me, would you hire you?  
    • Job Interview Question: How can social media websites increase revenue?  
    • Job Interview Question: do you like criticism?
    • Job Interview Question: describe the pace at which you work?
    • Job Interview Question: Describe a typical work day.
    • Job Interview Question: What is your monetary value?  
    • Job Interview Question: if you was in my shoes, which direction would you head the business in?
    • Job Interview Question: how has your education up skilled you?
    • Job Interview Question: Are you willing to travel and work weekends?
    • Job Interview Question: what is the most important aspect of this business?
    • Job Interview Question: Do you consider yourself under qualified for this position?
    • Job Interview Question: Do you know anyone who works for us?
    • Job Interview Question: What one word describes you?
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever committed any offensives?
    • Job Interview Question: How do you prioritise your work to meet deadlines and the business needs?
    • Job Interview Question: What do you value?  
    • Job Interview Question: what ITC packages can you use effectively?  
    • Job Interview Question: why are you currently unemployed?  
    • Job Interview Question: what would your current manager say if he knew you were applying for a new position?  
    • Job Interview Question: What is more important to you, the money or a promotion?
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever had a deadline and didn’t make it?
    • Job Interview Question: are you a neat worker?
    • Job Interview Question: how will your IT skills add value?
    • Job Interview Question: Describe what qualities would you like to see in a manager?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you develop your skill base?  
    • Job Interview Question: are qualifications important?  
    • Job Interview Question: does public speaking frighten you?  
    • Job Interview Question: did you lie on your CV?  
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever lied in an interview to get the job?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you change your communication style to build relationships with your managers?  

    • Job Interview Question: How would you promote our business online or through networking meetings?
    • Job Interview Question: list the 5 most important skills required for this position?  
    • Job Interview Question: are you a leader or a follower?
    • Job Interview Question: Have you ever been fired?
    • Job Interview Question: what’s more important quantity or quality?  
    • Job Interview Question: What added value will you bring to our company?
    • Job Interview Question: how would you discipline an under performing employee?  
    • Job Interview Question: What would you do if your employer instructed you to do something that was unethical
    • Job Interview Question: how is this industry progressing?  
    • Job Interview Question: Do you know the history of our company?  
    • Job Interview Question: how can a manager best develop and support you?  
    • Job Interview Question: Why did you stay at your last company for so long?  
    • Job Interview Question: what happened at your last position for you to want to leave?
    • Job Interview Question: what motivates you in the workplace?
    • Job Interview Question: are you willing to work out of normal working hours?
    • Job Interview Question: have you contributed to increasing profits in any organisation?
    • Job Interview Question: give an example of when you went above and beyond?  
    • Job Interview Question: What is your career highlight to date?  
    • Job Interview Question: how do you stay motivated in completing repetitive task?
    • Job Interview Question: What do you like least about working in this job sector?  
    • Job Interview Question: have you ever supported a colleague?  
    • Job Interview Question: Do you have any questions for me?

How to Answer The Interview Question How Long Are You Planning to Stay With Our Organisation?

Employers spend around 33% of their profits on recruitment and will prefer to employ an applicant who will stay with the company for at least 2-3 years.

In reality, an employer will never really know what will happen in the future and how long an employee will work for one organisation. So why ask the ‘duration’ job interview question?

In most cases, an employer will only ask how long an applicant is likely to stay working for them – sometimes framed as the interview question ‘how long have you worked for your previous organisations?’ because the employer has experienced a high turnover of staff.

This interview question is common with contract work, project work, and for low paid or low skilled roles.

How to answer the interview question.

The interviewer with the ‘how long do you plan on staying with our company?’ interveiw question is concerned with staff retention.

Therefore the interveiw answer must reassure the employer to score high marks as part of a structured job interview.

How to reassure the interviewer.

One way to reassure the interviewer, to score high on the interview scorecard, is to explain how you have researched their organisation including the values and the company vision, or how you know friends who are employees of the company and who talk positively about the company culture, which has resulted in you wanting to make a career out of working for this particular company.

What you are doing with this interveiw tactic is saying – ‘I don’t just want any job, I want a career with your company.’

Another similar approach is the ‘matching’ technique. Here an applicant can talk about their personal values, what motivates them as an individual and which type of environment they work well in. And matching this to what the interviewer stated at the interview start (In most job interviews, the interviewer will  kick off the job interview by discussing the job role, the team and the company culture)

Here you are showing how this organisation is the ideal workplace for your temperament.

A final interview technique is to express dislike.

This approach may sound dangerous, but in fact, it has the opposite result – desire.

When asked about duration, the interviewee can talk about how they dislike job hunting, moving from one company to the next having to learn new processes and procedures, and how they only applied for this role as it is their preferred employer.

Applicants can evidence how they are loyal to a company by explaining how they have worked for their previous employer for the past 10-20 or 30 years.

This approach is saying if you recruit me I will be a loyal employee.
