Job Interviews During Covid

This week, the UK government announced the third lockdown to combat covid-19.

This sensible approach to beating the pandemic, has left career professionals asking how the lockdown will affect the job market?

All job sectors ride the rollercoaster of economic growth and decline, which directly affects the number of employed professionals working, or required, in a particular industry. Covid-19 has had a large effect on people working in multiple industries, similar to the banking crisis of 2008.

Covid-19 has had a negative impact on low paid and low skilled positions, including the retail, hospitality travel and tourism sectors, to name a few. But not all low-paid jobs have seen a negative reaction to Covid; Deliveroo has seen a serge in customer orders increasing the demand for delivery drivers.

The pandemic, which has directly affected the job market (the number of vacancies) in 20/21, isn’t the only driver of change. Many factors affect the job market; globalisation, government policies, supply and demand, technology and demographics – people living longer.

Covid has also been a driver for positive change, increasing vacancies in a wide range of job sectors. Since March 2020, there has been a skills shortage in the UK, mainly in the professional level sector; managerial, professional and highly skilled roles – job positions that often require a university degree.

Job roles that have been hard to recruit for have included (source; prospects):

  • Nurses
  • Design Engineers
  • Human Resource officers
  • Vets
  • Programmers

We know there are employers looking to recruit new employees during Covid-19, requiring hiring managers to plan how they will interview candidates during the lockdown.

Therefore, job seekers need to prepare for the 2021 Covid-19 job interview.

Covid related job interview questions

Job interview preparation, simply put is the ability to predict the job interview questions and prepare answers that will meet the job criteria, in a way that showcases an applicant’s competencies and unique selling point.

Interview questions, in the main, are embedded within a structured process with most questions relating to competencies;

‘Give me an example of completing (job criteria)’

‘How would you deal with a situation where you had to (job criteria)’

The pandemic has shown the need for personal strength as employees move to working, alone, from home. With this in mind interviewers are asking questions based on resilience;

‘How have you shown resileince during Covid?’

‘What has working during the pandemic taught you about yourself?’

‘Give an example of making an adaption during the covid-19 pandemic?’

Covid-19 related questions, as are all interview questions, are asked as the employers aim is to hire a career professional who has the skill, knowledge and experiences to complete the job duties within the workplace environment and company culture, which for many is now working from home or a blended work-office environment.

Preparing for a Covid virtual job interview

99% of job interviews will be virtual during the next 3 months.

Applicants, therefore, need to prepare for an online job interview.

Online job interviews come in two guises; a live video stream interview or a computerized AI interview.

Live video interviews, simply put, is a Q&A session with a ‘live’ interviewer. This is this general job interview that most job hunters are use to.

The above link (online job interview) will explain the technical preparations an interviewee needs to make for a video interview, including camera angles and framing.

In addition, many employers are opting to understand the industry knowledge level of an applicant through an interview presentation.

Delivering presentations as part of a recruitment process has been a long-established practice in certain job sectors, but recently we have seen an increase in employers from various industries adding a presentation as part of their interview selection process.

Presenting information is one to help an employer understand the level of industry knowledge an applicant has. In addition, many employers, due to job interviews being online, feel the opportunity to present, as well as answering interview questions, helps the candidate to relax during the abnormal online interview experience.

Robot Interviewers

A pre-programmed system that asks a job interview question before allowing the applicant to record a live answer (on average a 60 second – 2 minutes answer).

The video answers are then reviewed using a computer algorithm. This system is often used at the early stage of a recruitment process, decreasing the number of successful applicants who will then be required to attend a ‘human’ interview.

Creators of artificial intelligence interviewers will, most likely, have ambitions for the bots to be the go-to system for job interviews in the future, with cost-saving benefits to potential employers.

These high-tech systems can be used to scan applications, social media feeds and other data, to predict if an applicant is suitable for the job role or not, but also if they are likely to leave their current role for the new opportunity.

Equal opportunity leaders are worried about potential bias, inaccuracy, and lack of transparency when using an artificial intelligence recruitment system, believing that the system uses deceptive trade practices.

To pass a robotic job interview, applicants need to ensure interview answers reference the job criteria, giving examples of previous successes. Stating industry models and theories, also helps here, as stating the elements of a model ensures a high number of keywords have been used, and therefore pic up by the robot.

Interview anxiety

Research shows how a lack of job interview confidence has a direct impacts on the outcome of the job interview.

