How to Answer the Interview Question Aren’t you overqualified for this role?

How to Answer the Interview Question Aren’t you overqualified for this role?

Explanation of the Question:

Employers are always worried that an employee who is overqualified for a position, will take the job once offered and leave when offered a better-paid position relevant to their qualifications.

Answer by stating how much you enjoy this type of work and how this is a career move, not just a job. It is also good to highlight that you would pick this job over one relevant to your qualifications. Never say you’re looking for work with less responsibility or stress – keep the answer positive.

Example Interview Answer

“For me, this is a career move, not just a job. I am really interested in this industry and would choose this role over one with higher pay, relevant to my passed qualifications”

How to Answer the Interview Question Do you have a work philosophy?

How to Answer the Interview Question Do you have a work philosophy?

Explanation of the Question:

Don’t be tempted to give a deep long answer here, keep it short, sweet and positive. Ideally, you want to link your philosophy to the career. 

As an example, a social worker might say  ‘My career philosophy, the reason I get out of the bed in the morning, is to work hard to make a positive difference in someone’s life.’ 

Example Generic Interview Answer:

“I would say my work philosophy is; getting the job done to a good standard”

How to Answer the Interview Question Would you be willing to relocate?

How to Answer the Interview Question Would you be willing to relocate?

Explanation of the Question:

Often when employers need you to relocate, they would have stated this in the job specification.

Before the interview, you need to think about your life and how it would change if you relocated, look at both the positives and the negatives before making a decision.

Once you have done this, you can give your answer to the interviewer and the reason why.

Example Interview Answer

“I have researched your company and I feel we would work well together. I have no ties where I am currently living and I am happy to relocate”

Interview Question and Answer If you could, would you retire right now?

Interview Question and Answer “If you could, would you retire right now?”

The job interviewer is keen to recruit an employee who is passionate about the job, not simply just looking for work to gain a salary.

This job interview question “if you could, would you retire right now?” is a sneaky question to check your work ethic.

If you state to the interviewer, that you would retire as soon as possible, the employer knows that you are not committed to the role.

Whereas the interviewee who explains how they enjoy the work and how for them the job isn’t just about a salary but is about doing something you love, the employer is more likely to recruit you.

Video Explanation


Explanation of the Job Interview Question:

With all interview questions, be honest with your answer if you would say “yes..” then either, follow this up with some details on what you would do, it is good to laugh when answering this question and turn it into a light-hearted piece of banter.

Example Interview Answer

“…as I enjoy work I would either work part-time or volunteer…”   or   “but, as I need to work, I want to work in an industry I enjoy, like this one”  

See the video above for additional job interview answers.

How to Answer the Interview Question How would your colleagues describe you?

How to Answer the Interview Question “How would your colleagues describe you?”

Explanation of the Question:

Interviewers enjoy hearing quotes, have a couple of quotes prepared from people at your previous job “David always said I was….” and use statements like: “In my last job I was always known for…”

By giving quotes from a named person can be as effective as giving the interviewer a written reference.

Example Interview Answer

“In my last company, I was always known as the person who got things done. I remember overhearing my Manger Sharon, saying ‘if you need a job doing quickly and efficiently to get me to do it”
