Are Older Job Hunters Prejudice Against?

Are Older Job Hunters Prejudice Against? 


Only unsuccessful older job hunters believe employers are prejudice against their age. The truth is employers are prejudice about all job applicants.


You have to remember that the employer makes their opinion about you from what you record on the job application, CV or resume. From your text the employer makes a positive or negative opinion of you, if the same when you read a character in a book, your image of that character is distorted by the text the author uses, which means if you are concern about the age barrier you need to reframe the old age in to experience “in-depth knowledge of X, gain through over 25 years experience in …”

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Career Coaching Manchester


Career Coaching Manchester



Career Coaching

Expert Careers coaching and Advice is essential to help you maximise your career potential and to use your skills, experience and qualifications to gain a career that you will succeed in.

  • Have you ever wondered why you haven’t got the job you really wanted?
  • Do you know how to sell your skills and qualities to an employer?
  • Have you ever-explored other careers that match your skills, qualities and personality?


At Employment King the focus is on YOU! We give individual tailored careers coaching advice. First we will look at what you have been doing to gain employment or a career promotion, and ask what can we improve? What can we do different? If something isn’t working lets change it.

First I want you to ask yourself


  • What motivates me?
  • What do I really want to achieve?
  • How do I want to be seen by others?
  • Do I have a good work-life balance?
  • What is really important to me, in my life?


As well as gaining information on careers, we at Employment King believe it is important to look at people’s values and beliefs as your values and beliefs are the principles that guide your life.


  • Do you know what your next step up the career ladder should be?
  • Do you know what type of Career suits your Personality?


Our personality type profile will allow you to understand your personality and how you can motivate yourself. It also helps you build self-awareness and gives examples of the type of job roles that you would excel in.

Unemployed? Looking for a new career?


  • Do you find job adverts you would like to apply for?
  • Does your CV and/or Application forms gain you job interviews?
  • Do you gain job offers from interviews?


Already you may be gaining more awareness of the reasons you are missing out on job opportunities. If one of these steps is stopping you gaining employment, then Employment King can help you overcome this barrier and help you move forward towards your career goal.

Looking to develop yourself in your current company?


  • Are you earning the wage you deserve?
  • Has your manager noticed your skills and talents?
  • Do you find your job exciting?
  • Do colleagues or competitive companies know off you?
  • Have you ever turned job offers down?
  • Have you answered “No” to any of these questions?


If so you may have worried that you are not the suitable for your current job role, this often is not the case. In most cases people have the skills and qualities needed to move up the career ladder but don’t know how to promote these to an employer. At Employment King we believe our role is to help you recognise your strengths, abilities and career goals. We can help you change, and change is easier then you think.

 Telephone Careers Sessions £44.99

E-mail with your contact number, brief outline of your query and times when you would be available to talk. One of our career coaches will telephone you back at a time convenient to yourself for a career coaching session lasting around 60 minutes.

Face to Face Careers Sessions £79.99 (Greater Manchester Only)

If you live in Greater Manchester you can meet one of our careers advisors face to face for a 90 minute careers coaching session. To book an appointment E-mail

3 Face-to-face Coaching Sessions £180 (Greater Manchester Only) SAVE Over £59.99 

If you live in Greater Manchester you can meet one of our careers advisors face to face for 3 X 90 minute careers coaching session. To book an appointment E-mail




The Cost of Your Career

The Cost of Your Career


This months Guest Blogger is from Maria Rainier is a hardworking freelance blogger


In case you haven’t noticed, going to university isn’t cheap.

In fact the price for university admission just keeps rising and rising, making higher education a less appealing option for students and families suffering from financial strain. A recent piece from The Telegraph details just how dire the situation is for youths who want to enroll in university over the next few years. The article explains just how high tuition costs are skyrocketing, with many university fees coming close to £9,000, not to mention the other expenses that come with attending university. That’s quite a jump considering not long ago fees for tuition cost around £3,000.

