How to Find a Job Opportunity in the Hidden International Job Market

How to Find a Job Opportunity in the Hidden International Job Market

Working abroad is a great way to kick-start an international career. It is not only an adventure, but also a unique way to gain knowledge of another culture. However, finding a job abroad is not a cakewalk. The right drill is to know the appropriate technique for hunting a job.

If you think relying on the traditional ‘application’ method would work in your job hunt abroad, you need to think again! The method of sending applications to the advertised employment market involves high competition, particularly for international job openings.

Most of the expat job seekers spend several hours in exploring the career opportunities in this market, but end up with disappointing results. Hence, the best way to explore career opportunities abroad is cracking the hidden job market, as most of these jobs are not even advertised. Most of the companies prefer to fill their vacant positions with advertising as it saves a lot of time and money. Moreover, they believe that people who are already working for their company are most suitable or prefer their references.

So, how you can get to know about it?Job search diagram

Top Ways to Find Hidden Jobs Abroad

1.     Networking

Networking is one of the best ways to do so. However, you need to be smarter in your approach to connect with people. Follow the simple rules of networking:

  • Give before you get it
  • Make networking a regular thing and not only when you have to get a job reference
  • Networking is not everything about asking for favors, but building relationships
  • Make it easy for your career network to help you get a job by letting them know clearly about your job preferences in terms of industry, position or job role
  • End your conversation by asking your contact about whom you can talk to about a particular thing. This definitely leads to more introductions

By following these tips, you get to increase possibilities of hearing about more opportunities.

2.     Attend various conferences

Conventions and trade shows are some of the ideal options to get into the hidden job market. Here you meet more people who can help you know more about unadvertised jobs, relevant contacts, and even about interview details. Keep yourself updated about any such events and try attending them.

3.     Join and widen your professional networking group

Most of the times, fellow job seekers prove to be a perfect resource for learning about the new career opportunities. Joining professional networking groups allows you to share career information and job search tips. Joining regional career groups also assist in getting information about opportunities in a particular location.

4.     Start contacting recruiters

Job seekers often hesitate to reach out to employers directly unless they see advertised positions. However, it is vital to contact potential employers through emails. Even if any employer has a hiring freeze, your chances of getting hired or contacted in the future remain high. You may also use online social networking sites like LinkedIn to introduce yourself to the various employers. Nowadays, many recruiters rely on such online portals to search the right talent.

5.     Leverage the modern technology

Online job portals are one of the latest ways to search jobs quickly. The information about various employers in different locations can be easily gained just at a click. Moreover, you get regular emails from Google news alerts to stay up-to-date about any latest opportunities and prospective employers.

6.     Know about opportunities with current employer

If you are working with a particular company, but willing to work abroad, it is not necessary that you have to leave your current job. Find out the other locations your company has operations in and look for any internal job posting. Remember, for filling new positions in other branches (also abroad), mostly companies prefer internal candidates. You have to be active in meeting the right people in your organization, research about the hidden opportunities and apply for them.

Numerous opportunities wait for you in the hidden job sector abroad. All you need to do is take up the right strategy.

Good luck!


Swati Srivastava is an avid writer with a keen interest on the extensive domain of job search and career counselling. Currently associated with, her articles are published on several reputed job search portals and online career magazines.