Anxious candidates will self-disclose weaknesses, have reduced eye-contact and increase the use of filler words. This combination of indicators reduce the level of knowledge and experience an applicant can express, successfully, to an employer.

If an interviewee fails to highlight how they meet the job criteria, they will score low on the interview scorecard, resulting in a job decline response.

A high number of people fear the job interview, in fact, being the center of attentions is one of the highest phobias when peoples fears are polled. The increase pressure, created from having to complete an unknown experience, of the video interview increases anxiety in the job applicant.

This double effect of anxiety; interview anxiety x video anxiety, can be disastrous to career professionals who rarely attend job interviews.

Interview confidence can be increased quickly in the main through repetition of practice. The following activities will help build up job interview confidence:

  • Understanding the structure of a job interview
  • Preparing job interview answers that state the job criteria
  • Recording a list of job related strengths and successes
  • Attending a public speaking or improv class
  • Increasing the number of online webinars, with interactive elements, you attend
  • Counting the number of urm’s and ah’s you use during an interview (as this reduces them)

Job Interview Advice

Do You Fall Into The Job Gap Trap

The Job Gap Trap

In the job interview the job interviewer is looking for reasons why you compared to your competitors, shouldn’t be employed.

The key element when it comes to missing out on a job offer is mistrust. If the employer mistrusts you, you will never be in the running for a job offer. One situation that leads to mistrust is gaps in your employment history. If can’t give a confident answer when asked “tell me about the gaps in your employment history?” then game over.

It is better to fill these gaps and hers 3 ways how to deal with employment gaps


Employment Gaps

We are living in the age of the startup. These start up organisations often need help.

Offer your skills to new start-ups and record this on your application as a job. In the interview you can frame your answers, explaining your job role, duties and skill set.

You can also go down the traditional route and volunteer. By having a job (voluntary or not) the employer will see you in a different light compared to an unemployed version of yourself.

Another alternative is to create a part time self employed business. This doesn’t have to be successful, rather use this to fill in the gaps in your employment history.


Turn the Tables

When asked about employment gaps, many applicants stumble nervously around this subject. This only creates a weak perspective.

Instead, turn around the tables. Don’t focus on your employment gap, rather discuss what you can offer. When answering these questions start by saying “during this time I learned (add a skill) which I will use to (explain how this skill will add value to their organisation)

By flipping this answer on its head you get the employer to focus on your prospects.

Interview questions and answers

Delete the Gaps Altogether

The reason you are asked about your employment gaps is that you added these gaps to your CV.

Rather then adding months and years under your employment history, just add the years as this will delete any small periods of unemployment.

Instructions to Plan Well For Your Medical Career – Top Advice

Your Medical Career – Top Advice

You’ve needed to be a specialist since your youth however have you chosen what sort of specialist would you like to be? Pharmaceutical offers a bunch scope of alternatives and are unquestionably an exceptionally remunerating vocation; however selecting the correct way needs a high measure of arranging and attentiveness. You may likewise be constrained to settle on some troublesome decisions to accomplish your objective. A few specialists’ recommendation and direction can turn out to be useful to guide you along your vocation arranging.

What ought to be my goal? The thought of an “impeccable profession” should be moderately diverse for every single individual however it is all things considered special to you. You ought to put forth rudimentary inquiries to yourself with the goal that you can fall in good shape of seeking after your restorative profession.

  • What as per you is a compensating profession?
  • What kind of accomplishments does make a difference the most to you?
  • Which variables of your work and life do you plan to adjust?
  • Which abilities of yours do you wish to use and improve?
  • Do you have any uncommon inclination for a specific sort of cooperation and workplace?
  • Lastly, which pragmatic elements are the most critical to you?

Subsequent to splitting the AIPMT passage, some specialists may like to pick between some sort of forte or GP preparing, while others may select to increase general involvement in his local nation or abroad. Keep in mind, none of these profession choices is the absolute best method for beginning your restorative vocation; it is about after the track that is ideal for you.

Change is the main consistent: You can once in a while discover specialists who might concur that that they have wound up in the vocation they tried to when their therapeutic course started. Despite which vocation way you select, your needs will change with the progression of time and what you minimum expected of may happen. Subsequently, your objectives and desire may turn upside down, which would in the long run impact your vocation decisions.