Needless to say, if you’re a student attending university, you should try your best to make every day count. Moreover, you should make every class, every assignment, and every single study session count. Because the time you spend at university may very well translate into the successes or failures of your future career. You can graduate and go on to begin a lucrative career as a young professional, or you can graduate and feel like you didn’t get anything out of the entire university experience. It’s up to you to choose how to spend your time.

I’m writing this to help guide you through the decisions you make in university, to make sure that you get the most out of the money you spend on the experience. Let’s take a look at what you should do to optimize your learning, shall we?

Choose a viable career

This point seems obvious, but hear me out. This post is meant to address university students and hopefuls with clear career ambitions, those who yearn to achieve professional and monetary success. If those are the things that you want out of career, then you need to aim for industries that are booming at this moment, those that offer the most jobs with the most room for upward mobility.

A job in engineering will likely yield more rewards over time than an academic post in the humanities, for example. That’s not to knock academia, of course, I’m just stating the facts: engineers have a better shot at a long and developed career simply because they’re in higher demand. If you want a successful career, you’re better off choosing among professions that offer a higher chance of success, no?

Choose courses that teach skills necessary for your career ambitions

Hopefully you’ve chosen a career path before you even entered university so you can devote most of your time to it, but sometimes it takes quite a while for students to sort out what profession they want to pursue. When it comes to classes, choose wisely: you want to take advantage of the little time you have to study what interests you at university, because it’ll be over before you know it.

My rule of thumb is that you should take courses that closely correspond to your desired career, preferably those that offer a hands-on education in whatever industry you pursue. Theoretical knowledge is necessary to a sound education, but you want to make sure that you learn enough practical skills in college so you can market your talents on a CV after you graduate. You want to show your potential employers that you have the applied skills of an entry-level professional if you ever hope to be hired in this shaky economy. The more of these skills you get out of college, the better you’ll look once you’ve graduated.

Maria Rainier is a hardworking freelance blogger who dispenses online education advice and useful data for students, instructors, and parents interested in the online education industry. Please share your comments with her below!

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National Careers Service

National Careers Service


With over 10 years experience delivering careers advice to people from all walks of life from teenagers to graduates to career professionals. We have supported people to make the correct career choice during redundancies, before picking your university course and when your just looking for a career change.

Based in Manchester we offer face to face careers advice session and we also offer a national career service to people through out the UK via telephone. If you are looking for professional career advice from Employment Kings leading career coaches you can book a telephone careers advice session with our national telephone career service, by clicking this link: National Telephone Careers Service.

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I Want a New Career But I Don’t Know What To Do!

I Want a New Career But I Don’t Know What To Do!


Are you like so many other people, who are in the wrong job? Or are you ready for a career change? Do you want a new career but you don’t know what you can do? Then you will want to read this article which will in 9 easy steps help you great a carer idea you will love, then all you need to do is learn the secrets of employment and secure more job offers then ever before.

First read each of the nine steps before returning to step one to start your journey to finding your new career.


  1. Job Titles are for losers from working with hundreds of career hopefuls, I have realised the biggest barrier to finding you a perfect career is Job Titles. Job hunters will often say “I Don’t want to be a doctor (or any other job title)” “I have though about working in Media (or any career sector) but it’s not really me” if you knew what job title you wanted you would be job searching by now, if your unsure on your career ideas start by thinking about your likes and dislikes and for now ignore all the job titles as they limit so many people – you have to remember there are thousands of job roles out their, it’s like looking for a career needle and a job sector haystack.


  1. List Your Likes and Values start by looking at everything you value and like in a perfect career, this could be hours, respect, promotional opportunity, personal development, fulfilment or money. Make your list big at least 20-30 elements. Once you have record your “wants” put them in order of importance by asking would I prefer a job role with Criteria A or Criteria B? Work through your list in this way.


