Hospitality Receptionist Job Interview
Hospitality jobs are on the increase and front of house hotel and receptionist positions are still on the rise even with an increase in online bookings.
For many hotel chains having a hotel receptionist skilled in customer service is key to customer retention. Employers, therefore, during the job interview will ask questions designed to understand if each applicant possesses interpersonal skills, organisational skills and experience of problem-solving.
This article will help you pass your next job interview by providing you with a list of commonly asked hotel reception job interveiw questions and an explanation of how to answer each interview question.
Job Interview Questions and Answers for a Hospitality Receptionist
Job Interview Question 1: What is your customer service experience?
The initial open question is designed to get an overview of the applicant’s relevant experience in reference to the criteria of the advertised position.
When answering the ‘experience’ question, start generally before giving specific details;
‘I have X years of experience working X customer service roles..’
Next add in any relevant, hotel-related, qualifications;
‘…I possess a national diploma in customer service and an NVQ in computer studies…’
The answer should end with a list of specific skills and/or experiences relating to working with the hotel trade or customer service roles;
‘…For the last 5 years, I have worked at X where I was responsible for taking bookings and cancellations, recording customer data on the computer, checking in guests, allocating rooms and answering questions about hotel facilities, local transport, places of interest and entertainment.’
Job Interview Question 2: How do you assess the success of a hotel front of house department?
What this question is really asking is if you understand what is required to make a successful front of house team.
As customer service is key to the success of a hotel, you can link this essential element to the interview answer. Next, list some of the key job duties, that if completed properly, will result in a successful department.
‘Customer feedback provides the overall success rate of a hotel reception. If the feedback has common areas of development then this is an area that needs improving. If the feedback is positive, then it is deemed that the front of house team is being successful. Behind the scenes, though, the front of house team have a number of key targets they have to meet. It is the meeting of these targets and the completion of business-as-usual duties that are key indicators of success.’
Job Interview Question 3: How does the hotel reception contribute to the strategies and goals of the hotel?
Hotel managers, when recruiting, require a team that all work together to achieve the objectives of the hotel. In the main, the goal of any hotel is to provide an excellent service to paying customers, as this increases repeat business and of course profits.
When answering interveiw questions about the wider team and the overarching strategic objectives, you need to highlight how you understand that it is a team approach that is needed to be successful, from the cleaning team to the hotel manager, from the kitchen team to the front of house department.
Job Interview Question 4: What was quality of standard of work/customer service in previous positions?
Employers ask questions about previous positions as new employees can bring over good practice or bad habits. Often if the standards were poor in a previous job role, it can be assumed that the employee will expect the same level of standards in the new role.
It is important, then, to make it clear that either the standard of work was high in a previous role – and that you enjoyed working to this level of professionalism, or that it was the low standards that made you want to apply for a position with a more professional hotel.
Job Interview Question 5: Give an example of welcoming a customer to the hotel.
Example questions can be answered by stating the process you follow, in this instance, to welcome a hotel guest.
- Give a friendly welcome
- Check booking details
- Give an overview of the room and the facilities
- Ask if they require anything to if they would like an upgrade
- So the guest to their rooms
Job Interview Question 6: Give an example of going above and beyond on behalf of a customer?
Customer service is gold in the hotel sector, with that old saying ‘the customer is always right’.
Employers expect the front of house team to offer exceptional customer service. Don’t fall into the trap of answering this interveiw question with business-as-usual customer service (even though this level of customer service may be above and beyond in a different industry).
A real-life example is required here. Previous, successful, examples have included:
- Helping a guest gain a room when the hotel was full and the customer’s booking had been lost.
- Taking extra time during a wedding to help the happy couple to have a lovely day by event managing the event that was starting to go badly.
- Being an interpreter, once your shift had ended, for a group of non-English speaking customers on a trip from abroad.

Job Interview Question 7: How do you recall large amounts of information?
As a front of house staff member, the guest expects the receptionist to know all the local facilities.
Here, the interviewee, needs to explain their process for remembering all the required information needed for a potential guest.
‘When starting work in a new city I first check for the key venue, activities and facilities that a guest may require; theatres, bars, museums. I also use the internet to find the random request that may be asked for, this way I always have an answer for a guest.’
Job Interview Question 8: What is key when answering a call from a customer or business associate?
Taking calls from guests is a daily occurrence. Employers are looking for a polite, professional and friendly receptionist to help key the brand’s positive image.
As a technical interveiw question, the best way to answer it is to breakdown the steps embedded in the process for each duty.
- Answer with a good morning/good afternoon and name the hotel
- Ask how you can help
- Listen to the query and check any details
- Give advice, information or answer the question
- Ask if there is anything extra you can help with
- Wish them a good day
Job Interview Question 9: What does customer service mean to you?
Customer service is about going above and beyond the call of duty to keep the customer happy.
When answering the ‘customer service explanation’ question give a description, similar to the above statement, before giving an example of you using customer service in a previous role.
Job Interview Question 10: Do you have any questions to ask?
- How many hotels are in the chain?
- Can employees work across hotels?
- What training is in place for employees?
- What percentage of guests are repeat customers?
- Does the hotel have an internal promotion programme?