How Lifelong Learning is Essential to Career Advancement

How Lifelong Learning is Essential to Career Advancement


When was the last time you sat at a school desk with markers and highlighters, studying? Many people shudder at the thought of going back to full-time school. In this busy-busy life, who really has the time and not to mention, the patience? But lifelong learning can help you advance your career. Here’s how.


Think about it for a second. Does anyone want to go to school their whole life? When you put it like that, no, not really. You know what though. You are learning when you look up a DIY home improvement project and do it. You are learning when you mimic the video recipe and bake that layered cake for your child’s birthday party.


The concept of lifelong learning is not a phenomenon that happens only to nurses, doctors or engineers. Whether just by reading blogs, newspapers or working on projects or upgrading your existing skills, you are always learning regardless of where you stand in life. Do you know why that is? It is because we live in such a dynamic world. What was relevant and hip six months ago becomes obsolete in no time? You have to regularly keep yourself abreast of the new changes life throws at you and you adapt to changes and much more simply by being open to learning.


Below you can also access 101 Interview Questions and techniques to Influence the Job Interview. Good luck with your next job interview.


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  • Learn How to Structure Your Interview Answer
  • Interview Confidence Session – Boost Your Interview Confidence
  • Mock Interview – Practice and Prepare for Your Next Job Interview 

Learning Keeps You Vibrant and Alive!

Top medical resources such as Mayo Clinic and Alzheimers’ Association propagate lifelong learning as an essential ingredient to healthy aging. You are never too young or too old to learn something new. For older adults though, brain fitness is important and so, lifelong learning is vital to keep your mind sharp, focused, improve confidence, meeting new people that share the same interests or nurturing a new interest you thought you would never have! Here are a few ways to do as an older adult to embrace learning even at later stages in life:

  • Volunteer
  • Travel
  • Learn a new language
  • Learn a musical instrument
  • Play challenging games
  • Embrace new technology

All this is fine, but how does learning a new language or any of these activities help advance your career, you ask? Did you know? 8 out 10 baby boomers will continue to work even past retirement. Losing a job is always terrible but for people, over the age of 50, it’s even worse. So if you or your loved one find yourself in a situation where you still need to work to earn a living, then learning helps advance your career. By being open to learning you are exposing yourself to meeting new opportunities and new people. Life is a continuous cycle.



A Continuous Cycle

The newborn needs you to nurture and take care of it, but infants still observe and learn every hour of every day. Toddlers, teenagers, young adults, everyone at every stage in life learns more, not less. From living alone to living with a family, raising children or managing your money, only with learning will you be perfect. Learning must never stop because life is a continuous cycle. The same way, in the corporate world, if you want to step up from your position, each rung you climb up poses new responsibilities, new skills you need to acquire to be good at what you do or well.

Invest your time and money to improve your learning process.

Because learning is a continuous cycle, it can never tire you. Nothing bad happens when you learn something new. In your professional, learning will have no boundary, whether learning about a new technology, a new app, a new co-worker, only lifelong learning is essential for career advancement. Or else you will always stay where you are, or perhaps become redundant and let go.

  • Don’t take feedback personally.
  • Recognize the need to learn
  • Make that decision to learn
  • Develop a plan
  • Follow through
  • Achieve goals



Interview questions and answers



Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Staying Updated

Recent graduates are cheaper to hire and with the advance in education systems, may as well be more advanced than you currently may be. Unless you take charge of your career and update your current skills or acquire new skills. For example, marketers are learning to program to communicate better with developers.

Remain Motivated

Lifelong learning keeps you motivated, you jump out of bed, happier to go to work because you know with your updated skills, you will be more productive. If you feel you are burning out in your job, considering learning a new skill to stimulate your mind and staying motivated at work.

Lifelong learning helps you stay abreast of the competition. Try to learn at every step of the way because educating yourself throughout your career is a stepping stone to success.



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