  1. List Your Don’t Want’s now you have a list of your wants, record a list of your dislikes, what don’t you want in a career? You may record criteria’s as such as; more then an hours travel, working in a noisy environment, no personal devolvement, a manager who doesn’t offer support, etc. go through your list and ask yourself, if I was offered a job with 3-5 of my wants and this one “don’t want” criteria would I accept the job offer? Ask this for all your “don’t want” criteria as this will let you know how important your Don’t Want criteria list is to you.


  1. Where is your best working environment? Next think about where you work best, do you work best in groups or alone? Do need a quite place of work or do prefer to work in a noisy environment? What environment most motivates you, indoors or outdoors? In city or in the country? Do want a job where you visit different places of work or working destinations or do you want to work at the same venue day in and day out? Upmarket venues or downtown places? Where is your ideal place of work?


  1. If you could do anything what would you do? Imagine you lived in a magical world, where you can choice any career you wanted and it didn’t matter about your qualifications, experiences and every salary was the same. All you needed to do is pick any career and you could start tomorrow – without thinking about your ideal career what job has just popped into your head?


  1. Can the future you give you advice? Imagine for what ever reason, the next twelve month work out for the best, every choice you make is the best choice, every goal you set you achieve, you pass every job interview  and you’re the happiest you have ever been. Imagine you can see a picture of you in twelve months time, what are you doing? Do you look happy? Do you look healthy, where are you working? Imagine you are this future you looking back down your time line to the version of you reading this article, what advice would this future you give the you now?


  1. What steps did the future you, take? As you look at your timeline you can see yourself in twelve months time, with you being at your best. Look down your time line and see yourself in 9 months time, what are you doing? What are you doing to get to that great place you are at in the twelve month? Look at your self at 6 months, and see what you are doing before you become the person at month 9. do the same at 6 months and 3 months see yourself on your timeline and become aware of all the steps this future you is taking to become the perfect you in twelve months and remember everything in the next twelve months will work out for the best, so if you see any negative images delete them and redesign your own image, your own future.


  1. Make a plan. Now you have viewed your timeline and this future you, take the 4 images from the timeline and make 3 actions for each of the 4 stages. What do you need to do by month 3, month 6, month 9 and month 12. How do you need to feel, how should you act? Which task should you complete? What task should you complete first? What should you say to yourself each day to keep yourself motivated?


  1. Get a date. For each action, record a “to do by” date, the idea here if that you have 3 or more actions to complete by 3 months, 3 more actions by 6 months, 3 more by 9 months and a final 3 or more actions to be completed by 12 months. By this time you will be well on your way to a new life, a new career and a new future.


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Turn your Job into a Career

  • Turn your Job into a Career


For many young people today, the biggest Career challenge seems to be getting onto the employment ladder in the first place.


We are often brought up with the limiting belief that the longer you stay in education the better employment prospects you will have. This is not always true, as many graduates who leave education and find it hard to secure employment, sometimes this is due to their grades or attitude and in many other cases because they picked the wrong subject!


  • The wrong subject


With university fee’s increasing, you don’t want to spend thousands of pounds on a course designed to secure you a career, which half way though you realise “it isn’t for me”


You can get good careers advice, but the key is to find your passion and then get paid for doing it – what is it that really gets your juices flowing? Helping people, complex sums, creating a masterpiece, performing to thousands? You need to ask yourself what will make me wake up every day and shout “yes I’m going to work”


We are all excited about different things, your passion is personal to you and I would add, Once you know your passion, it is easy to find the route to your career.


  • What if I get it wrong?


Einstein failed his exams and later became the figurehead of geniuses throughout history. Richard Branson was bankrupt and is now a successful billionaire. Elton John took a risk, walking out half way through a concert with his band as he knew that his real desire was to be a successful solo singer.


To have a successful career you first need to know what you are passionate about and then you can ask yourself “what is the best way for you to achieve your career goal?”


Apart from certain professions such as medicine and law, higher level education qualifications do not necessarily open the door to desirable employment opportunities.


