Learn How to Negotiate More Effectively

Negotiate More Effectively in a Job Interview

Whether you are a job applicant trying to get an acceptable salary, a salesperson trying to win over a client or a business owner setting up a contract with a vendor, negotiating is a skill you must have to get the results you want. If you aren’t an effective negotiator, you will be at the mercy of the other person. Fortunately, this is a skill that can be developed.

Know Your Desired Outcome

Many people enter negotiations without a clear goal. They aren’t sure what they want or even what they will accept. Before you start any negotiations with the other party, know what you hope the end result will be and your cut-off point.

For example, say you are negotiating a salary with an employer who has just offered you a job. You would like to make $40,000 per year, so that is your desired result. Since negotiating is all about give and take, you also need to know the lowest amount you will accept. In this instance, you are willing to go as low as $30,000. This means your area for negotiations is between the two amounts.

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Back Your Request with Facts

If you want to get your desired salary, you must show why you deserve it. Perhaps that is the industry standard or you have more skills or education than the average person in this position. You must be able to prove your side of the negotiation.

The same holds true when trying to win over a new customer. You must be able to prove why your product or service is better. You cannot hope to win them over to your side without using logic and sound reasoning.

Be Clear

Whether you are negotiating a price with a customer or a contract with a business partner, you must be clear on your terms. This includes stating everything in simple terms so there is no misunderstanding and speaking clearly so they can understand what you’re saying.

In today’s global economy, it’s not uncommon to be working with people from all over the world. The difference in accents and speech patterns as well as the words used make it more difficult to be understood. If you do a lot of negotiating, you may want to hire an accent reduction coach to help you learn to enunciate more clearly in your business meetings.

It also helps to speak in short sentences where you get to the point. While some negotiators use long speeches and complicated words to confuse the other person, this doesn’t usually lead to the results you want. You don’t want to just win at the actual negotiation, you want the other person to be satisfied with the outcome for a successful long-term relationship.

Negotiating is a skill anyone can learn. From hiring a business speech coach to writing down your goals, you can learn how to become an effective negotiator who gets the results they want. This is a life skill as well as one that will benefit you in any business.

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Claudette Roche is an accent training in the Vero Beach, FL area. She teaches foreign and American accents to actors and business persons/executives. In 2010 she was named as one of The Top 5 Voice Coaches by Hollywood Weekly Magazine.

Sample Interview Questions and Answers

Curveball Interview Questions and Answers

The key preparation for a job interview is to create a list of sample curveball interview questions. From this list, you can create strong job interview answers by tailoring your experience, skills and qualities to that of the job specification.

Your sample interview answers need to do three things; one – inform the interviewer that you have the required skills, two – show enthusiasm and passion, three – highlight a unique selling point.

This is even more important when you are asked curveball interview questions, these are job interview questions that sound random, but in actual fact have a hidden meaning.

Continue reading “Sample Interview Questions and Answers”

Job Interview Questions for a Procurement Officer

How to Pass a Procurement Officer Job Interview

To prepare for a procurement job interview you first need to predict the job interview questions. To do this simply read the job spec and turn each duty or essential criteria into a job interview question.

As a procurement officer, your average salary will be between £30,000-£45,000. At this level of salary an employer will expect a high level of knowledge to be expressed throughout the job interview.

Being responsible for sourcing and procuring quality equipment, goods or service at competitive prices inline with an organizations strategic strategy, means interviewers will want to hear how you can build relationships, finding new suppliers, negotiation skills  and record keeping.

In addition, throughout the job interview, ensure you  show an awareness of risk management and ethical issues.

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Job Interview Questions for a Procurement Officer

Interview Question 1 tell me about your experience as a procurement officer and the required skills you need to be successful in this role.

Interview Question 2 how do you deal with a supplier who states that your order will be late?

Interview Question 3 What is your approaching when dealing with a disgruntled customer?

Interview Question 4 how do you review your performance?

Interview Question 5 how do you negotiate successfully with a supplier?

Interview Question 6 are you enthusiastic and a good team player?

Interview questions and answers

Interview Question 7 give an example of taking the initiative

Interview Question 8 what skills do you need to be a procurement officer?

Interview Question 9 how will you make a really impact if you were successful?

Interview Question 10 do you have any questions for me?