Continuously be viable: It’s awesome to have a dashing profession arrangement. In any case, it may not be for all intents and purposes feasible inferable from your benefits, cash, present occupation situation and in addition your own circumstances. Never push forward without a reinforcement arrangement. There is a tremendous decision in medication alongside different pathways that will help you to achieve your objective.

So where would it be advisable for me to begin from? Attempt to structure your therapeutic vocation arranging and basic leadership abilities for incorporating the unmistakable phases of profession advancement.

Evaluate your instructive history: Exploring your inspirations, vocation values, preferences, personal quality and shortcomings will help you comprehend yourself much superior to anything accepting what’s ideal for you and you can undoubtedly get coordinated towards the profession that would suit you.

Investigate your vocation opportunities: Establishing your choices and options will help you to assemble data about what you need to be. In case you’re particularly keen on something, however no idea as to where it can take you then you has can look for assistance from the sorted out analyzers. You can likewise address somebody who is knowledgeable about these matters and can manage you well. Yet, most importantly be proactive with all the counsel and bolster you get.

Choose what’s better for you: Evaluating your choices, abilities and characteristics against the genuine parts will help you in considering and elucidating your choices and inclinations and settle on decisions.

Implement your arrangements legitimately: This is the last stride towards achieving your restorative vocation objective through AIPMT 2016. Here you will need to embrace a point by point research into the presents that you’ve yearned on seek after alongside get ready for appraisals and meetings.

Around the article author:

Ronny Dsouja is really a fulltime author that loves to talk about knowledge, career in addition to personal financial topics. At this time, he actually is writing for truth. He has written many informative and good articles in the past on education, jobs, interviews, career, etc. 

Employment King offer;

  • Interview Coaching in Manchester
  • Career Advice in Manchester
  • Online Interview Coaching
  • Interview Confidence Sessions in Manchester
  • Interview and Presentation Sessions in Manchester
  • Mock Interview Sessions in Manchester

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Searching Jobs Abroad

The Six Mistakes to Avoid When Searching Jobs Abroad

Searching jobs abroad can be a challenging process if you are committing certain job hunting mistakes. Working overseas brings in a lot of opportunities and international exposure apart from other benefits such as learning, meeting new people and understanding the new culture. Hence, you cannot afford to miss any chance to getting that excellent job offer by remaining unaware of these common job-hunting mistakes.

Here’s the list of mistakes that you should always avoid-at any cost:

Not Sending Across the Right Message

In the competitive global job market, employers are busy with job applications from numerous candidates, out of which only a few deserving ones are short-listed. Hence, in their busy work schedule, they hardly get more than a few minutes to read your entire application thoroughly and extract the required information related to your qualifications, experience or career objectives. Therefore, failing to deliver a clear message is one of the biggest mistakes in your job search. Give them a short and clear message that save more of the time and gives a clear message, thus increasing your chances of selection!

Not Differentiating Yourself

You need a distinct reason to make the employer choose you over other job seekers. Hence, it is vital to analyze your strengths and present your achievements, skills and competencies in an impressive manner. Every employer looks for skills suitable for his job description. Hence, it is imperative that you study the requirements of the job role carefully and customize your CV as per the job requirements.

Developing Negative Thoughts

Job search is a full-time job in itself that requires patience and positive thoughts. It’s not that you start getting calls from the interviewers the moment you send your CV to a company. Hence, losing hope and developing negative thought about the delay in your desired results is another big mistake. Stay positive and have patience. All you need to do is focus on your job hunting.

Hesitating to Highlight Your Achievements

It is not the time to sit back and think that your achievements are not worth mentioning for the future employer. Stay confident and prepare yourself to present your work and accomplishments in the previous job confidently. In this age of cut-throat competition, if you do not take a step forward to grab the job offer, others will do! However, at the same time, it is also important to mention those achievements that are work related and somewhere relevant for you next job role.

Applying for Any Job Opening

Job hunting is not about applying for every another job opening. It requires finding the right job vacancy that meets your career plan and then applying for it. Randomly sending your application for any job takes more of your important time and takes you off the right track of your job search. Hence, it is important to analyze your requirements such as the type of job you wish to pursue, any preferred location or companies, etc. Planning and following the set criteria for your job search helps you to save your time and energy for the right jobs.

Taking Job Rejections Personally

If any employer doesn’t shortlist your job application, it is not advisable to take it personally. Remember, the company is not familiar to you and makes the selection on certain basis that is suitable for a particular job, such as qualification, work experience, skills, etc. Hence, instead of keeping your morale down, look for the right opportunity that demands the skills and qualifications that you possess!

