How To Hire For C-Level Position?

Hire For C-Level Position?

C-level has broadly used a term that refers to the most senior positions of an organization. These are considered as the most senior executives and decision-makers. These job titles start with C that is Chief Executive officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Operations Officer, etc., and collectively known as C-level executives.

These positions are considered in terms of a most influential group of an organization. This point of the organization is impossible to be reached without exceptional leadership skills. There are many crucial roles that are played by the C-level executives. Every C-level position runs its separate department such as Chief Financial Officer is the head of overall financial decision-making, transactions, investment, portfolio management, and investment research. Unlike these responsibilities, Chief Operations Officers is responsible for entire operational activities in the organization. Similarly, every C-level executive is the head of its respective department and massive accountability and responsibility fall under every C-level position.

The success and failure of the organizations lie under a decision taken by these top executives. Being a member of the C-level position, an executive makes sure that strategies are aligned with the established plans and policies that may lead to the overall success or failure of the organization. This important C-level executive recommends that the hiring process should be extensively refined and filtered. There are some recommendations on how this position can be efficiently filled;

Set Objectives To For Hiring

C-level positions demand extreme costs and sometimes demands to share in an organization. Before HR department starts the hiring process, they should clearly identify what an organization is specifically looking for, and what specifications an ideal candidate should possess in terms of education, experience, expertise, and skills.

Fitness And Suitability With The Business

When a company starts to hire a C-level executive, the hiring team must make sure that the company’s culture, size, and sector would not be a hindrance to the executive’s success. One illustration to this would be that the CEO of a company with lesser employees has a very diverse role from the CEO of a company with thousands of employees. Whatever the size and strength of a company are, it is crucial that the executive specifies he or she can work well in the company’s environment and working conditions.

Internal Searching

Identify if any current employee who can fulfill and fit the requirements of the position. It has been seen as an increasing trend that mostly in large companies C-Level position is filled from an external source rather than promoting middle or top managers to the C-level positions. It is suggested that if a company is pursuing a great corporate culture and exceptional and experienced employee expertise since its inception, the company should give top preference to fill the C-level position from an internal source because culture is hard to learn and followed.


Check For References Listed

It is important to highlight that C-level position sets the foundations for the company. A company should never underrate the recommendations that are given by the references. A company should analyze and check for every reference that has been listed by an applicant. References are the persons that have been working with an applicant over a long span of time and can easily shed a light on candidate’s expertise, skills, and personal characteristics.

Collaborative Hiring Process

If a company is aiming to hire a C-level executive from an external source, it is suggested that hiring process should closely engage the employees that will be working as a subordinate under that executive. If they are not involved in the decision, it could significantly cause a considerable amount of tension inside the department. In addition to it, company’s employees will be able to speak directly to their team’s objectives, complications, and procedures

Gradual Process And Trust Development

Ultimately, a position should be fulfilled if a company has clearly identified and analyzed the need of the company. Specifically, check if the position is realistically required to be filled because organization’s money is earned with the ultimate hard work and its equity and money should not be wasted. The hiring team should spend a well amount of time for the search of most suitable and expert C-level executive for the company.

Interview questions and answers

While launching a hiring process the company should design interviews, tests, and discussion agendas. This step will set the benchmark for the selection of the best candidate. The company should make sure that it has formed the metrics of success for the position, and the scaling for the interview session because this will also help an executive for the better evaluation of the job fitness and suitability.

About the Writer:

Alison Ceres is a Head of Human Resource Management at Dissertation Works. She has done her masters in human resource management. For her in-depth insights into HR affairs, she uses blogging to share her thoughts.