5 Things to Do After an Interview that Helps You Seal the Deal

What To Do After an Interview to Seal the Deal

The three step process of searching a job includes:

  • Drafting a perfect resume
  • Preparing for the Interview
  • Post-Interview Follow-Ups

The first two steps are conventional and you prepare according to the job you apply to. Done with the job interview, now what’s next?

Once you have shaken hands and parted ways, you do not just have to sit ideal and wait for the employer to get in touch with you.

Here are five things you should be doing after an interview that help you get the job.

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#1 Write a Thank You Note

Firstly, when in an interview remember to collect business cards from each member that you meet in your process.

The best way to follow up is to write an e-mail within 24 hours of the interview. Your follow-up mail should be drafted in a job letter format starting with acknowledging each one of them for their time and then reiterate why you are the perfect fit for the job.

Use this follow-up email to thank the interviewers for the time they invested in meeting you, express what interests you in the position and anything you feel led to a personal connection during the interview process.

Another quick way to leave an impressive mark in the minds of the interviewers, leave a hand written thank you note followed by a follow-up email in a week’ time.

#2 Judiciously Connect Online

It might be tempting to connect with everyone that you have met with online.

Do so, but make sure that it does not leave an impression of you stalking them. Check their online presence before you reach out sending those requests. For example, someone you met at ABC organization has more than 500 people on his/her LinkedIn account implies that he/she is open to accept requests.

On the other hand, there might be someone with a private account. So hold yourself there, before you send out a request.

To be on the safe side, it is better to follow people or the organization on Twitter. It displays that you have a keen interest in the company. Keep Facebook for friends and family. Connection professionally on Facebook might turn the tables around for you.

#3 Follow-Up Again

It can take a while to get a response from the employer after you have had that interview. The reasons can be many.

If this is the case, you should consider following up again. But make sure that you have something new to offer each time you write a follow-up e-mail.

You can look out for a piece of news or what’s happening in the related industry and share it in a small follow-up note.

#4 Keep Those Notes

It is important that you have a track of job openings you pursue, the resumes sent and the contacts you have made through an application.

Once you are done with an interview, take out time and make notes listing down the people you met, the conversation you had and what remarkable you learned through the process.

Additionally also keep a note of the impressions you made and any concerns or questions you would like to put up to the employer when given a chance.

Interview questions and answers

#5 Make a Call

Communicating electronically has become the norm these days.

The extent is to the level that some people today think that a phone call will intrude their time. So, when you call someone make sure that you are considerate and careful both at the same time.

Recall, if they told you to call or drop an email. If not and you have already tried to get in touch through an e-mail without any response, before calling think about what you are going to say. It is better to practice before you make the call.

Finding a job is not an easy task. If you get an opportunity, make sure you use it to the fullest. Some annoying things candidates do in name of follow-up can harm the chances of you making it to the job. Here is a list of things you must not do definitely to keep your chances high.

  • Following-Up too much
  • Changing the salary expectations after the discussion
  • Acting like you have the job
  • Skipping the thank you note
  • Bringing up other job offers

Author Bio

Akansha Arora is a professional writer and blogger who loves to pen down her views on a number of topics that interest a reader. She writes keeping in mind the current scenarios and wishes to keep her readers well informed. 

3 Body Language Tricks to Make The Interviewer See You As Confident

Use Body Language Tricks to be Seen as Confident

Confidence in the job interview is everything.

Even if you feel nervous you need to, externally show confidence.

These clever body language tricks will help convince any job interview that you are one hell of a confident interviewee.

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Job Interview Confidence Trick 1

This visualization trick is used by actors.

As you walk into the interview room, the interviewer will look up from his desk and make an opinion about your level of confidence from your posture.

To create a positive posture, imagine that there is a piece of string dangling from the door frame of the interview room. It is long enough to touch the very top of your head. As you walk through the doorway, imagine lifting your head and straitening your back, so your head just reaches the bottom of the string.

This will help you to create a confidence looking posture, influencing the job interview.

Job Interview Confidence Trick 2

Is that Dave? God I’ve not seen you since school

Whenever you meet an old friend who you haven’t seen in ages, you instantly smile, a big bright smile.