Good luck!

Author Bio: Swati Srivastava is an avid writer who loves to pen down her ideas and career tips for job seekers and professionals. Her articles are published on several reputed career sites.  

7 Ways to Accelerate Your Job Hunt

Normally when you get eat ice-cream especially on a hot sunny day, you obtain instant satisfaction knowing that you have averted getting turned to dust by the excruciating heat.

But when it concerns something like finding the most appropriate long-term occupation, the sweet taste of that enjoyable satisfaction takes its time to settle in.

To be more frank, it is not exactly easy to get a job even if you have the right qualifications and have done everything right from your side.

But the fat lady can finally sing a happy tune as we have crafted a number of ways that will help boost your job searching endeavors so that you can tire yourself less than usual. Here, is a list of the best tips that yield the greatest of results.

Apply to more than one company

 Tossing your resume to just one company out there is fine, but don’t count on your employers following up on your CV immediately and getting short-listed on the double. There is very likely going to be other applicants that might be just as persuasive and competent or perhaps even more than you are.

This will slaughter your chances of even being considered and hold you back. Therefore, it is important for you to get ahead of yourself and send your resume over to a number of similar companies that would welcome and market your skills without a second thought. You may even get accepted by most of those companies, but at least you didn’t leave it to chance when being confronted with fierce competition.

Do not wait for opportunities to come flying at you

Do not assume that just because you have achieved commendable grades and a stunning degree, you will easily be called up and served a job vacancy on a silver platter.

Effort is not defined by lack of potential but the opposite of that and if you wish to have people looking you up, you need to get off from the comforts of your soft bed and start applying as your rivals are as well.

Don’t forget to follow up

Once your job interview is over, your potential employers will assure to get back to you and inform you whether or not you’ve made the cut. However, this doesn’t indicate that you lie down and take your load off just to wait for that moment. Chances are that they may be busy on their side, have forgotten or may have found a better candidate to fill out the position.

The only way of finding out is to write back to that company and remind them about your recent application.

The more interviews you take the better you become

 Even if you don’t have prior practice on how to perform seamlessly in your interviews, there is never a better time to start getting used to them than now.

Your first may sink faster than the Titanic, your second may seem like a tumbling seesaw, but the third might be the real winner for you as time goes by.

Get friends and family to help you out

 With as many contacts you have reserved in your directory, including those of family and close-friends, you may have a better calling card to a good job than you could have realized. Some of your siblings, parents or comrades may be able to squeeze in a good favor for you at the place where they are working, or even aid you in your university essays.

Make social media your new best friend

 These days, it’s all about the internet and nothing can help you spread the word out faster and more conveniently than the World Wide Web itself. Follow potential organizations and employers on their official social media pages at sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram especially LinkedIn so learn about their company through their statuses and updates.

Create an online portfolio

 If it’s an online professional portfolio or a cover letter that you are looking to build, then LinkedIn is right up your alley. You have to upload a professional shot without showing you posing with selfies, in a group or making funny or uncouth expressions. Upload all of your samples in digital format, audio or video presentations will supplement for you nicely.

About Author:

Hannah Lewis is a career counselor by profession with particular experience in the field of research and writing, currently working as an community manager at Essay Plus which helps students in getting their academic essays done . She has also worked with the popular organizations to foster the development of research and technology based learning programs for students.

How to Find a Job Opportunity in the Hidden International Job Market

How to Find a Job Opportunity in the Hidden International Job Market

Working abroad is a great way to kick-start an international career. It is not only an adventure, but also a unique way to gain knowledge of another culture. However, finding a job abroad is not a cakewalk. The right drill is to know the appropriate technique for hunting a job.

If you think relying on the traditional ‘application’ method would work in your job hunt abroad, you need to think again! The method of sending applications to the advertised employment market involves high competition, particularly for international job openings.

Most of the expat job seekers spend several hours in exploring the career opportunities in this market, but end up with disappointing results. Hence, the best way to explore career opportunities abroad is cracking the hidden job market, as most of these jobs are not even advertised. Most of the companies prefer to fill their vacant positions with advertising as it saves a lot of time and money. Moreover, they believe that people who are already working for their company are most suitable or prefer their references.

