10 Job Interview Questions Broken Down

10 Common Job Interview Questions Broken Down

Often out of 300 applicants only 6 candidates will be interviewed. In most interviews, but this varies depending on the job sector and employer, you will be asked around 10 questions during a 45 minute interview.

The key to passing job interviews in preparation and practice, this sounds obvious but is often overlooked with the average interviewee spending around only 60 minutes preparing for their job interview.

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10 Job Interview Questions Broken Down

Job Interview Question 1: 

What experience do you have in this field?


For this question you first need to read and understand the job specification, as this will tell you what experience the interviewer is looking for. Your answer should relate your experience and achievements to that of the job role. Often interviewees will talk about experiences that are not relevant to the job role, this will only lead to the employer becoming uninterested in you.


“I have over 6 years experience as a nursery nurse, in that time I have gain an NVQ Level 2 and 3 in child care. I have worked with children of all ages including groups of children with disabilities. I understand the importance of “health and safety” and “every child matters” and use my creative skills to organise games and activities to teach young children new skills while keeping them entertained. Recently I also won an award for employee of the year”

Job Interview Question 2:

How would your colleagues describe you?

 Interviewers enjoy hearing quotes, have a couple of quotes prepared from people at your previous job “David always said I was….” and use statements like: “In my last job I was always known for…”

By giving quotes from a named person can be as effective as giving the interviewer a written reference.

“In my last company I was always known as the person who got things done. I remember over hearing my Manger Sharon, saying ‘if you need a job doing quickly and efficiently to get me to do it”

Job Interview Question 3:

How long are you thinking of staying with our organisation?

Employers spend around 33% of their profits on recruitment and they always prefer to employ someone who will stay with the company for at least 2-3 years, in reality we never really know what will happen in the future and how long we will work for one organisation. To answer the question, give a general answer

“I think I would really enjoy this role and fit in well with the organisation, I would be happy to stay as long as we were both happy with my work”


“I am looking for a company to stay with and progress up the career ladder; I don’t really like changing companies. After researching your company, I think I would really enjoy this role and fit in well with the organisation”

Job Interview Question 4: 

Which do you consider to be more important, the money or the work?

 Hopefully, after some good careers advice you will be applying for a job that you will enjoy. As we spend a third of our lives at work, we need to find work exciting and important. Answer this question with this killer answer

“The money pays the bills, but for me, it’s enjoying my job that gets me up each morning with a smile on my face” 
Job Interview Question 5: 

Do you have a flexible attitude to your working hours?

 Employers ask this question when their work/duties often need employees to be flexible with their working hours; starting work early, finishing late or even working bank holidays, Christmas time or weekends. Unlike the overtime question, if this is a big part of the role, saying no to this question may have a negative reaction.

“Yes, I worked on a flexible pattern in my last role and enjoyed that you started and finished a different times each day” 

Job Interview Question 6:

Describe yourself as a person?

 This is a great question to be asked, as it is open for you to really sell your skills and qualities. When answering this question, talk about the skills, qualities and experiences the company require (taken from the job specification) and answer the question by telling the interviewer how you have these required skills. Use real life stories and examples to highlight your strengths.

 “I am a keen and driven person; once I start a task I always put a hundred percent into completing it. I have often been told I am approachable and a good listener who completes goals quickly and efficiently” 

Interview questions and answers

Job Interview Question 7: 

Aren’t you over qualified for this role?

 Employers are always worried that an employee who is over qualified for a position, will take the job once offered and leave when offered a better paid position relevant to their qualifications.

Answer by stating how much you enjoy this type of work and how this is career move, not just a job. It is also good to highlight that you would pick this job over one relevant with your qualifications. Never say you’re looking for work with less responsibility or stress – keep the answer positive.

“For me, this is a career move not just a job. I am really interested in this industry and would choice this role over one with higher pay, relevant to my passed qualifications” 
Job Interview Question 8: 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

This is sometimes asked as an opening question to get you talking and to calm your nerves, a lot of people answer “Socializing with friends” “Playing on my computer” “Taking my family on day trips”. Whilst these are valid and honest answers they do not really bring anything to the table that is special, that makes you stand out.

If you can say that you volunteer you will be guaranteed to impress! Although this should be truthful! You can apply to volunteer in any area you like, ideally in a position relevant to the job you are applying for. Volunteering is seen as a positive activity by all employers; you only need to volunteer once or twice a month and when you can answer this question with

“Currently I’m volunteering for Oxfam, I really get al lot out of helping others. Whist volunteering I have learnt to communicate with people on all levels and I have improved my customer service skills, both face to face and over the telephone”

Job Interview Question 9:

Why did you choice this career?

We all have a different story to tell, some us “fall” into a career, while others had a career goal from an early age. Use this question to highlight your passion for your career and add in information on your experiences. Passion + experience = a good employee.

“I have always wanted a job “helping” people, after university I took any job I could take and ended up working a an Male Hostel, 10 years later I am still in the same industry, I just love that my work helps others improve their lives. I have learnt so much over these 10 years that helps me quickly move people forward.”  

Job Interview Question 10:

Do you have any questions?

Most interviewers ask this question and generally towards the end of the interview. Remember to prepare for this, as asking questions will be a great end to an excellent interview. Don’t ask about salaries or holidays etc until you have been offer a job position.

  • “Do you have any future plans to expand the company?”
  • “Does your team work well together?”
  • “Have you put in any new bids for any new contracts?”
  • “What is the company’s policy on personal development and training?”
  • “Where do you see the company being in 5 years time” 

Many people are afraid of job interviews. The truth is if you prepare for your job interview, by predicting the job interview questions, you can easily prepare your job interview answers. If your job interview answers highlight your unique selling point, are stated in the positive and are said in a confident manner, then you can influence the job interview to increase job offer.

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