A big smile makes the friend feel warm and specially. When in an interview situation, wait until you walk through the doorway and then smile a big bright smile at the interviewer, imagine that the interviewer is an old friend.

This smile will create rapport, likability and you will be seen as positive, approachable and confident.Interview questions and answers

Job Interview Confidence Trick 3

Talk with your hands

Nervous and shy people keep there hands down their sides, it’s as if they want to make themselves look small, unnoticeable.

Confident people will express themselves and communicate with words and gestures. Don’t only does a person who talks with their hands increase communication they look more confident and relaxed.

Change Your Language Change Your Interview Stress Levels

Understand How Language Change Interview Stress Levels.

Job interviews are really stressful, but are more more stressful by the language the interviewee uses when trying to motivate themselves.

The actual words we use when talking to our-self has a massive impact on your emotional well being. Our internal dialog is created automatically, by taking control of your personal language, you create interview confidence, reducing job interview stress.

Here are 3 simple ways to reduce job interview stress by choosing stress reducing words

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Speaking in the Third Person

Stressed and anxious interviewees use associated language “I have to answer all the interview questions…” Is this is said from a negative perspective, the visual imagery you create from these words increases stress.

Self-distancing helps you to control your thoughts and emotional response. By using disassociated phrases the stress impact lowers “Chris has to answer all the interview questions..” you change your perspective, changing your response and behavior.

To lessen stress, think about the phrasing of yourself talk. Become aware of the “I” you are using, and repeat the same phrase replacing “I” with your name.

Strong and Weak Words

When preparing for the job interview it is easy to fall into the trap of using weak words that didn’t motivate.

Take these 2 examples;

  • I’m going to try and pass the job interview
  • I will pass the job interview

Words such as “try” “maybe” “want” don’t create the feeling of commitment. By replacing these weak words with commitment statements you are more likely to achieve your goals.

When feeling committed to a passing a job interview, your stress levels naturally drop as you have  a positive focus which creates interview confidence.

Interview questions and answers

Language and Perspective

Interviewees often focus on the negative reasons why they need to pass the job interview.

The way you phrase your reason for attending the job interview will create stress or desire.

Most people phrase their job interview goal in the negative stating the thing they want to get away from “I don’t want to be unemployed…”

What you say to yourself, your reason for the job interview, is represented by visual imagery. This image creates an emotional response, either positive or negative and only positive emotions help you to relax in the job interview, increasing confidence.

To increase job interview confidence, reframe your negatively phrased goal positively “I want to gain a job with a pay rise”

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Searching Jobs Abroad

The Six Mistakes to Avoid When Searching Jobs Abroad

Searching jobs abroad can be a challenging process if you are committing certain job hunting mistakes. Working overseas brings in a lot of opportunities and international exposure apart from other benefits such as learning, meeting new people and understanding the new culture. Hence, you cannot afford to miss any chance to getting that excellent job offer by remaining unaware of these common job-hunting mistakes.

Here’s the list of mistakes that you should always avoid-at any cost:

Not Sending Across the Right Message

In the competitive global job market, employers are busy with job applications from numerous candidates, out of which only a few deserving ones are short-listed. Hence, in their busy work schedule, they hardly get more than a few minutes to read your entire application thoroughly and extract the required information related to your qualifications, experience or career objectives. Therefore, failing to deliver a clear message is one of the biggest mistakes in your job search. Give them a short and clear message that save more of the time and gives a clear message, thus increasing your chances of selection!

Not Differentiating Yourself

You need a distinct reason to make the employer choose you over other job seekers. Hence, it is vital to analyze your strengths and present your achievements, skills and competencies in an impressive manner. Every employer looks for skills suitable for his job description. Hence, it is imperative that you study the requirements of the job role carefully and customize your CV as per the job requirements.

Developing Negative Thoughts

Job search is a full-time job in itself that requires patience and positive thoughts. It’s not that you start getting calls from the interviewers the moment you send your CV to a company. Hence, losing hope and developing negative thought about the delay in your desired results is another big mistake. Stay positive and have patience. All you need to do is focus on your job hunting.

Hesitating to Highlight Your Achievements

It is not the time to sit back and think that your achievements are not worth mentioning for the future employer. Stay confident and prepare yourself to present your work and accomplishments in the previous job confidently. In this age of cut-throat competition, if you do not take a step forward to grab the job offer, others will do! However, at the same time, it is also important to mention those achievements that are work related and somewhere relevant for you next job role.