So, how you can get to know about it?Job search diagram

Top Ways to Find Hidden Jobs Abroad

1.     Networking

Networking is one of the best ways to do so. However, you need to be smarter in your approach to connect with people. Follow the simple rules of networking:

  • Give before you get it
  • Make networking a regular thing and not only when you have to get a job reference
  • Networking is not everything about asking for favors, but building relationships
  • Make it easy for your career network to help you get a job by letting them know clearly about your job preferences in terms of industry, position or job role
  • End your conversation by asking your contact about whom you can talk to about a particular thing. This definitely leads to more introductions

By following these tips, you get to increase possibilities of hearing about more opportunities.

2.     Attend various conferences

Conventions and trade shows are some of the ideal options to get into the hidden job market. Here you meet more people who can help you know more about unadvertised jobs, relevant contacts, and even about interview details. Keep yourself updated about any such events and try attending them.

3.     Join and widen your professional networking group

Most of the times, fellow job seekers prove to be a perfect resource for learning about the new career opportunities. Joining professional networking groups allows you to share career information and job search tips. Joining regional career groups also assist in getting information about opportunities in a particular location.

4.     Start contacting recruiters

Job seekers often hesitate to reach out to employers directly unless they see advertised positions. However, it is vital to contact potential employers through emails. Even if any employer has a hiring freeze, your chances of getting hired or contacted in the future remain high. You may also use online social networking sites like LinkedIn to introduce yourself to the various employers. Nowadays, many recruiters rely on such online portals to search the right talent.

5.     Leverage the modern technology

Online job portals are one of the latest ways to search jobs quickly. The information about various employers in different locations can be easily gained just at a click. Moreover, you get regular emails from Google news alerts to stay up-to-date about any latest opportunities and prospective employers.

6.     Know about opportunities with current employer

If you are working with a particular company, but willing to work abroad, it is not necessary that you have to leave your current job. Find out the other locations your company has operations in and look for any internal job posting. Remember, for filling new positions in other branches (also abroad), mostly companies prefer internal candidates. You have to be active in meeting the right people in your organization, research about the hidden opportunities and apply for them.

Numerous opportunities wait for you in the hidden job sector abroad. All you need to do is take up the right strategy.

Good luck!


Swati Srivastava is an avid writer with a keen interest on the extensive domain of job search and career counselling. Currently associated with, her articles are published on several reputed job search portals and online career magazines.

How to attract the Recruiter even if you do not have experience

Recruiters are like the gatekeepers of numerous unannounced positions in the industry. So, one needs to constantly keep in touch with a few prominent recruiters to stay informed.

This can best be done by making yourself active and visible to recruiters in the online market. A LinkedIn profile is highly important to do so. It is one of the most preferred sites of recruiters to discover good candidates.

Why is LinkedIn so important?

To answer this question, we must draw reference from a recent survey conducted by a popular software recruiting firm, they revealed in the study that almost 87 percent planned on using LinkedIn to staff candidates on 2011. And the number has only increased over the past 3 years.

There is a huge chunk of positions that remain under the covers in the job market and only these recruiters are aware of that. But if a person is not on the website with a lucrative profile he/she will go unnoticed and will not be discovered.

There are two main reasons why most people tend to avoid LinkedIn than any other job site.

  • They do not want their present employer t know that they are in the market for a new job.
  • They want to keep their privacy intact ad don’t want to disclose too much personal information on job site.

But both of these are very common misconceptions among people. As one need not reveal what they don’t want to on LinkedIn and also most active persons on LinkedIn are not in the market for a new job.

Also it is not only enough to put your name out there through a LinkedIn profile, your profile needs to be right to attract good recruiter attention. The main mistake made by most candidates on LinkedIn is that they do not have a complete profile.

You need to have a complete profile to gather more recruiter attention. And your profile also needs to be search optimized and compelling enough so that the employers contact you.

As per reports a complete profile is viewed 40 times more than an incomplete one. The right hand side of one’s profile states the information about how complete ones profile is and what more does the person need to do.  

Also being transparent and keeping your work and profile info up to date is key in LinkedIn to attract recruiter attention. You should also keep a profile in the popular job portals like or Indeed. But trying to find a niche job search website pertaining directly to your field is also important.

What do employers’ look for in a good resume?

