Common Resume Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Resume Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Writing a resume may be a tedious task for some people, and at the same time the task may easily be performed.

A number of considerations need to be made when creating a resume. Information conformity and clear descriptive information need to be incorporated when making a resume. Clear headings need to be used on the resume.

Most importantly, the resume needs to have ample information regarding an individual’s educational and work profile. Below we will evaluate some of the resume mistakes that are likely to negate an individual’s chance of getting employed.


First impression in any job application aspect matters and it increases the chance of securing an employment chance. According to resume writing experts at, typos and making grammatical mistakes on a resume provides an impression among potential employers that an individual is careless.

The two mistakes additionally provide an impression that individuals will less likely conduct their tasks in details. To enhance the level of confidence an employer may have on job applicants, the applicants need to strive to avoid grammar mistakes.

It is important for individuals to consider asking friends and acquaintances to proofread their resumes. This should be a practice prior to submitting the resume. An error that the job applicant could not see may be picked by the proofreader.

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 Embellishing the Resume

Making up information about oneself is one of the common mistakes that individuals make while creating resumes. Individuals may make up information when they are desperate for the job.

For instance, an individual may resort to lying about their grounds and their levels of academic qualification. This practice is costly in the long run since it may result to a loss in employment chance.

It is also likely to pose prosecution risks to an individual. It is a matter of imperative significance that job applicants should provide information of truthful value viability when providing all aspects of information regarding their educational and work pasts.

Length of the Resume

The information provided on the resume should be precise to aid in saving on space. Some job applicants resort to making long resumes that create boredom.

Still, some of the applicants may write short resumes with squeezed information and content. This is a mistake that should be avoided. In either of the two scenarios, an impression set is that an individual may either be inconsistent or lazy.

While different employers may develop different perceptions on either of the two scenarios, a resume needs to be created within a standardized framework of not more than two pages. The size should be used to express an individual’s skills and additional information that is relevant for the job application.

The formatting part is one of the areas that job applicants fail to consider when making work applications. While incorporating visual appeal when writing a resume is important, care should be taken to use viable visual impression techniques.

Wacky fonts and word coloring should be avoided since this is likely to distract a resume reader from capturing information that has a viable value. Employers should be able to read the resume with ease. Font is never a guarantee  for quality. Quality is determined by the information’s preciseness.

Wrong Address Choice

One of the mistakes made by individuals when writing resumes is the use of email addresses that are non-professional. For instance, using lazyyouth(at) is considered unprofessional.

While the email address part is an area that is less likely to attract attention, it is advisable that job applicants should maintain professionalism while communicating their skills and personal information. Instead of using funny names on email address, individuals should rather use their name tag on their email names. This is an important consideration that needs to be made when creating a resume.

While resume writing may be a tedious task, it is important for individuals writing the resumes to make a number of considerations. Correct grammar should be used in any resume. Truthful information regarding an individual’s skills and pasts should conform to the real information about the individual.

Proper length should be used when writing the resume. Usually, a two-page resume is considered important. The address used on the resume should conform to professionalism. Of worth value consideration is the fact that a resume that blends all the features discussed is considered a properly developed resume.

 Author Bio

Having over 7 years of teaching experience, Ben Russel is now helping students apply for college. One of his recent articles is on how to write an IB application essay.

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