Top Ten 10 Telephone Interview Tips

How to prepare for a telephone interview.

Telephone interviews are often the first stage in the application process especially in telesales job roles and when applying for vacancies through recruitment agencies.

Like all job interviews, you need to prepare for the telephone interview.

Many job hunters fail to impress employers when they apply for a vacancy via the telephone, as they have not realised they were going to be interviewed over the phone.

When applying for any vacancy over the telephone be prepared to answer a series of interview questions.

Interview Test

Top Ten Telephone Interview Tips:

1. Read the job advert and job specification and highlight the essentials skills needed for this job role. For each essential skill prepare a short story that highlights the fact that you have this skill, this is the basis to the answers to the interview questions.

2. Review your CV/Application Form, research the company, prepare the interview questions and answer and practice your interview techniques by completing a mock telephone interview with a friend or careers advisor.

3.Use a landline, as mobiles can easily lose signal and be prepared for the interview to last around 45minutes.

4.Prepare your room, put a “do not disturb” sign on the door – you don’t want to be interrupted, make sure no additional noise from other rooms/outside can be heard.

5. Have your CV, interview questions and answers in front of you, with the main sections highlighted.

6. Don’t speak quickly, don’t use slang or talk over the interviewer. When answering questions, be polite give detailed answers highlighting your experiences and skills. Write down any important information given by the interviewer.

7. Write down the interviewer’s name (remember they can’t see what you have in front of you) and use the interviewer’s name throughout the interview.

8. When talking smile and stand up, research has shown, by doing this your voice comes across more positive.

9. Prepare questions to ask the employer  – these should be around training, company expansion, the team and not about Holidays or Pay

10. Thank the interviewer for their time. One you have finished the interview, review what you have done and write a list of what went well and what you need to improve and complete a new mock telephone interview, noticing the improvements you have made.

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