Pursue a Degree in STEM to Boost your Employability

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are considered as the key elements in preparing the next generation for the competitive job market. The following post talks about STEM, its career opportunities and a lot more. Read on…

In present times where university education is expensive, it is imperative to choose a course or qualification that combines interest, scope, challenges, and lucrative pay.

Considering a career in STEM is the right decision as this area is receiving huge attention from the government as well as businesses.

STEM- An Overview

STEM in the UK and across the globe is used as an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The term is specifically used in the US to address curriculum choices and education policy at k-12 and colleges to boost student competitiveness in technology development.

STEM is an essential sector for economic growth. Facing a shortage of skilled employees in STEM sectors, state government, the federal government, and growing industries are giving more attention to support STEM education training programs for K-12 students.

STEM education includes a wide range of subjects such as mathematical sciences, agricultural, biological sciences, engineering, computer science and the subjects allied to medicine. STEM subjects play a vital role in developing in students important skills like creativity and innovative ideas, which are demanded in severalhi-tech sectors such as Engineering and IT. These subject areas also develop the UK’s skill base.

Career Scope

STEM professionals can find a huge career scope in different sectors. Moreover, STEM graduates enjoy an attractive pay package in financial and science-related occupations. Some of the popular jobs include civil engineers, food science technicians, physicists, computer programmers, biochemists, medicine manufacturers, computer support specialists, and natural science managers.

Some other lucrative job roles related to STEM include policy advisors, healthcare business managers, auditors, underwriters, science teachers, and financial consultants.

According to the US Bureau Labor, 2.1 million more STEM jobs are expected between 2010-20. According to the Centre for Economics & Business Research (CEBR), the economy of the UK is ready to witness a boom in science and technology. The STEM sector will account for over 140,000 new jobs by 2016-17. Moreover, the Staffordshire University has forecasted that STEM graduates will be in great demand in the future.

Importance of Education Research in STEM

The UK has a long history of globally recognized education research in STEM subjects. STEM education plays a vital role in providing leadership, driving innovation, entrepreneurship, and undertaking R&D in the postgraduates.  Several reputed universities in the UK, such as The University of Birmingham, have established a STEM Education Center to impart STEM degrees.

To ensure that the lack of skilled professionals in STEM sector do not create hindrance in the economic growth of the UK, it is vital for universities and colleges to help students prepare for careers in STEM sectors.

Students can pursue undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in STEM Education. Undergraduate courses mainly include 3-years bachelor’s degrees. However, there has been a 4-year Integrated Master’s degree course in STEM subjects now, specifically in engineering. Such degrees are considered essential to achieve the Chartered status in Engineering and other related areas. Students in the field also have option to continue their studies with masters or research programs. After completing a research master’s degree, one can pursue a doctorate degree for 3-4 years.

The countries across the globe are taking measures to improve the overall quality of STEM education. The government is also looking for ways to recruit specialized teachers in the field to offer best education.

STEM skills and the related knowledge are important across all the key areas of employment sectors. Hence, schools, colleges, and universities play a crucial role in nurturing the STEM skills in students. These STEM qualified people contribute in the growth and competitiveness of the economy. Some of the transferable skills expected in a STEM qualified employee include numerical ability, analytical, written communication, problem solving, and logical thinking. These skills are highly demanded in the job market.


Investing your time and money in an educational program that improves your employability and salary prospects is always considered as an excellent decision. STEM, the multi-discipline, offers a deep understanding of the real-world scenario. The education in the field can create several excellent job opportunities for you.

Author bio:

Swati Srivastava is an avid writer and blogger who loves to share her knowledge and ideas on a wide range of educational and career-related topics. Her articles are published on various reputed websites like Shiksha.com.

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