How to Ensure a Successful Career in the Hospitality Industry


Are you thinking of jumping into the hospitality industry? There is a broad spectrum of opportunities, and some statistics indicate the industry is seeing steady growth with no signs of slowing down. What’s more, there is a shortage of staff throughout the industry, meaning the time is ripe for those interested in developing a career in hospitality.

Deciding on an Avenue

Oftentimes, people think of hotels and restaurants when they think of hospitality, when, in fact, the hospitality industry is a service-oriented arena with a wide variety of career choices. Basically, all careers supporting tourism fall into the selection pool, from theme parks to transportation and event planning. If you are uncertain of your particular direction, spend some time in locations you might like to work and pay attention to the duties taken on by those in your desired position.

Building Blocks

They say there is no greater teacher than experience, and when it comes to working in the hospitality industry, the expression holds true. There is no substitute for hands-on learning in an entry-level position. It allows you to understand the ins and outs of whatever avenue you intend to pursue. Whether you opt to make beds in a hotel or pour coffee in a cafe, it’s a chance to learn what it’s like interacting with your customers, as well as what management practices feel like on the receiving end. You can absorb the mechanics of business directly, seeing how efficiency and customer service come into play from the ground up. With the current climate, a degree is often unnecessary for becoming established in hospitality, but hard work and on-the-job experience will matter in whatever direction you pursue.

Making a Go

Are you considering an entrepreneurial venture? If you already have experience in the industry, were raised in the environment, or have a degree in hospitality, jumping in with both feet could be your next step. Take a self-inventory, considering these three questions to decide if becoming an entrepreneur is fitting for you:

How much time can you dedicate to your career? Becoming a business owner is time-consuming, with some experts suggesting a schedule including 13-hour days and working through weekends not unusual.

How big will your venture be? Weigh whether you will be satisfied with a small, local venture or if you want to enjoy national or international outreach.

What sort of investment are you considering? Finances for small businesses can be complicated and significant, and unless you have substantial savings in place you will most likely need to borrow funds.

Relationships and Reputations

No section of the hospitality industry can survive without a solid customer base. With that in mind, providing outstanding customer service and remaining in touch are keys to your success in whatever direction you go. Most industry experts assert that the primary secret to excellent customer service is to empower those who are on your frontline so they can properly satisfy clientele. Ensure those employees are people-oriented and understand how to sincerely satiate customers, even when a complaint arises. If you are that frontline person, your skills should include listening to your customers, staying positive, and solving problems creatively.

Interview questions and answers

Complaints vs. Accolades

When you serve someone in the hospitality industry, bear in mind they generally come to you with an expectation and are looking forward to you meeting it. As a result, they will either feel good about the experience, or they will feel you fell short. Some statistics indicate those who are dissatisfied are more inclined to talk about your business than those who are happy. With that in mind, it’s vital to remain informed of the chatter about your business. Seek methods for effective reputation management, ensuring your customers are responded to in a manner that provides a personal touch. There are a number of tools available, so weigh your options and decide what method will be efficient in your circumstances.

The hospitality industry offers many opportunities and rewarding experiences. Do some self-introspection and consider your best fit. With hard work, success can be yours.

Interview Preparation Resources

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