Applying for Any Job Opening

Job hunting is not about applying for every another job opening. It requires finding the right job vacancy that meets your career plan and then applying for it. Randomly sending your application for any job takes more of your important time and takes you off the right track of your job search. Hence, it is important to analyze your requirements such as the type of job you wish to pursue, any preferred location or companies, etc. Planning and following the set criteria for your job search helps you to save your time and energy for the right jobs.

Taking Job Rejections Personally

If any employer doesn’t shortlist your job application, it is not advisable to take it personally. Remember, the company is not familiar to you and makes the selection on certain basis that is suitable for a particular job, such as qualification, work experience, skills, etc. Hence, instead of keeping your morale down, look for the right opportunity that demands the skills and qualifications that you possess!

Good luck!

Author Bio: Swati Srivastava is an avid writer who loves to pen down her ideas and career tips for job seekers and professionals. Her articles are published on several reputed career sites.  

Tips for a Career as an Accountant

Get a Career as an Accountant

Accountants are valued for being strategic and are hired as consultants and financial advisors.

The role of the accountant has gradually evolved and expanded beyond conventional functions such as auditing.

With diversity that covers aspects such as information technology and forensic investigation, accounting continues to be a highly sought after career option.

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 Information about Accounting

Regardless of what you aspire to in the profession as an advisor or helping businesses grow, the field of accounting is a worthwhile career choice. Accountants are responsible for measuring, processing and communicating financial information about companies and businesses.

When commercial trade began, it became necessary for transactions to be managed properly. This led to the development of bookkeeping and accounting became a well-recognized profession. Accounting is a popular career because there is a high demand for the service. An accountant is a professional that virtually everyone needs. The profession is regarded as prestigious and offers rewarding experience.

Accountants can expect to be well paid and can rise up the ranks in various companies and accounting firms. Accounting gives you the chance to work internationally since the standards and rules are applicable around the world.

Accountants Responsibilities

Although accounting has expanded to include more functions beyond the conventional aspects of profession, an accountant has a number of key responsibilities.

Financial accounting requires you to prepare and manage the company’s financial records and provide reports that can be accessed externally. You need to be fully aware of the accounting standards and rules that are used for this particular field of accounting.

Management accountants analyze the results and reports of businesses. Emphasis is placed on giving financial information and reports to managers in order for them to be able to make the right business decisions. Management accounting also involves budgeting and financial forecasts.

Auditing involves verifying business reports and their accuracy. This is accomplished by gathering the evidence that is required to back up the numbers provided in reports and give opinions regarding the results. An audit report is issued to showcase the viability of a business and the completion of its financial recordkeeping.

Tax accountants prepare documents that relate to tax laws. They are involved in planning and working out how businesses can be structured according to tax legislation.

Accountant Skills

The diverse nature of accounting gives you the chance to use your skills and training in both corporate and non-corporate working environments. There are different skills that every accountant needs to be successful.

The world of accounting is based on numbers. This means that you need strong numeracy skills. Even with the inclusion of computer technology, you still need to be very good and comfortable with numbers.

It is essential for any good accountant to pay attention to detail. This is because the information that you provide is used to make important business decisions by various stakeholders. As an accountant you need to ensure that any information you present is accurate.

An accountant also needs to have good communication skills. Communicating effectively is essential for presenting both written and verbal reports that can be easily understood.


Greg Jones has been providing business-based content for a variety of publications since 2005. Learn more about bookkeepers in Melbourne here.

Things to Know Before Considering to Working Abroad

Things to Know Before Considering to Working Abroad

Working abroad is a great way to develop skills, gain global work exposure, experience different culture and boost your employability.

The various advantages associated with working abroad attract many job seekers to consider working overseas.

Some popular benefits include:

  • It is an excellent way to kick-start an international career
  • Learn new skills and languages
  • Get to know the other culture and people
  • It is exciting and adventurous

Numerous job opportunities are available in the international job market. However, being able to enjoy these benefits does not limit to your dream, but requires you to prepare in advance. Researching the job market and carefully planning every step of your job search paves the path for a fulfilling career.

