Influencing Interview

New Job Interview Book 2022

What is your Interview Identity?

Helping career professionals to be successful in a job interview. 

How an interviewer views an applicant, due to their ability to communicate competencies confidently, affects the job interview outcome. 

Each applicant conforms to one of 16 interview identities based on the candidate’s perceived level of knowledge/experience and their level of interview confidence.

The interview identity acts as a filter that an employer uses before making a hiring decision. 

The interview identity book will help readers to be seen as more skilled, more knowledgeable and more hireable. 

  • TAKE – the interview prediction grid test
  • CHOOSE – one of sixteen interview identities 
  • LEARN – how an employer views you based on your interview identity 
  • UNDERSTAND – the three rules for a successful interview outcome 
  • IMPROVE – your ability to create high-scoring answers 
  • INCREASE – confidence in the job interview 
  • RESULT – in an increase of job offers

Readers will improve their job interview performance by learning about:

  • Unconscious bias
  • The structured job interview process 
  • The hiring managers’ decision-making process 

This book is for anyone who consistently fails to win job offers during the job interview. 

The 73 Rules of Influencing the Interview

Competition for jobs is at an all-time high, with rivalry for positions coming from across the globe. To be successful in a job interview you need to understand the psychology of hiring decisions. 

This book is a guide to teach career professionals how to influence the job interveiw outcome. 

Ace the job interview.

Readers will learn:

  • How to increase likeability and rapport building techniques 
  • Code-reading strategies in the job interview
  • Persuasive language to embed positive thoughts into the employer’s mind
  • To be seen as highly employable, an asset the employer cant do without
  • Over 50 interview questions and answers

In this book, you will learn how to break down how to influence the interview into 73 rules. A mixture of stories, anecdotes, step-by-step techniques, and psychology experiments explained, makes this book a fascinating read. 

Job Interview Book.

To unlock the secrets of interview success click this link: Influencing the Interview

Published by MX Publishing
