Do’s and Don’ts for Linkedin Business Users

Do’s and Don’ts for Linkedin Business Users 


Don’t – people mistakenly believe that they can join an industry forum on linked-in, add some blog post and increase the hits to their website. This doesn’t work and will only waste your time. Why because most people who use industry forums are business people like you, adding their own post in this pointless and poor marketing tool, which means they won’t read your post and you won’t read there’s. The click through rate on linked-in forums is low!!!


D0 – because loads of businesses use linked-in forums, you can use the businesses to promote your website. In the past I have welcomed linken-in business to write post for my blog giving them a free backlink, in return they will add my post to there site reaching new customers. I also tell the business to promote their article to their list and via social media which increases hits to my site. I have also posted group workings such as asking businesses to post positive comments on my blog, in return for me providing them a positive comment. Last year I made a group of 10 businesses who had free products to give away and wrote a blog post linking to these great giveaways (my give away featured at the top of the post) and then got all 10 companies to promote this amazing opportunity to their list (10 companies x on average 800 customers per list) this post got lots of hits and was featured on my blog.

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How to Negotiate a Pay Rise

How to Negotiate a Pay Rise 


When negotiating your pay rise, you need to first set the value high by you first setting the initial offer, your employer will then come in under what you stated, but due to you setting the mark high (this has to be realistic) you will often receive a higher salary compared to when the employer sets the first initial offer, which is often low.


This is because we use the initial offer as a baseline and then the employer and employee negotiate from this first offer, all the following negotiations or salary offers are compared to the original offer as we naturally compare everything.


In this example the employer’s original offer is £25,000, your counter offer is £35,000, the final offer will be around £30,000.


If you set the initial offer for the same position at £42,000, the employer’s first offer will be around £30,000 which means the final offer will be around £35,000.


Now obviously these figures and offers will vary depending on your experiences, negotiation skills and the employer’s business acumen, but the point is by setting the initial offer high, highlighting your value, you will be offered a higher wage while leaving the employer believing that their shrewdness has secured them a good deal (you asked for £42,000 and accepted £35,000 – £5,000 more than you would have accepted if the employer set the bar low with his initial offer).


As you have stated your perceived value in monetary terms with your initial offer, the employer is forced to offer you a higher salary as they can’t offer a salary that is dramatically lower unless they believe that you are not worth the money or if the company has set a non-negotiable salary limit for your position.


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Take a Side Step, To Step Up

Take a Side Step, To Step Up


With advances in technology and global competition, job sectors are changing at a rapid pace, requiring organisations to look at new innovative ways at working. This also includes businesses looking at new sources of income through offering new products, services and diversifying their market.


For some employees new changes can be hard to initiate but for the clever professional looking at lateral career advancement, gaining that all important promotion quicker then could be expected. The following steps will allow you to advance your career by simply embracing the new changes in your organisation and job sector.



Let Others Know Your Expertise


As you hear about the new initiatives in your industry, you need to quickly become an expert these developments, from offering anew service and understanding the market for a new product. A couple of days searching on the internet and researching in the library can give you enough knowledge to sound like you have the expertise to gain a job offer.  Embrace the new changes as the rumours spread about the forthcoming changes and let us know about your expertise on this new development. With office gossip the key communication tool in most organisations, your expertise will soon be known to the senior management, if not during your next meeting let them know.



Take On Extra Responsibility


Offer advice, give feedback and research this new initiative and make accurate predictions, soon your senior management team will be coming to you first for advice.  Take pride in your work and knowledge and keep researching and building up your own expertise, don’t fall into the trap off dumbing down your new found wisdom even when other colleagues on your level start talking behind your back, as this is a sign that your hard work is coming to fruition, as competitive employees will be jealous of your new found status in the company.


