Sample Interview Questions and Answers

Curveball Interview Questions and Answers

The key preparation for a job interview is to create a list of sample curveball interview questions. From this list, you can create strong job interview answers by tailoring your experience, skills and qualities to that of the job specification.

Your sample interview answers need to do three things; one – inform the interviewer that you have the required skills, two – show enthusiasm and passion, three – highlight a unique selling point.

This is even more important when you are asked curveball interview questions, these are job interview questions that sound random, but in actual fact have a hidden meaning.

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Have you ever had a problem with a supervisor?

Commonly asked job interview question

This article will explain how to respond to the ‘problem supervisor’ job interview question.

When asked a question about previous supervisors, don’t fall into the obvious trap of stating the negative characteristics of the previous supervisor.

Instead follow these 3 steps to create a positive structured answer – see the video below for a more detailed explanation

  • State the situation (the reason for the fallout)
  • Explain how you both came to an agreement
  • Give the outcome from the situation and solution

Interview Question Have you ever had a problem with a supervisor?

Explanation of the Question:

This could be a trap-they want to see if you will speak ill of a pass employer.  Start by explaining that “you have always worked well with your supervisors”, if they push this question, continue by giving an answer along the lines of this:

Example Interview Answer and Video Tutorial

“The only thing I can think of is when I was asked by a supervisor to complete a task, and I already had a task that needed completing by a certain deadline. My supervisor was a little stressed but we prioritized the work and got both jobs done on time”