I personally know several very successful business people, who quit university to pursue their dreams and they all had two things in common “passion” and the belief that they would “succeed”


  • Career Planning


Once you know your passion, you need to plan your career path, for some this will be through education, for others their path will be through apprenticeships and employment and for some they will do it by themselves.


It’s not about which career path you choose, it is about identifying each of the steps needed to be taken along the way and committing to your goal, as some days it will be harder to do this than others.


You need to plan the steps from the YOU now to the successful future YOU- How can you become successful? What do you need to learn? What experiences do you need? What resources will help you?


As an example someone choosing to work instead of attend college, may have a goal to own their own hairdressing business – for this they know they need learn about business, become a competent hairdresser and have financial backing.


To do this, they may first gain a hairdressing job, working at the bottom rung of the ladder cleaning up hair and making cups of tea. For some young people completing these “boring” task is an insult, thinking “this duty is beneath me- why should I do it?” Whereas the successful young person with a career plan, knows that one day they will have their own business, and everything they are doing, seeing and hearing is helping them to become a better future hairdresser and business professional and I would add, this is often seen by others as you having a “good attitude” which results in them offering you more responsibility and the chance to learn new hairdressing skills, further supporting your long term career goal.


  • What is a good attitude?


So what is a ‘Good attitude’?  The short answer is that it is a positive approach to the work situation. (As Jim Rohn says, the guy who whistles as he hauls out the trash is worth at least 10cents an hour more.) Show as a Pull quote. Employers say they are always looking for people who:


  • Are prepared to take that bit more responsibility
  • Look for better ways of doing their work
  • Look for extra work they can do a part of their existing job


While the official policy of most employers is to encourage talent and initiative to rise through the ranks, it usually doesn’t feel like that if you are working at the bottom of the hierarchy.


As the employee, you need to look at each task as a learning opportunity, asking “what am I learning from this experience?” “How can I use this experience to achieve my career goal?” “How can I make this task more exciting?” and “How can I be the best at this task?”


One you start asking these questions to all task, you will be quickly become known as a good worker, with a good attitude and when the opportunity arises to move up the career ladder you can take it, often with the positive support of your previous employers. 

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How to get your talent noticed?

  • How to get your talent noticed?                                            



I met thousands of people who say they have a great talent but can’t get noticed, singers who want to be pop stars, artist who want recognition and even job hunters who desperately want a job in a career they are an expert in.


  • How good are you…really?


The question is how good you are, will your voice sell records? Will thousands of people want to view your paintings? What value can you offer an employer? If you are really that good, if you have a talent or skill that out-surpasses others than I agree you should get recognised or win that job.


  • What is your talent worth?


If you are an amazing singer, artist or career professional how much money will you be able to earn if you were given that all important one chance? Thousands? Millions? or Billions? 


Think about the next 5, 10 or 15 years if you were given once change in front of a music producer, a gallery owner or an MD, how would the next 5, 10 or 15 years change for the better?


If you are serious about your talent and career, you would have already tried knocking on the doors of galleries, sending your song to producers or e-mailing your CV to hundreds of employers without success, this is not to say you don’t have the talent but it does confirm that your current approach does not work.


  • Getting noticed


The best way to get noticed is to put your money where your mouth is, to back up your talent! Remembers this technique is only for people with a real talent, if you know deep down that you’re not really that good – DO NOT FOLLOW THIS TECHNIQUE


 As you read this your first reaction will be to say “no way am I doing that” but remember if you are that good at your talent, this technique will get you noticed by the people that really matter and once you have been noticed the new contract will soon follow, and what comes with a new contract? Money!


Wait outside the office, studio gallery or wherever the person you need to meet works, approach them and offer them money (around £100-£200) to listen to your music, to view your painting for 5 minutes or to let you work for free for a week!


That’s right offer them money! This is one sure way to get noticed, first they will be shocked by the offer (£200 to listen to one track – wow) and wouldn’t want to turn it down as it will be the easiest £200 they have ever made.