Acted as if You Been Promoted


With people at all levels asking for your opinion on how to take advantage of their new initiative, you have come, in the eyes of the organisation a powerful asset. This last stage is simple, just start to act as if you have been promoted to the position you require; complete additional task, analysis statistics and make predictions, research competition and market trends. Set up meetings to discuss your new founding’s and offer a detailed plan of action. When your ideas have been agreed, offer to take charge, give additional insights and give them suitable names of employees that you will need as part of your team. With this agreed offer to brief them and start to implement the action plan, in this way you are seen as the project manager. As your hard work starts to increase income you can approach your line manager for a well deserved pay rise.


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How to Gain a Job Promotion

Job Promotion

Once you gain employment, its time to think about your next step up the career a ladder – A Job Promotion.

To be successful in your career, you need to aim high to help get away from low level jobs. We already know that the future employers in the UK will be looking for highly skilled individuals and a job promotion is one way to gain these skills.

The ideal job role is a position that challenges you (to stop you from being bored) in a job role that is inline with your values and beliefs – this helps you feel that you personally are achieving something you believe in.

How to gain a job promotion:                                                                                            

Personal Resources

First, look back at your career, then look where you are now. What have you achieved to gain your current position? What skills and qualities do you already possess? Which of these skills have you used to move this far forward with your career? Can any of these skills help you gain a promotion? Are there any weaknesses that you need to improve? What resources do you have around you to help you overcome these weaknesses? What else do you need to do before you gain a promotion?

We all have the resources inside us and these IAG questions will help you unlock your personal resources and the answers you need to help you gain a promotion.

Do You Want a Promotion?

Before achieving a promotion, you need to decide if a promotion is for you! What job role do you really want? Be clear; think about the duties and responsibility you are looking for. If you were promoted now how would it feel? Would you like this new role? Are you looking for a promotion up the career ladder or a side promotion to a different department? You may enjoy your current role, but would you enjoy the new role and responsibilities that will come with your promotion?

Make a Visual Action Plan

Write down your goal at the top of a piece of paper, make this big and draw a coloured star around it. Draw a thick 2 line path from the bottom of the page to the star, this can be straight or curved, add 9 horizontal lines to the path, making the path look like it has 9 large paving stones.

On these paving stones, starting with the one at the bottom at the page, write or draw the steps you need to take to reach your goal – your promotion. This is your personal promotion action plan, put as much or as little detail on as you want, the main part is having a written action plan that we can look at each day, as research will often show that we are more likely to achieve what we write down.

Let Others Know

Now you have direction and a plan to follow, you will know if you’re ready for a promotion now, or if there is something to develop before you gain a promotion. Once you are ready, let other people, including your manager, know that you are looking for a promotion. Be ready to back up why you are ready for a promotion with your knowledge, skills, attitude, determination and positive actions.  In some cases you will have to convince people several times that you are ready for a promotion; take any criticism as an opportunity to learn.

Take Pride in Your Job

Some employees gain promotions quickly in any company they work for, why? Most take pride in their work, when given a task they will be positive, creative and look at how they can complete their task, and then they will check to see if anything could go wrong or be improved before completing the task.

Be your best at work-everyday! Complete all tasks, no mater how small with equal passion and enthusiasm. Believe in yourself, believe in the job role, promote passion and hard work and never give up.

Embrace a Challenge

As your manger see’s this new positive you, they may test your ability by giving you more changing task; the best way to test if someone is ready for a promotion is to see if they can complete a task that they would be given in their new role. Don’t see any additional task as a chore or more work.

Embrace the challenge, manage your work and make an effort to complete the task before the given deadline. Don’t tell others about your additional work, they don’t care! Make every effort to prove yourself, this could be the difference between gaining a promotion or not.

If you have not been asked to take on additional work, ask for it! Look at the problems your company is having, solve them and take the answer to your manager – employers like people who come with solutions not problems.

Act like you have been promoted

Start taking on some additional responsibility and tasks that you would do once you gain a promotion. Become the expert and give advice and support to others, think about your comments at meetings and how you word your e-mails; communicate like you would once you gain a promotion.