The Answers to Postman or Post Women Interview Questions

The answers to the most commonly used postal delivery Interview Questions

Often out of 300 applicants only 6 candidates will be interviewed. In most interviews, but this varies depending on the job sector and employer, you will be asked around 10 questions during a 45 minute interview.

The key to passing job interviews in preparation and practice, this sounds obvious but is often overlooked with the average interviewee spending around only 60 minutes preparing for their job interview. This article will give you the questions ask at interviews for the position of a delivery person, and the desired answers – make sure you tweak and personalise these answers to fit your own experience and skill base.

Job Interview Questions and Answers for Royal Mail Delivery Worker:

Job Interview Question 1: Give an example of when you had to work on your own initiative?

In the main, you are responsible for your own post-round, timing and responsible for getting the delivery completed.

The interviewer will ask this question to check if you are self motivated. To answer this question start by saying “in all my roles I have had to work on my own initiative…” and then follow this up with a real-life example.

To get extra bonus points use a story where you have to go above and beyond or where you have had to make a decision without the support of a line manager.

Job Interview Question 2: How would you deal with a customer who is not happy with the royal mail service they have received?

As a customer-facing role, you will at some point throughout your royal mail career come across an unsatisfied customer.

Customers may complain about lost mail, letters then had been ripped or got to wet and even late mail.

The interviewer needs to check if you have the skills to deal with this type of customer and the interviewer will be listening out for an explanation of how you would turn around the customer getting then from being angry to being happy with the service or explanation you give.

To answer this interview questions use an opening line to grab the interviewers attention “This has happened to me before, I had a customer who we called British bull dog, as she had a British bulldog with her when she was complaining…”

By stating that you have dealt with angry customers the interviewer knows you have the experience, all you need to prove now is that you have the skills and knowledge to successful deal with the complaint.

Follow your opening line with this Interview Question 3 Step Process

Step 1 – State the problem “the customer was complaining about X”

Step 2 – Explain what you did to resolve the situation “I did A, B and C…”

Step 3 – Give the outcome “in the end the customer X, Y and Z (with a big smile)..”

Job Interview Question 3: As a post person you will do a lot of walking, how do you keep yourself fit?

Often the role as a delivery person requires someone who enjoys exercise.

Answer the question by giving in detail the amount of exercise you, and how you enjoy walking and being in the fresh air. You can even go as far as saying that you are applying for the role as you enjoy the idea of working outside and getting paid to exercise.

Job Interview Question 4: Give an example of when you worked to a deadline?

The post has to be delivered on time and customers will often complain if their post is 20-30 minutes late. You need to convince the interviewer of your work ethic, your strategy to deliver the post on time and how you enjoy meeting deadlines.

There are several ways to answer this question, one positive answer is to your strategy for meeting deadlines.

“In previous roles I have always met my deadlines. For me the key is in preparation; I would first organise my post depending on the round, as this will make it easy to find the correct letters for each address. I would also look at maps and Google street view to see if there are short cuts between streets. I can easily estate the amount time require to complete the round and use this knowledge to ensure I start the round in enough time to meet the delivery deadlines”

Job Interview Question 5: How do you feel about working in snow or rain, how would you prepare?

The interviewer when asking this question is checking that you understand the details of the position. if you can give details of when you have worked in similar conditions and what you do to stay motived by staying dry and warm.

Job Interview Question 6: Have you ever done a repetitive job before and what did you do to make it easier?

Part of the role as a post-delivery person is to short mail which can be repetitive and walk the same round each and every day. For some people they enjoy repetition, while others don’t. You need to explain how you enjoy this type of work and the benefits repetition brings to a role.

“I really enjoy repetition in a role, for me I like to master a skill and the more repetitious the role the quicker I can complete the task, an example of this is…….”

Job Interview Question 7: Give an example of when you have faced with a particularly difficult situation, what happened?

Questions like this are great as they are open-ended.

If you have a key skill to get across that you haven’t managed to discuss due to previous questions, you can embedded into this answer – such as the customer service story above.

To answer this question resort back to the 3 step process

Step 1 Problem

Step 2 Your solution

Step 3 Outcome

Interview questions and answers

Job Interview Question 8: How would you deal with a customer who is disappointed with the service provided?

When answering any “how would you…” questions use a real example when possible “I had a client once who said she was disappointed with the service the company provided…”

Notice how we refer to the customer being disappointed with the company not you the employee. Follow this up with how you solve the customers issue “to help the customer I asked what she wanted from the service and then made the best effort to provide this…”

Job Interview Question 9: What makes you different than other candidates?

This is the time to really sell yourself and to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

Think about your unique selling point, why you would be a better employee then other applicants, the thing that will make you the best delivery person and tell the interview this in the most positive of ways. “I love working outside, meeting deadlines, im at my best when I work alone, I possess amazing customer service skills – even digs like me!!!”

Use this answer to summarise all your key selling points.

Job Interview Question 10: Do you have any questions for me?

Good interview questions to ask interviewers at the end of the job interview include questions on the company growth or expansion, questions on personal development and training and questions on company values, staff retention and company achievements.
