3 Ways To Advance Your Job Interview Techniques

Advance Your Job Interview Techniques

The internet has changed the job interview.

For all job sector interviews, you as the candidate can simply Google “sector job interview questions” and within seconds you can have a list of potential questions that you will soon be asked. Following on from this, you may Google to the company history or even as on a forum for potential answers.

So why with all this information at your fingertips why aren’t you successful in the job interview? This is because you are searching for basic interview tips to secure the job interview. This isn’t good enough, as everyone else is using these same strategies.

Instead, ADVANCE your interview techniques

Need Help to Pass Your Next Job Interview?

You can book an ONLINE Interview Coaching Session and/or a Mock Interview with an interview coach by e-mailing employmentking@gmail.com all you need is a webcam.

  • Learn The 3 Step Process for Killer Interview Answers 
  • Double Your Interview Confidence with Specialised Techniques  
  • Mock Interview – Get Really Feedback on Your Interview Skills 

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 Advance Your Job Interview Techniques #1

Focus on Delivery

A job interview is a communication sales pitch. Where job applicants go wrong in the job interview is they always concentrate on only their interview answers, the words they use, rather than the delivery style of interview answers.

Communication isn’t just words. Communication is created with tonality, volume, gestures, body language and facial expressions (plus much more) What you say is important but as any orator will try to impress on you is the power of how you say it, the packaging to the delivery of your job interview answer.

Create a strong job interview answer, then focus on the delivery style; say it with confidence, say it with purpose, say it with emotion.

Advance Your Job Interview Techniques #2

Create a dialogue

An interactive interview creates rapport, increases likability and becomes more memorable

Failed interviewees will reflect and realise that they couldn’t stop talking. Their waffled answer turn the interviewer off, creating disinterest. To have a real impact in the job interview, talk less, ask more questions and create beautiful dialogue.

When asked a question give a string answer (focusing on your delivery style) and follow up by asking the job interviewer a question, relating to the question they asked you. As an example, if they asked you about your knowledge on a certain ICT system, ask them if they know about a new time-saving ICT system.

This style of interviewing is advanced and creates positive interaction. The interviewer, having a break from the normal interview style that they have heard for the past 2 days, creates a memorable job interview.

Interview questions and answers

Advance Your Job Interview Techniques #3

Key the glass half full…always

Time and time again when I deliver interview coaching sessions, clients tell me, how in the job interview they discuss sector problems, barriers and mistakes. I can never understand this perspective.

The job interview is the one place where you need the glass to be half full, no, over spilling with punitiveness. Explain your successes, show enthusiasm for your sector, answer problem questions with the frame of enjoyment – you enjoy solving problems.

Whatever you do in the job interview, do it with a smile, with positiveness and enthusiasm.

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How Persuasive Interviewees Get There Point Across

Persuasive Interviewees

The job interview is all about getting your point of view across.

The successful job interviewee can persuade, influence and manipulate  the interviewer so they are seen as the ideal candidate to offer the job too.

This doesn’t mean you have to lie, instead it means that to be successful in a job interview you need to learn the key skills persuasive people use to get there point across.

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The Listen and Repeat Method

To persuade a stranger, your interviewer you need to know what they value, what makes them tick, what criteria (skills, experience, work ethic) is important to them.

If you answer you interview questions quoting facts and examples that they deem important they will not only listen to you more intently bit they will build rapport with you.

Often the unsuccessful interviewee doesn’t understand why they didn’t get offered the position.

Throughout the interview they answered all the questions, gave examples and smiled. The problem is not everyone thinks that things you deem important, are important to them.

If I was going to sell you a holiday, I could discuss the sandy beeches where you can relax, the pool where you can chill out, the quite restaurants where you can eat peacefully. Sounds nice? Not if your looking for a holiday adventure, with actives everyday and dangerous around each corner.

To persuade in the job interview listen to what the interviewer discusses, pick up if they are a goal setter or problem solver, if they value profit over quality, if the preference staff with creativity or a rule follower. Once you understand what the employer values you can quote this during the job interview, making all your interview answers more relevant

Saying Little, Can Say a Lot

The nervousness interviewee is known to chatter on.

An over-talker not only confuses the interviewer but lets slip their weaknesses. By having a structure to your interview answer will keep you on point. You can open by stating how you have the desired criteria and follow this up with an example.

During the example you want to add a little intrigue, as this will get the interviewer asking you questions.

By getting the interviewer to ask you questions helps not only build rapport but gets them seeing you as an authority. You back up what you are saying with facts and figures, and even ask the interviewer their opinion, turning the interview into a conversation.

This is how people persuade with conversation by getting you to ask them, the persuader, to talk more.

Always end your original answer with intrigue, allowing the interviewer an opportunity to  ask you questions

Interview questions and answers

Find Common Ground

The key to interview success is likability

People are more easily persuaded when they like you.

This is why the listen and repeat rule is key. If the interviewer is talking about goals and objectives and you, with enthusiasm, join in the conversation, stating how having goals, milestones and objectives motivates you to be your best you will both find a connection.

