Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema

Job Interview Questions for a Cinema Position

Many students look for jobs in cinemas, which means competition for each advertised role is massive!!

With an overwhelming amount of applicants, the savvy interviewee needs to be one step ahead of the game.

To win the job offer, predict the interview questions and create string selling answers tailored to your own employment experience.

job interview coaching

What skills do cinema employers look for?

Passing a cinema job interview is relatively easy.

Cinema managers often use the structured job interview process for all cinema job roles. This means that each applicant will be asked around 10 interview questions and each answer is marked against a set of required skills and duties.

This means if you can predict the job duties and required skills you can predict the job interview questions and prepare excellent answers!

Common cinema duties/required skills include:

  • Serving customers using excellent customer service skills
  • Answering queries, which requires good communication skills
  • Working as part of a multilayered team. Employers always look for a team player
  • Patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
  • Flexibility as shifts can vary
  • Numeracy skills for taking cash payments

 10 Cinema Job Interview Questions

To help you to apply and pass a cinema job interview, we have provided you with the 10 most commonly asked interview questions and an explanation of how to approach each question.

In addition to the 1-2-1 structured job interview, applicants will also have to take part in a team task. Click here for: how to pass a team task. 

Some employers will also request interviewees to deliver a short speech (often about themselves) To help read: How to pass a job interview presentation. 

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 1

Do you have experience working with the public or in customer experience?

  • For customer service roles, cinema managers are looking for bubbly people who are skilled communicators.
  • Answer the questions confidently. “Yes, I have several years of customer service experience…” or, if you currently haven’t worked in a customer-facing role, “I am skilled in customer service. While at school/college/uni I was part of (add event/team/volunteering opportunity) where I was responsible for (add a customer service task)…”
  • It is important to give an example of dealing with a customer. Ideally, a customer who had an issue that you helped them resolve.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 2

Can you work evenings and weekends?

  • Really, the answer here has to be “yes”. It is rare for a cinema not to require a staff member to work weekends and evenings as these are the cinema’s busiest times.
  • If possible, give an example of working flexibly in a previous role.
  • Some people enjoy working evenings/weekends. if this is you, state this during the answer.
  • The idea here is to answer quickly and assertively so the employer has no hesitation about taking you on.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 3

What is your favorite film and why?

  • Around 90% of cinema interview ask this question, so have an answer ready.
  • Start by talking about different film genres as this highlights a level of relevant knowledge.
  • Next, name a few films you like, and end by saying “..but my favorite film has to be X because (add storyline, director, actor, etc)..”

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 4

How would you create a positive experience for customers?

  • A good way to start the customer experience answer is to first talk about how people visiting the cinema see the cinema trip as a big family event; they want to have a positive experience, create fond memories, and receive excellent customer service.
  • Next, add how you would use your communication skills to help the family have a positive experience. The focus could be talking to the children, smiling, going above and beyond.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 5

What would you do if you saw a colleague stealing?

  • The short answer is to report the theft.
  • The interview answer can explain the reason for reporting the theft: if someone is allowed to get away with it, they are likely to repeat the behavior and a workplace should be a safe place.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 6

Do you have experience working within a team?

  • Teamwork is essential in a cinema. This means that all applicants, even those with no work-related teamwork experience need to give a teamwork example.
  • Start the answer by confirming you can work within a team and then give an example: “Yes I have always worked within a team. An example of this is…”
  • The example should cover the team objective, actions you took, and the outcome.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 7

When working on the food counter how will you embed food hygiene regulations?

  • Part of the cinema experience is getting a drink and popcorn. Generally speaking, new staff will rota between collecting tickets, working on the till, and serving food.
  • Therefore food hygiene is deemed as essential. If you possess a food hygiene certificate, mention it here.
  • If you haven’t undertaken any food hygiene courses talk about the basics, “I understand the importance of food hygiene. How you should always wipe down food preparation areas before using it. I would always wash my hands before handling food and I know to check exploration dates on all food types.” 

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 8

Can you work out simple sums in your head?

  • The mathematics question is becoming less important due to many people pre-purchasing cinema tickets or paying by debit card. But, employers will check out an interviewee’s numeracy skills.
  • A good way to answer the question is to present a scenario, “I’m very good a mathematics. If a customer wanted to purchase two adult tickets at £8.90 and one children’s ticket at £5.50 and they paid £30 I would give them £6.70 change”.
  • Remember though, an employer might randomly ask you a maths sum.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 9

Give an example of using communication skills effectively?

  • Each of us communicates on a daily basis, so there will be plenty of examples to use.
  • Pick an example that will highlight your wide range of skills: listening, customer service, rapport building, and communication skills.
  • It is good to mention that you repeat a customer’s order to ensure that you have heard correctly. Another good frame for this question is to talk about being friendly, smiling, and being polite, and how using non-verbal communication assist with verbal commutation.

Job Interview Questions for Working in a Cinema 10

Do you have any questions for me?

  • What do you like about working for this cinema?
  • What are the busiest times of the year?
  • Do you have a training program for new members of staff?
  • How would you describe the team?
  • Are there overtime opportunities?
