Careers Advice in Manchester
Employment King has helped thousands of job seekers to gain career success with our highly successful career and interview coaching progamme.
We believe that everyone deserves to receive a job offer in a sector they are passionate about and skilled in. Career Advice can help you achieve your career dreams.
Career advice and interview coaching sessions are delivered virtually by a trained coach.

Interview Coaching Sessions.
Choose one of three programmes:
Interview Coaching Session: Upgrade Your Interview Skills.
1 Session
- Attend a mock job interview with an interview coach.
- Professional feedback focusing on the strength of your interview answers.
- Gain personalised interview advice and tips to take your job interview to the next level.
The upgrade session is best suited for career professionals who know they should be gaining job offers but, due to their interview skills, fail to secure offers of employment.
One session lasting 60 minutes, delivered online.
Interview Coaching Session: Interview Boost.
Two interview coaching sessions:
Session 1 – focuses on sector-related interview questions and how to deliver high-scoring interview answers.
Session 2 – increases job interview confidence through techniques to help overcome job interview anxiety.
The boost package is two interview coaching sessions that focus on improving the overall performance of an interviewee. Ideal for applicants who fear the job interview process.
Each interview coaching session last 60 minutes per session.
Interview Coaching Session: Interview Reboot.
3 interview coaching sessions that will take your interview skills to a professional level:
Session 1 – Job interview analyst to breakdown an interviewee’s strengths and areas of development, including the structure of the interview answer, confidence level when answering questions and delivering interview presentations, and the likelihood of receiving a job offer.
Session 2 – A focus on creating high-scoring interview answers that reference the job criteria which increases the likelihood of receiving a job offer. Learn about the structure of an interveiw answer, embedding storytelling into job interview answers and how to be seen as highly valuable.
Session 3 – Improve communication in terms of confidence and delivery. This session can be focused on overcoming job interview anxiety, improving confident communication, and how to feel relaxed during the job interview.
Each interview coaching session last 60 minutes per session.
Career Advice Session.
Specialised career by a trained career guidance officer.
Each session will be tailored to the needs and circumstances of the career professional.
Choose 1, 2 or 3 career coaching sessions.
- Review your workplace values and understand your workplace motivators.
- Match careers to your personality type. Gain new career ideas.
- Discuss career and higher educational pathways, job duties and entry routes. Plan your career route.
Each career advice session last 60 minutes per session.
Price Plan – no payment required until an agreed date and time for your career advice or interview coaching session has been confirmed.
To book your career advice and interview coaching session, please complete the coaching inquiry form below.
Session Cost
1 x Session Was £299.99
Now Only £99.99
2 X Sessions was £369.99
Now Only £149.99
3 x Sessions was £499.99
Now Only £179.99
I have recently left a secure job in the Insurance Industry to take a break and evaluate my life.
Im 28 but I feel older as I’m stuck in a rut, I feel I have a lot to give but the difficulty is finding my niche.
I need some advice as I feel life is too short to be unhappy, especially as I have over 40 years of work left in me!
I want to look back on my life with a degree of satisfaction and happiness.
Hi Stephen
It is always good to a break and evaluate your life, especially if you have been unhappy in your previous role.
To find your niche, write a list of everything you have to give – all your skills and qualities – what is it you are really good at? What will others say your strengths are?
Next write a second list of all the duties you enjoy/would enjoy doing (from your previous and potential future roles) add details – do you like to work alone or with others, do you prefer to follow instructions or to be creative?
Thirdly write a list of everything you value at work – what is important to you in your career? Money, Promotion, stability, helping others, achieving targets, etc
You can then use your answer and match these against different job roles and careers, ensuring your next career will be something you wake up feeling excited about, as you said life is to short to be unhappy.
There are many ways to help you move forward, when I work with clients I often look at their goal and what they feel is important for them (in both their life and career) to feel as if they have a fulfilled life and use this as a starting point.
I hope this helps.