Here are a few tips to get your resume noticed in the pile of hundreds or thousands of other resumes on the employer’s table:

  • A very precise and short objective
  • An information about how long you have been working at your current position in the present company
  • A note about what you are presently working on and how that knowledge can help your company
  • Previous job experiences and time period of how long you’ve worked for those companies and positions
  • Educational qualifications

Also there are a certain number of things that makes recruiters fret:

  • Do not be inconsistent: this is one point that always puts employers off. Although we all go through ups and downs in our career. But major inconsistencies that strongly indicate a lack of focus about professionals should be avoided.
  • Do not be afraid to interact with recruiters on LinkedIn. Build up your professional network and be proud of it. Recruiters really like a person with a robust professional network and quality resumes and cover letters with their profiles.

Some other innovative ways you can grab recruiter’s attention are:

Host live events to connect with people in real life: This does make a huge difference in lives of professionals. You can host a networking event or an open house to attract recruiters as well as fresh talents for your own company.

Optimize your profile for increasing job portal visibility on search engines: When people put up a profile in a social networking site, they believe that recruiters read every last word in their profile. But they don’t, they only read a few key words to judge if you are a potential candidate or not. And if do not optimize your profile, recruiter’s relative to your field of expertise may never find you. Including numerous buzz words in your job search profile is key to make you more visible and discoverable to employers.

Author Bio

Harshit Singh Tomar is a blogger and a professional career author with proven expertise in writing for topics related to jobs, job trends, different job opportunities, various workplace and industry information, tips and strategies for job seekers.

Building A Career In Salesforce

If you are a student looking to build a career in salesforce and salesforce release, then you couldn’t have picked a better time to do so.

Currently, there is a huge scarcity of Salesforce experts in the market and this includes both developers and administrators.

Most companies are making the move towards salesforce and is happening so rapidly that the supply is not being able to keep up. Thus if you want to be part of this lucrative market then you should get started right now.

Here is how you can jumpstart your career as a consultant in Salesforce.

 1.     Create Your Developer Edition

One of the best methods of learning something practical is by using it hands on. it is no different with Salesforce as well. Anybody can create a developer edition and that too for free.

It is fully functioning and can be utilised to learn standard functionality, and also allows for the installation of AppExchange packages. If you are learning salesforce at an advanced level them even APEX code can be installed.

Remember that these free developer editions need to have activity at least once every six months for them not to expire. Also, they are updated with the latest version of salesforce release.

2. Get familiar with the Technicalities

Go to the salesforce website which has all the technical documentation that you will need to start the learning process. There is a lot of content that you need to go through and some of that might not even make sense to you at the beginning. Go to the help section of that website or the salesforce community where you will find a lot of resources to help you out. You can learn about objects, definitions, permissions and so much more.

3. Start at the Beginning

To master something well you will have to start from the basics itself. Go through the online workbook which covers all the basic concepts of salesforce through activity based learning.

Using this workbook, you will be able to create your first application, understand how permissions work, a role, profile and so on. Once you have gone through this interactive workbook you will be able to understand salesforce and some of the technical jargon.

4. Communicate with Other Users

Another great way of picking up a concept is by peer learning.

Every major city will have many salesforce groups which are open to members of the community. These meetings can be joined and attended both free of cost and are fantastic ways for members to share practices, advice, tips and tricks and so on.

Use these groups to network, get to know people, ask questions and present yourself to the community as well. always have business cards with you and talk to the right people. Engaging with the community will surely take you places.

5. Use Social Media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools today. Members of the salesforce community use it all the time to help and connect with other users on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress and so on.

If you are not an active member of one of these platforms then it is high time you increase your social media presence. You not only gain knowledge but also network with people across borders using social media tools.

These are some of the popular ways in which students can build a strong career in Salesforce. If you are still hungry for more then try the new interactive website launched by salesforce where you can choose exercises on certain topics and master them in a fun way.

About the author

James Ford is a Salesforce administrator and avid blogger in the community. He writes articles reviewing the latest salesforce release. In his free time, James likes to travel to exotic places with his son and wife. 

Is Getting a Job in 7 days Possible? Experts Say It is

So you are really sick of your current full-time job? Or probably you have just graduated and you are raring to start working?

Well, the bad news is that millions of other people with skills just like you are also in your position.

The good news on the other hand, is that it is possible to get your dream job in 7 days and start earning good income. If you listen to most job seekers, they will give you jeremiads about their tribulations in the job market. But who said you have to be like them?

