How do you know when you have been successful with a task?

How do you know when you have been successful with a task?

To answer the interview question how do you know when you have been successful with a task, you need to break your answer down into three parts.

First, explain the task’s goal, then the steps you took and finally the outcome – the reason why you felt this was a success.

In this article, we have broken down what the interviewer is looking for in a perfect job interview answer and to help you create the perfect answer we have recorded an example answer

Interview Video Tutorial

Interview Question How do you know when you have been successful with a task?

Explanation of the Question:

When have you been successful? How did you know? As this will be your best answer. You have been successful when:

  • The job has been completed on time
  • The task has been completed to a good standard
  • When your customers walk away happy
  • When your employer tells you
  • When you have job satisfaction 

Example Interview Answer

  “Recently the company I work for was putting together a bid for a new contract, the whole team was involved in gaining information and quotes for the bid. It was a big job and we worked late for several nights, it was worth it though as we recently gain confirmation that the company has won the new contract” 
