I have met hundreds of career professionals in their late 20’s looking for a career change because they choose the wrong career/university course.
Choosing the right profession is key to a work-life balance. The ideal position creates motivation, decreases workplace stress and increase your chances of promotion, higher salary and career happiness.
But how do you choose the best matched job role? Today a Manchester Career Advisor will share the secret of career options using the 3 S’s for a successful career choice
The First S – Strengths
The best career choice is role that naturally utilizes your natural strengths.
First write a list of all your strengths, skills and qualities. Reread past employer appraisals and add to your list the strengths your previous employer said you had. Ask friends and family members what they believe is your natural talent.
Think about the duties you enjoy doing, the task that you find a breeze to complete and the skills that you have now, that you had as a child.
Circle the strengths that you, previous employers and family members all stated
The Second S – Your Story
Next, think about you and who you want to be. Imagine writing a character from the story of your future.
This character is you at your best. When you think about you at your best, what is important to this you? What does this you value? What do they believe in? How do they act? Who do they associative with? What are their aspirations and goals?
What is important to this version of you?
The Third S – Simple Irritations
Do you find that little things annoy you? Some of these irritations annoy you but not others. This is because we all have our own personality type, stress inducers and motivational traits.
Think about how you work best and what styles of work increase stress. Do you work better alone or within a team? Do you preference following procedures or having creativity? Are you interested more in people or systems?
Do you work more productively starting and finishing one task or do you enjoy the challenge of multitasking? Are you an organised individual who works with dairies, to-do list and in a neat and tidy environment or can you work in a mess, with information scribbled on post-it notes stuck under a book?
List what approaches to work motivates you and which working styles stress you?
Putting the 3 S’s Together
With a list of your key strengths, your story (your values and beliefs) and your motivational and stress indicators.
You can now match these to career ideas. If, as an example, creatively, innovation and design was a current theme you know a career in the art and design sector would suit you best.
Once you have spotted your common theme Google “theme Careers” IE “Art and Design Careers” Google will collate Art and Design job profile and job descriptions for you to examine. Read the various related roles and circle any duties that you would enjoy doing on a day to day basis.
The job description with the most circled duties will be a suitable role for you