How to Answer the “How are you feeling” Interview Question

“How are you feeling” Interview Question – the best approach to answer this interview question

Many interviewers will ask some mundane questions at the interview start, to get you talking and relaxing.

Many job applicants will answer these questions with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer, without realizing that they are missing out on a chance to influence the interviewer. This isn’t a closed question and shouldn’t be answered with a one-word reply.

A common opening question is “how are you feeling?” most applicants will say “a little nervous..” but to influence the interview you can edit the example answer below to make it relevant to your own experience and job sector

What is different about the answer below is that the answer is full of hypnotic persuasion techniques to help build rapport with the employer.

“I feel really excited about being here today, I don’t know if you want to recruit someone like me with a qualification in X or experience in Y, but you will want to hire someone with my enthusiasm as I am often told by previous bosses “that I’m a dedicated worker who go’s above and beyond the call of duty” for me, I don’t see what I do as going above and beyond I just enjoy what I do and I want to use my enthusiasm and experience to collaborate with success with you and your team”

If you can’t see the hypnotic patterns then you will want to buy the influencing the interview book from Amazon today. For now I have highlighted a few of the hypnotic patterns below.

I haven’t got the time to explain which pattern is what or how to use your voice to package the hypnotic commands, but the book – influencing the interview will explain everything you need to know.


“I feel really excited about being here today, I don’t know if you want to recruit someone like me with a qualification in X or experience in Y, but you will want to hire someone with my enthusiasm as I am often told by previous bosses “that I’m a dedicated worker who goes above and beyond the call of duty” for me, I don’t see what I do as going above and beyond I just enjoy what I do and I want to use my enthusiasm and experience to collaborate with success with you and your team”

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