Here are a few things that you should consider before you plan to take your final steps forward for a job abroad:

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 Ask Yourself a Few Important Questions-

Have you analyzed your cost of Living and income?

At times, in the excitement of living and working abroad, job seekers forget to make an analysis of how much their international job offer earns them and how much amount they end up as expenses. Undoubtedly, it is important to have your savings, greater than your cost of living. Hence, before choosing a job and the work location, research about its cost of living, salary offered in your industry and job role.

Does your job meet your career goal?

Moving abroad is not the only thing you want to achieve! Everything is done with a purpose, Right? So, it is equally important to find a job that meets your long-term goal. Ask yourself, what do you want in life? What type of job interests you? Is this what you actually wanted to do? Any career decision taken after considering your knowledge and interests always proves beneficial in the end.

Do you possess the required skills?

Before choosing or applying for any job abroad, consider the skills that your new job demands. Different jobs require different complex skills, and hence, take your time to develop those important skills to meet your job requirements.

How much prepared are you for overcoming the possible barriers?

When working abroad comes a few challenges also. And how much do you succeed majorly depends on your planning and willingness to overcome those shortcomings. Language barrier comes as one of the biggest challenges for expats working abroad. You need to ask yourself how efficient you are to overcome this by learning the foreign language. Knowledge of a second language not only makes it easier to live and work in a new country, but also increases your employability.

Cultural shock is another barrier that prevents expats to stay in a foreign location for longer. Hence, analyze how much mentally prepared are you to overcome the cultural shock. Plan some networking with other expats living in your job destination to understand the work environment, join online communities to exchange ideas, etc. Cross-cultural knowledge always helps to prevent culture shock.

If you are clear with your answers to all these questions, you are almost prepared to work overseas. Do a little research about the best employers in the international job market, visa and work permit, qualifications required, skills needed and other important things required to get a job.

Author Bio:

 Swati Srivastava is an avid writer with a keen interest on the extensive domain of job search and career counselling. Her articles are published on several reputed job search portals and online career magazines.

How to Get a Career as an Ayurvedic Therapist

Start a Career as an Ayurvedic Therapist

Recent trends have seen people revert to more traditional healing methods, as they seek relief for conditions modern medicine cannot heal.

As an Ayurvedic healer, you have added advantage because you possess ancient wisdom in ways of healing the body. This wisdom is a gem that modern medicine seems not to have. Ayurvedic medicine focuses on complete healing and restoration of body functions.

That said, you may have just completed training in this ancient healing art and you have no clue what to do next. Just like any medical career, it is best to start from the basics. Starting from the bottom will see you gain adequate expertise that will help you get to the peak of your career. Here is how you can make the most of your training and build a successful career in the ayurvedic industry.

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 Start at the bottom

Get an internship at an established ayurvedic organization. This will help you gain sufficient experience as well as working application of the training you have. Also, you may learn additional tips that other experts already have.

A period of internship will prepare you for future career steps, such as consulting or setting up your own center. Building your career from the base up helps you to learn the ropes well. You will know what works and how it does and your future practice will not have any surprises.

Put your skills to work

The other way you can have a successful career is if you use the acquired skills to develop ayurvedic products that deal with various conditions people face. You can specialize in beauty products, such as ayurvedicanti aging serums.

You can specialize in specific areas that would help many people. You can develop supplements and other health products that would help people live better. Putting your skills to use in such a way makes for a meaningful career, as you know you are helping people improve on the problem areas of their lives.

Continuously add to your knowledge

The mistake that most people make is being comfortable with the initial training they acquired. Have a desire to gain more knowledge regarding ayurveda methods.

You will be better off and at a great advantage. Constantly adding to your knowledge means that you will learn new things about your field of expertise that you may not be in a position of knowing without extra effort.

You do not even have to gain this knowledge formally. Read research articles and books by ayurveda experts to tap into unlimited wealth of knowledge.

Specialize in a particular niche

Pick a focus in ayurveda and make it central to your career.

Ayurdeva has many branches and picking one will make you a specialist in that field. Building on this specialty will have many benefits for you. You will have a specific focus and you can acquire all the knowledge there is in that field. This will be beneficial for your clients, as they will benefit from this knowledge.

Author Bio

Peter Robinson is a well known beautician. He has worked with Ayurvedicanti aging serums for many years.