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Job Interview Questions for A Chip Shop Assistant Fryer
- Job Interview Question 1: What is your chip shop experience?
- Job Interview Question 2: How would you deal with a customer who is not happy with the food served?
- Job Interview Question 3: How would you increase “meal of the day” sales?
- Job Interview Question 4: Give an example of when you worked under pressure?
- Job Interview Question 5: How do you feel about working in a hot chip shop environment?
- Job Interview Question 6: Have you ever done a repetitive job before and what did you do to make it easier?
- Job Interview Question 7: Give me an example of your excellent customer servuce skills?

- Job Interview Question 8: How would you deal with a customer who was drunk?
- Job Interview Question 9: Do you prefer the work behind or in front of the chip shop counter?
- Job Interview Question 10: Do you know any frying temperatures, food hygiene regulations and fridge temperatures?
- Job Interview Question 11: Do you have any questions for me?