Capitalizing on Job Searching Skills

With the right job searching for information at your fingertips, you will be in the employed cadre in a week’s time. Mind you, this is not a gimmick because thousands of job seekers have used these tips to get their dream jobs. Take a look:

  • Fine-tune your marketing materials: You have to consider yourself as a brand. As such, you need perfect marketing to get employers to notice you. Employers are looking for a person who is offering a packaged deal of skills and you must present yourself so. Your profile and resume must be reworked with your specific target industry in mind.
  • Power of networking: You must have come across this job searching tip but are you really building on it? For instance, your previous bosses, your lecturers in college, colleagues who have moved to other jobs and even friends must know about your job search today.

Space Jobs

One future space job will be asteroids watching. We know that asteroids killed of the dinosaurs and we don’t want the same thing to happen to the human race. NASA recently announced that it will launch a survey telescope to search for near-earth asteroids. These early warning systems may save thousands of lives in the event of asteroids hitting the earth. In the USA president Obama has even outlined plans that could see astronauts land on an asteroid. This paranoia is a real threat, last year over 1000 people were injured in Russia when a 40-ton meteor traveling at 33,000 mph explodes over a terrified town.

  • Social media: It might be inveighed by old folks but this platform provides an ideal tool to market yourself. In essence, you must rebrand your social media platform to reposition yourself as a professional looking for a job and not carefree student in college. You must utilize Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social platforms in your job search.
  • Career fairs: This is one place where you can meet prospective employers without paying a dime. You should position yourself in the target industry and ask probing questions to assess whether the company you are targeting has any openings.
  • Online job search managers: These are the perfect places to start your job search. When you visit for instance, you will get professional advice on resume building and updating. Employers use these platforms to get professionals whose backgrounds have been checked thus making hunting for skills easier.
  • Job alerts: This is the age of information and it is easy to sign up for alerts from different job search platforms. Job alerts will supplement other networks you have already built.
  • Hone interview skills: You might be complaining about the job market while the problem lies with you. You have to practice how to interview successfully by learning how to dress appropriately, learning to answer common questions and avoiding common interview mistakes.

Do you feel like the job market does not need you? Well, you only have to understand what you really need and aggressively look for it. Your ideal job is out there waiting for you to identify it so get down to work; job searching is a job in itself.

Job Hunting in the Digital Age: What to Embrace and What to Avoid

As effective as the Internet is at bridging gaps between people and information, it nonetheless offers very few certainties when it comes to finding a job.

At the same time, the Internet is a tool that simply cannot be ignored for anyone who wants to succeed in his or her chosen career.

 In order to help you navigate the various intricacies of an Internet job search, here are some important things to remember.

Social Media Isn’t Always Your Friend

It has become a standard practice in today’s job market for employers to look at a potential employee’s social media presence to determine if the candidate is the right fit for the job.

If your Facebook page or Twitter feed is flooded with intimate, racy or potentially embarrassing details of your personal life, there’s a good chance it could reflect poorly on you. A good rule of thumb is to assume that everything you put online – including photos – is being seen by your boss, which probably isn’t too far from the actual truth.

Undisclosed Location

Some experts assure job seekers that it’s now considered acceptable to not include your full address on a resume. After all, we live in an age of telecommuting – growing connectivity has made physical distance less relevant in many aspects of life, including work. Another argument against disclosing your home address in an online resume or on a social network is the security factor since certain criminals are known to use this type of information in targeting potential victims. 

Beware of Internet Scams

At first glance, this seems pretty obvious. After all, everyone knows that phishing attempts and other scams are all over the Internet. Unfortunately, some people may let their guard down out of their desperation to get a job.

Some of the common online job scams promise to provide details on “commuting from home” for a one-time or monthly fee. In some cases, job scams will involve asking for Social Security numbers. Always be cautious about providing information to get the chance at applying for what seems like a dream job.

Interview questions and answers

The Internet is Everything

While the initial intricacies of a digital job hunt might scare off some from using the Internet at all, it’s important to remember that job searches simply aren’t the same as they used to be. Many employers don’t even allow people to apply directly anymore, and much of the initial application process now occurs online.

Make an Online Impression

When searching for a job online, remember that organization is key. Organize your findings from various employment searches and take some time to polish your resume before sending it out. In the digital age, your online presence is your first impression on potential employers. With a little perseverance and some luck, that dream job you’ve been waiting for will reveal itself.

Penn Renner got his first computer when he was 13 and has been a self-proclaimed tech nerd ever since. When he is not busy toying with his many gadgets he is a freelance writer.