It doesn’t even matter what the common ground is as long as you can find something that makes the interviewer connect to you.

Employment King offer;

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  • Career Advice in Manchester
  • Online Interview Coaching
  • Interview Confidence Sessions in Manchester
  • Interview and Presentation Sessions in Manchester
  • Mock Interview Sessions in Manchester

5 Influence Styles You Can Use in a Job Interview

5 ways to influence the interview outcome

You are influenced every day, thousands of times, and you probably aren’t aware of 90% of them.

We are influenced by images, words, social proof, repetitive slogans, scarcity and by a number of other things. People influence each other with tonality, gestures, commitment and their style of communication.  the power of influence has a massive effect on your day with you buying goods, voting for politicians and making choices because of the power of influence and psychology.

These same psychological tactics can be employed in the job interview, giving you the upper hand. Here are 5 different influencing styles you can adopt in your next job interview.

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Need Help to Pass Your Next Job Interview?

You can book an ONLINE Interview Coaching Session and/or a Mock Interview with an interview coach by e-mailing employmentking@gmail.com all you need is a webcam.

  • Learn The 3 Step Process for Killer Interview Answers 
  • Double Your Interview Confidence with Specialised Techniques  
  • Mock Interview – Get Really Feedback on Your Interview Skills 

job interview questions


We respond to authority.

By being seen as an authority in your sector you will gain compliance from the interviewer. Being assertive, stating, insisting that your ideas and suggestions will have a positive outcome once employed people to your authority.

Most of us are sheep and like to be sheep. Being a commanding Sheppard, herd the interviewer(s) to the pen of your choosing.


The best salespeople convince us that their product is the best product, even if it means spending a little more.

Put forward your ideas and offer logical, rational reasons to convince the job interviewer of your point of perspective. Once the interviewer is won over with one idea they are more likely to agree to other ideas due to the psychological law of compliance. This is why great salespeople not only sell one good, they also up-sell to their customers


An interview is a two-way conversation.

As with all debates, there are two sides to every story. If the interviewee states one fact, suggestion or idea and the interview has another viewpoint you can easily create friction, even fall out.

The secret to winning people over is negotiation. Look for compromises and find the middle ground

Relationship Building

A great communicator is someone who can build strong relationships with a complete stranger.

Nowhere is this more important than the job interview situation. Use common interest, your tone, facial expressions, body language, everything to build rapport. People will often favor people more that they like. This means that your interview answers will gain more points if the interviewer likes you as a person, compared to someone who takes an initial dislike.

Inspire Imagination

Humans are goal setters.

Often interviewees talk about past successes – this is good to a point. To really influence the interview, explain how your skills and past experiences will make an impact in the future within their organisation. Find future possibilities that will inspire the interviewer, show them how you will increase profit, create new business and save on overheads. Give them a positive future vision.

Interview Preparation Resources

Employment King offer;

  • Interview Coaching in Manchester
  • Career Advice in Manchester
  • Online Interview Coaching
  • Interview Confidence Sessions in Manchester
  • Interview and Presentation Sessions in Manchester
  • Mock Interview Sessions in Manchester

Does a Handshake Effect a Job Interview?

Interviewees are always looking to get an advantage over other applicants.

We already know that the way you answer the job interview questions; the structure you use, the tone of your voice and the passion you state your words with have a powerful influence in  a job interview.

You will also understand the power of a first impression.

A first impression isn’t just based on what you wear (which is what most people wrongly believe) The first impression is assessed at an unconscious level, and your facial expressions, body language and handshake effect the outcome of the employer’s prejudices.

Visual and Touch

Your brain is in its own world. The mind cant see or feel. Instead, it relies on electrical impulses that are fired off via your senses – what your body see’s, hears and feel’s sending a different electrical impulse to your brain, your subconscious then through learned experience tells you how to respond.

If you see an overweight man, as an example, you will have an instant opinion about this person. Maybe your experience has taught you that overweight people are lazy? Or maybe you have the belief that overweight people are kind and hardworking. We all have and make instant opinions about new people we meet, and we make them instantly.

These opinions can be changed, but often the opinion the interviewer has created about you is a filter that they will use when they interview you – which means you need this first impression to be a positive one.

Your handshake, which is physical, which means its a highly powerful influence, has to help you to create a positive first impression.


Powerful Handshake in a Job Interview

Below you will learn a basic technique to give you a powerful handshake. It will sound so basic, that you won’t at first believe the power of it. So, I recommend you test the different shakes out on a friend. Do this with your eyes closed and focus on the feeling you get when shaking their hand in the following ways

As we said before, handshakes like all body language give away how you are feeling – nervous or confident? And employers prefer to offer jobs to confident interviewees. Employers are not taught what a certain handshake represents but unconsciously your handshake and body language will give clues to the employer’s subconscious mind.

  • If your Palm is facing up this can be taken as a sign of submission
  • A palm facing down can be taken as aggressive
  • A palm facing sideways is taken as a sign of equality