Next if you are that good, they will hear your music, view your painting or get a feel for how you work and will want to take you on knowing that you are a really talented person


From your initial £200 you could quickly get to recognition you deserve and the financial benefits that often comes with having talent – sometime thinking out the box is the key to success


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Building on your Career

Building on your Career                                               

Generally people fall into two categories when it comes to building on their career; the first group will often find a job that they enjoy, work hard at it and only apply for new vacancies when they need to – often in cases of redundancies and I would add a re-active person, will wait till the last minute (final day before being made redundant) before they starting applying for a new position.

The second group, who are more pro-active, will continue to build on their career throughout their current position and I would add continuing to build on your career does not been “just job searching” you will agree, that a pro-active person who does come across a great opportunity will apply for the new position, advancing their career.

The advantage of building on your career means you are ready when it comes to applying for a new position wherever this is due to redundancies or an opportunity to advance up the career ladder.


How to Build on Your Career:                                                      

Become an Industry Expert; as the old saying goes “knowledge is power” the linked article will explain everything you need to know to quickly become an Industry Expert

Make Professional Contacts; collect and give out business cards, attend networking meetings – in many job sectors, it’s about who you know and the image you project

Let it be know you are keen to Advance Your Career; this will increase the opportunity for you being recommended for a promotion or interview offer

Collect Evidence of your Expertise and Abilities; keep copies of supporting e-mail, appraisals, employee of the month certificate, anything that can be used at a later job interview  

Continue to Update Your CV; add new positions, duties and qualifications, when it comes to applying for a new position, you will only need to make a couple of updates to your application

Keep a look out for New Opportunities; don’t wait until you hate a job before you leave, keep an eye out for positions that will advance your career, this can be both internal and external vacancies

Create a Careers Plan; Use a Careers Advisor to help your write a careers plan (or write one yourself) with short, medium and long term goals, recording a plan of action has been proven to increase your ability to follow it through, resulting in a new step up the career ladder

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Internet Marketing – How to Get Customers to Your website

Do you have a website you need to promote; are you looking for more hits and more customers? To have a successful business you need to know how to market your website and to gain returning customers with a monetised website.

  • The more hits you get to your website, the more customers you will receive and the more money you will make.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

This article will teach you how to promote your website to gain new customers, with a monetised website the more customers that hit your website the more income you will receive.

Getting Hits to your website

To get traffic to your website you need your website to rank on page one or two on Google, any lower then this and your traffic will be low – no customers. People search on what we call “key words” such as life coaching in Manchester  (for a coaching website) you need your website to rank high on your search term to get any real amount of customers  to your website.

Google Ad-Words

The quickest way to gain instant clients is by paying for Google Ad – words, as your clients search for a Key wordthe adverts that are shown on the right hand side of page are paid advertisement and you only pay when a client clicks on your advert – and it’s up to you how much you pay, obviously the more you pay the higher up the page you go. The advantage here is that you rank on Google page one within minutes of setting up your ad-word account.


You can also get your website on Google page one or two for free, the way this works is once Google have a key word entered in their search engine, for this example we will use Business Coaching the adverts that come up naturally (not paid for with ad-words) are called SEO. This works by Google checking how many backlinks – people linking to your website from their website with the search term. The more backlinks you have directed to your website the higher up Google you climb.

The myth is that Google check your website content, which is true and I would add that backlinks make up 95% of the power to make your website rise up the Google pages.

  • Remember the higher up Google you rank the more clients will hit your website.                                                                                                                                      


Directories rank high in Google searches for a large amount of key words, you can pay for (in most cases) a yearly subscription for your website to be added to their directory. You can also add your website to free directories but these do not rank very high but do in most cases add a backlink to your website.

What next?

If you want hits to your website quickly use Google Ad-Words and Paid Directories, you pay out initially but gain clients normally on the same day.

Alternatively, market your website for free, add comments to blogs and free directories and build up your backlinks. Once your backlinks increase you will see your website climb higher in Google searches.

