Interview Questions for a Cleaning Interview

Cleaner job interview questions

Interviews for cleaners normally last around 30-45 minutes with the employer asking, on average 8-10 interview questions relating to work ethic, health and safety knowledge, and the applicant’s job experience in the cleaning sector.

The key to passing job interviews in preparation and practice, this sounds obvious but is often overlooked with the average interviewee spending around only 60 minutes preparing for their job interview.

Below is a list of cleaning job interview questions and a breakdown of how to answer each question.

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10 Interview Questions for A Cleaning Position 

Often the initial screening interview is a telephone or video interview,. Following the screening interview, the employer will often deliver a face to face interview.

In many cases, if you can show reliability, your experience and knowledge and awareness of H&S you will be offered a cleaning position – as there is a current need for cleaners in the UK.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

  • Discuss your cleaning experience which can include professional cleaning experience and personal experience IE  cleaning houses for friends and family.
  • In the cleaning job is in a particular sector IE domestic cleaning or industrial cleaning, talk about experience relevant to this niche.
  • Give an overview of your character; friendly, hardworking, a team player.

What is your experience as a cleaner?

  • State the duration if your combined cleaning experience ‘I have over 8 years experience as a cleaner..’
  • Go into detail here. Explain a what duties you perform when cleaning; checking for H&S, mixing cleaning chemicals, and the the actual cleaning duties – make this relevant to the company’s cleaning niche.

Why is H&S an important part of a cleaners job role?

  • Star by stating how H&S is very important in this job as, for example, mixing two cleaning chemicals together can cause poisonous fumes.
  • State any cleaning qualifications you possess.
  • Talk about day-to-day risk management IE checking for trip hazards.

Why cant you mix cleaning chemicals together?

  • If you have any H&S and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations -COSHH qualifications.
  • Discuss the dangers of mixing two or more cleaning chemicals together.
  • Explain how you are aware and careful when it comes to cleaning chemicals.

How do you motivate yourself when working alone?

  • This interview question will only be asked for cleaning roles where you work on your own.
  • Explain how you are self-motivated and possess strong work ethics.
  • Give a real life example of when you had worked on your own.

If you were due to clean an office and a meeting had overrun what would you do?

  • If this example has happened to you give an example as part of your answer.
  • Explain how you would start by completing cleaning task that weren’t in the office or to clean another room first.
  • If the meeting as still running, state that you would knock on the door and polity ask if they would like the room cleaning.

What cleaning equipment can you use?

  • List any cleaning equipment you can use; pressure washers, compact cleaners, industrial vacuums

What skills are required from a cleaner?

  • Here you can list the required skills and end the interview answer by explaining how you possess these skills;
  • Time keeping, hard work, ability to work alone, strong work ethic, reliable.

How long does it take you to clean an average-sized office?

  • To show knowledge, explain that it depends on what type of cleaning is required and if the office has been cleaned on a regular basis.
  • Go in to state that, on average a small size office can take between 30-60 minutes to clean.

Do you have any questions for me?

  • Do cleaners work in teams or own their own initiative?
  • How many new cleaning contracts do you project you will gain over the next 6 months?
  • What training do you offer new cleaning staff?

Interview Test

2 Replies to “Interview Questions for a Cleaning Interview”

  1. I would like to know the answer to: “If you were due to clean an office and a meeting had overrun what would you do?”

  2. HI, good question. Often this question is asked when client relationships are important to the employer. You will find with specific questions such as this, the employer has had a negative previous experience and is using the interview to recruit someone who won’t make the same mistake. To answer this question start with “I understand the importance of creating a positive relationship with our contractors to ensure continued business. If I worked to tight time restraint and the office I was tasked with cleaning was still in use due to an overrun meeting I would first wait a couple of minutes to check if the meeting was coming to an end. If this was unlikely I would check my task sheet and clean the next office on the list..” next explain your reason for your actions “.. the reason I wouldn’t interrupt the meeting is because the meeting may be private and confidential and an interruption could damage our relationship as a supplier.”

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