Do i Need A Web CV?

Web CV

Technology has changed the way we search and apply for vacancies, in the past we would type a CV and post it out to employers, the mail would take several days to arrive and in some instances would be lost on route!

These days using the world wide web, job searching has speeded up. We can find a vacancy and contact the employer instantly via e-mail (or in some cases using a social network site)


Currently, we e-mail employers with our CV attached as a PDF document and record the cover letter text in the body of the e-mail. Job searchers are using the Internet to evolve the way we job search and Web CVs are becoming more popular, especially in ITC, Media, Performing Arts and Catering Industries.

A Web CV is your CV online. By creating a one or two-page website you can design a creative-looking CV to catch the employer’s eye.

Unlike standard CVs you can also scan in your qualifications/certificates and upload these to your Web CV. For Creative and Performing Arts careers, you can add videos, photos and reviews, proving you have the skills, qualities and experience the CV states you have.

Web CV

A Web CV, like any other CV, needs to be brief, to the point and MUST be targeted to the industries that interest you. A Web CV is easy to update and can be used as a working web document. Don’t add your contact details to your Web CV, for security reasons, as anyone can have access to your online CV.

When applying for jobs, on your phone or in an Internet cafe, you can quickly e-mail the employer with a link to your Web CV. To make your website safer you can use a password-protected website, remember to add the password when you send your Web CV link to an employer.

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  1. Pingback: CV Template Word

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