How to Quickly find a Job Online – 10 Quick Tips

Quick tips to find an online job

In the past job hunters, would leave one job and quickly walk into another, in most cases without even having an interview – this job search technique no longer works, as employers often interview a number of candidates to show they are not discriminating against anyone.

More recently job hunters would look for advertised jobs in the job magazines, newspapers and in post office windows, you can still find vacancies this way, but the more homes that have the internet the fewer employers pay to place an advert in a paper. With the introduction of the internet, job hunting in the ’00s has changed:

Online job hunting has made finding vacancies, once you know what to do, quick and easy, in many cases employers will look for you.

10 online job hunting tips for you to use.

1. First, you need to spend time writing a targeted CV and Application Form and save these to your desktop. Spend time writing these documents and ensure you have highlighted all your skills and qualities that will sell you to the employer. To save time and to ensure you have a good CV you can pay for a CV writing service

2. Now you have your CV and application form, you can use these as a template for all your applications. When you next have to complete an application form (most application forms are now completed online), to save time copy and paste the answers from your saved application from into your new job application form. You may need to edit some of the answers to target it to the new job role. You can do the same with your CV.

3. Add your CV to job search engines such as Monster and Reed, these way employers will look for you. In most cases you can also set up alerts on search engine websites for jobs under industries, you will start to receive vacancies via e-mail within a couple of days.

4. On Google set up alerts for “industry name” new jobs and “industry name” creates new jobs. Google will e-mail you articles, websites and blog post for new jobs in your industry; You will now be one of the very first job hunters to hear of these new vacancies.

5. Visit company WebPages, under the tab “jobs” or “careers” you will find company vacancies; many companies will not pay job search engine websites to advertise vacancies as they feel they gain enough traffic from job hunters to their own site.

6. Join twitter, facebook, linked-in and other social network sites. You can link, be-friend and follow industry jobs, companies, job search websites, sector skills councils. From this you will start to receive hundreds of links to jobs and articles in your industry.

7. Use social network sites to ask industry experts question around industry jobs, new contracts and possible interview questions, many social network users are only to happy to share their own knowledge with you.

8. You can also use facebook or twitter to set up a page for “looking for ‘industry name’ Job” you can use this as an online CV and add links to your other websites so employers can see your work – this is a great resource for the media industry.

9. Use to find industry/company e-mail addresses, open your e-mail account and add all the e-mail addresses to the BCC (this way employers will not know you have made a mass e-mail) add your CV as a PDF attachment and put your cover letter text in the body of the e-mail. Speculative job searching is underused and has a 40% success rate.

10. Finally, Google “Job Title” in “Location” and find hundreds of links to local job adverts.

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