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Enterprising Skills

In the recent government budget, we were told that small business will help get the UK out of the recession. The chancellor announced that there will a £45 billion increase in lending to small and medium size businesses, which could lead to 57,000 new jobs.

This is a great time for entrepreneurs with creative ideas and enterprising skills to enter their sector as self employed business person.


What are Enterprising Skills?

To be able to create and operate your own enterprise you will need the knowledge and ability to contribute to your enterprise or and employers enterprise.

Key Enterprising Skills Include:

  • Formulating business plans
  • Selling and marketing of products and services
  • Identifying and obtaining resources
  • Understanding your sector/marketplace needs and wants.
  • Creating and advancing new services and products for the marketplace

A great technique created by Walt Disney to help you create and advance new ideas is the Disney Model (an NLP Technique) The Disney Model allows you to use your creativity, while at the same time ensuring you don’t miss any pitfalls.


How to Plan Out Your Ideas  


This technique in NLP is called the Disney model, as Walt Disney used this model when creating and planning out his ideas for films and theme parks. It allows you look at your idea creatively (Dreamer) realistically (Realist) and critically (Critic)

This technique works really well if you do it physically by placing 3 A4 sheets, each one with a title written on each one; Dreamer, Realist and Critic and place these on the floor. Alternatively you can do this technique from your desk; again you will need the three labelled pieces of paper. 

Step One – finding your inner resources as a Dreamer, Realist and Critic.


Step on to each of the A4 sheets one at a time; when you step onto the Dreamer piece of paper, close your eyes and think of a time when you have been highly creative, this maybe recently or even far back as your school days. Relive the experience and notice what your creative side felt like, how it felt to work to no rules allowing your imagination to work in its own speed.

Shake off  – this helps you break state.

Next step onto the Realist sheet, think back to a time when you felt realistic about an idea, (if you can’t think of a specific time, imagine you are the type of person who can be highly realistic) re-live this experience as if you were that realistic person now, what makes you feel realistic, what do you say to yourself, how do you act and sound? Do you follow or devise a specific plan? What do you do when you feel realistic about an idea?

Shake off and break state

Finally step onto the Critic piece of paper, again close your eyes and remember back to a time when you were able to criticise an idea or project in a constructive way. Remember all the details of this past experience, how did you feel, how do you view ideas when your being positively critical? What do you say to yourself, how do you stand, what is different physically and mentally when you are being a critical person?

Step Two – Your Outcome


Think about your outcome, this could be a business idea, becoming a millionaire, creating the new Facebook – what is your outcome? Step onto the Dreamer piece of paper remembering all the emotions and energy from your re-lived experience.

Visualise yourself completing this outcome, imagine you’re a character in a film or a dream, anything can happen, let your imagination open up and see all the different and varied ways you can achieve your outcome. Feel yourself achieving your outcome.

Next step onto the Realist piece of paper, see yourself as all the other characters in the film or dream, look at your outcome from their eyes and their experiences. Follow this by looking at your process for achieving your outcome as a story board. How realistic is this idea?

Finally, step onto the third piece of paper, the Critic. Look at your outcome from a critic’s point of view, what is wrong? What doesn’t work? What would your inner critic say? Turn all your criticisms into questions for your dreamer.

Now you have used your creative dreamer side, checked how realistic this outcome is and have come up with several good critical questions. Step back onto the Dreamer sheet for your creative side to come up with solutions – walk through all three sheets and continue to use the cycle until you have an imaginative and realistic idea that will work, as you have been your own critic and found and solved any possible obstacles.



Some entrepreneurs have lots of creative skills, others are realistic while some can be critical – all these personalities have positives from a business sense, the Disney Model helps you to access each one of these characteristics for your business model to ensure your projects have been observed at all angles.

The technique allows you to access your Dreamer, Realistic and Critic state to be used to look at project overviews and individual details. If you are new to NLP this technique once read may seem a little strange (standing on A4 pieces of paper) and I would add once done, many entrepreneurs and business people feel the benefit of having the opportunity to look at all the angles of their business idea.

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