
Job Interview Coaching for Career Professionals

Sell Yourself

  • Do Job Interviews Make You Feel Nervous?
  • Are Your Interview Answers Failing to Highlight Your Experience?  
  • Have You Failed to Receive Job Offers Because of the Way You Act During the Interview?

Employment Kings Unique Interview Coaching Sessions Will Help You Land Your Next Job Offer.

Click Here for More Details: Job Interview Coaching

Winning job interviews – what the research says works

Employment King has taken the findings from academic studies to help career professionals land their desired jobs.

Academic studies have highlighted the three rules for a successful job interview

1. Identify the job criteria
2. Be a self-promoter
3. Communicate with confidence

Book a virtual job interview coaching session here


Take the Test

“2 minutes to complete, a lifetime of difference”

Job offers are based on how the job applicant is perceived during the job interview.

The ‘Interview Prediction Grid’ (IPG) ©2020 model evaluates the likelihood of an interviewee’s job interview outcome based on their level of perceived knowledge/experience (K/E) vs Level of Confidence (LoC).

Your ‘interview identity’ will help you better understand how you are seen in a job interview.

  • Boost Confidence
  • Improve Answers
  • Receive Job Offers

Teenager version is available here: Take the teenager interview test

What Is Your Interview Identity?

Research: IPG

Interview Prediction Grid Indicator Test Question 1 of 4

Click the image & description that best represents you

Specialist Knowledge and Experience

Want to pass more job interviews? Buy the Interview Identity book:

Interview Coaching

Employment King has helped thousands of job seekers to gain career success with our highly successful career and job interview coaching progamme.

A female applicant attending a panel job interview.

Everyone deserves a job offer in a sector they are passionate about and skilled in.

Virtual job interview coaching can help you achieve your career dreams:

  • Double your salary when you master selling yourself in the job interview
  • Enjoy the interview process with increased confidence
  • Choose the employer of your choice with multiple job offers

All coaching sessions are delivered live.

Virtual Job Interview Coaching Sessions.

Choose one of three live interview coaching options:


1 x (live) 60 min Virtual Session

  • A mock job interview session with a trained interview coach.
  • Professional feedback focusing on the strength of your interview answers.
  • Gain personalised interview advice and tips to take your job interview to the next level.

Was £299.99 Now Only £149.99


2 x (live) 60 min Virtual Sessions

  • Session 1 – Focuses on sector-related interview questions and how to deliver high-scoring interview answers.
  • Session 2 – Increase job interview confidence through techniques to help overcome job interview anxiety.
  • Gain job offers by mastering how to answer tricky interview questions.

Was £369.99 Now Only £249.99


3 x (live) 60 min Virtual Sessions

  • Session 1 – Job interview analyst to break down your strengths and areas of development.
  • Session 2 – A focus on creating high-scoring interview answers. Learn how to embed storytelling into job interview answers, and how to use an improved version of the STAR technique.
  • Session 3 – Improve interview communication. This session is focused on overcoming job interview anxiety and/or interview presentations.

Was £499.99 Now Only £299.99

Price Plan – no payment is required until an agreed date and time for your job interview coaching session have been confirmed.

To book your virtual job interview coaching session, complete the coaching inquiry form below.


    The Science of Job Interviews: Insights from Scholarly Research

    Employers understand that job interviews are the critical component of the hiring process, serving as a key mechanism for employers to assess candidates’ suitability for a position. The fact that no-one employer has found the perfect processing that results in the hiring of their first-choice candidate has led, over the years, to extensive research. This …