5 Interview Questions and 5 Brilliant Answers

5 Interview Questions and 5 Brilliant Answers

Below are some of the most common asked questions in interviews situation, along with a rough guideline to help you tackle them effectively and a sample answer:

The guidelines will explain what type of answer the interviewer is looking for, the reason why they asked the question, after you have read the question, start by reading the explanation and then think about the industry you are looking to achieve employment in. How can you use this example to help you answer the question during your forthcoming interview?

Also, we have recorded an example answer to show you how the question and guidelines can create an answer with an impact, remember our example answers may or may not be suitable to your career choice; due to the variety of industries job hunters will be applying for, we have used example answers from a mixture of job roles.

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 Why should we hire you?

A great question to be asked, as your answer will be highly positive and will sell you in the most generous way-don’t be shy here! Start with “by hiring me…” now give them a great selling line, what is the one thing they want from you? and then tell them how you will do it, use examples from previous job roles to highlight your ability and knowledge

“By hiring me, you will gain an experienced sales manager who has a proven track record. I lead by the front and my motivational leadership style has ensure an increase in profits in the last 2 companies I have worked for”

Why did you leave you last job?

A dreaded question for many! When answering this question never give a negative answer. “I did not get on with my manager” or “The management did not run the business well” will show you in a negative light and reduce your chance of a job offer. Answer the question positively, emphasizing that

you have been looking for a career progression. Start by telling the interviewer what you gained from your last job

“I enjoyed my last job, I quickly learned how to multi-task and prioritise work and over the last 3 years I have seen myself grow. I am now ready to take the next step up the ladder with my career and feel I would suit working for company such as this”

If you were made redundant, let the interviewer know, this is not a negative!

If you were me, what type of person would you be looking for?

Mention the skills they are looking for, you will know them by now as this question is often asked in the middle of the interview. And then follow this up “…someone like me who would work hard”

This question tells the employer two things, one you know what skills and qualities are needed and two, that you have the required skills and qualities.

“Someone with the experience and more importantly the knowledge to ensure we meet our targets, they would have to excellent communications skills as they will be working with a wide range of individuals from different backgrounds. You would want someone like me who is hard working and reliable”

Do you know anyone who works here?

If you know someone who works for the company who is a good worker, by mentioning there name can sometimes give you extra points, you can also lose points by mentioning someone’s name that is disliked. This should not really happen due to employment equal opportunities, but often does.

“Yes, one of my friends, Rick works for you. He has told me all about the company, the team and the training and support the company offers their employees. The company sounds like a great place to work and I feel I would fit in well”

Interview questions and answers

Have you ever been asked to leave a position?

Be truthful, employers will find out when they ask for a reference. If you have give a brief answer and stay away from giving any negatives about the company you worked for. If the answer is no, Say “No, never”

“Once, several years ago, once I had left university I had a part time job, the role didn’t suit me as I enjoy being kept busy. I think the manager knew I was going to be moving on”
